The Dragon Age series is packed full of tough choices and moral dilemmas, a trend sure to continue in BioWare's upcoming Dragon Age 4. Players have been able to determine the leadership of entire nations, the fates of Elven clans, the heads of major religious organizations, and the victors in wars across the franchise.

Some players will be hoping to enter Dragon Age 4 with the best possible world state. Here are the decisions players can make over the first three games that have the best outcomes for Thedas.

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Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age Origins Morrigan and Alistair

Dragon Age: Origins may have released all the way back in 2009, but the effects of player decisions in the first game are still being felt across the series. It also provides some interesting examples of decisions which may technically have left the world worse off in terms of the lore, but can still be considered necessary for the best possible world state.

By Dragon Age: Inquisition's Trespasser DLC, for example, Origins' companion Sten is the leader of the Qunari military. Considering the actions of the Qunari in Trespasser, some fans might conclude that leaving Sten in his cage is the best possible decision in Dragon Age: Origins. However, the Qunari attack in Trespasser regardless of whether or not Sten was rescued in Origins. As such, a best possible playthrough of Origins involves both rescuing Sten and returning his sword to him during his companion quest.

In order to have the best world state, players need to have recruited all of the available companions in Origins. They need to complete Alistair and Leliana's companion quests, while also choosing the dialogue options which will "harden" them. The player should also complete Morrigan's questline, including attempting to kill Flemeth.

The Warden should choose Bhelen as the next ruler of Orzammar, which causes the dwarves to adopt a less conservative and more outward-facing relationship with the rest of the world. While in Orzammar, they should also find the dwarf Zerlinda, and convince her family to take her back.

The player should not corrupt the Urn of Sacred Ashes, and should cure Conner of his possession by the Desire Demon without causing Conner or Isolde's deaths. While completing the Dalish questline, players need to convince Zathrian to lift the curse on both the Elves and Werewolves, and during the Circle of Magi questline, the player should side with the Mages to prevent them from being purged by the Templars.

Regarding Ferelden's leader, the best choice is a hardened Alistair married to Anora. This cannot be done if Alistair was the one to kill Loghain, but the player can choose to kill him themselves. The player should kill Loghain instead of recruiting him into the Grey Wardens. If Loghain is recruited, Alistair will leave the party. If the player wants both the Warden and Alistair to live at this point their only choice is to perform Morrigan's ritual before the final battle.

While the player can become king or queen if they are a human noble, Inquisition confirms that a living Warden disappeared in search of a cure to the Calling, leaving Ferelden without at least one of its leaders. Making Alistair king prevents this, and removes the possibility of his death in Inquisition.

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Dragon Age 2

The Arishok in Dragon Age 2 sitting

In order to get the best world state from Dragon Age 2, players must complete the following goals: When it comes to their companions, they should not kill Merril's clan, they should not let Fenris be taken back by his Tevinter slave master Danarius, and they should convince Aveline to marry Donic. They should also complete Varric's companion quest, though it does not appear to matter if they let him kill his brother Batrand or not.

If Hawke is a warrior or a rogue, they need to save their sister Bethany from the Templars during the game's final sequence. Regardless of their class, Hawke should not take their living sibling into the Deep Roads with them, as they will contract the Taint and either die or need to join the Grey Wardens. If Carver is left behind he will join the Templars, but can still be persuaded to side with Hawke during the final encounter.

Dragon Age 2 players should also refuse to give Isabela to the Qunari Arishok, and should defeat the Arishok so that he and his forces leave Kirkwall. They should also rescue Saemus when given the chance, though he will die later in the game's plot regardless. When given the option to send Elven Blood Mage and apostate Feynriel to the Dalish or the Circle of Magi, the player should send him to the Dalish. At the end of the game the player should admonish Cullen for blowing up the Chantry, but should ultimately let him go.

Dragon Age: Inquisition

dragon age inquisition

The player's choices in Dragon Age: Inquisition are some of the most likely to directly affect the next game. Players should side with the Mages in the Mage-Templar War. If players side with the Templars, the Mages join Corypheus. The Inquisitor should not exile the Grey Wardens, and should choose Gaspard as the sole ruler of Orlais. Choosing anyone else implies future instability once the Inquisition is gone.

The player should save the Bull's Chargers during Iron Bull's "Demands of the Qun" quest to prevent him from betraying them during the Trespasser DLC. Of the three choices to become the Divine Victoria, players should pick Leliana. If they do so she abolishes the Circle of Magi, freeing the Mages while successfully preventing another conflict breaking out. Assuming the player made the "right" choices in Origins, they will be able to sacrifice Stroud instead of Hawke in the Fade during the quest "Here Lies the Abyss."

In theory these choices will set up the best possible world in Dragon Age 4. While players can rest assured that these are the best decisions to have made based on what fans know so far, the next game may yet reveal some of the unintended consequences these choices will have for Thedas.

Dragon Age 4 is in development.

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