Dragon Age 2 was unique in many ways, and one factor of that uniqueness was Hawke's family. While the family gets notably smaller as time moves forward, the siblings, mother, and uncle still play a vital role in the players' experience in the Dragon Age 2 city Kirkwall. The mother, Leandra, is an especially complex character, and it has created divisive opinions among fans.

The Hawke family is remembered as loving, but not necessarily healthy in their relationships with one another. Leandra is a big component of that, as she puts a ton of responsibility on Hawke after their father dies and puts blame on them when one of their younger siblings dies. She also seems to play a part in why Carver feels useless to the family. This has sparked very interesting conversations and reflections from fans.

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Dragon Age 2: Leandra's Toxic Traits

Leandra's profile.

Leandra is seen at her worst at the beginning of Dragon Age 2 when Bethany or Carver dies. She immediately throws the blame on Hawke for allowing it to happen. Later, she apologizes, but it is pretty agreed upon by fans that that kind of blame from a parent over the death of a family member is not something that can ever truly be taken back.

Fans have discussed noticing favoritism as well. Leandra seems to worry far more for Carver and Bethany than she ever does for her first-born kid. Some have credited this to her just trusting Hawke and believing they are strong and responsible, but it still hits hard that she is so quick to be protective of Carver or Bethany going to the Deep Roads but does not show any concern for Hawke.

A lot is put on Hawke's shoulders partly because of Leandra. She had a plan to get into Kirkwall, and when that fails, it is all up to Hawke. The same is true for pulling the family out of poverty. These responsibilities on Hawke also put particular stress on the other family members. Carver feels ignored and like a shadow in comparison to Hawke in how differently Hawke is treated by Leandra, and that puts a wedge between them as siblings.

Leandra's Backstory in Dragon Age 2

Leandra in Gamlen's house.

While Gamlen is a very flawed character himself, he does make some valid points about Leandra. He mentions a lot about how she was the favorite child and was spoiled until she ran away with Malcolm. Fans have actually theorized that Leandra may harbor some resentment toward Hawke, because it was their birth that put her at a point of no return with her noble parents, and she began her life as a commoner. The birth of Hawke may have been the end of the honeymoon period with Malcolm and Leandra realizing the gravity of her choices.

The fact that Malcolm died, Ferelden was hit by a Blight, and one of her younger kids died is enough to make Leandra find it easy to lash out at Hawke. She may view Hawke to be the safest person to get angry with as well since they are her oldest kid. Due to her noble upbringing, Leandra is also used to depending on others.

Dragon Age 2: A Flawed Mother, a Lovable Character

Leandra looking down.

While most fans agree that Leandra is a flawed mother, many do think she is written very well and love that she was flawed. A lot of fictional parent and child relationships easily fall into black and white categories of good and bad. Leandra is in an uncomfortable and refreshing gray area that a lot of players can connect with. Many have mentioned that Leandra and Hawke reminded them of themselves and their parents. This has made some truly hate her, while others are more empathetic for her.

Leandra is not a mother that shows a lot of love for her oldest child but has loving words when she passes away, which pulled the heartstrings of many players. Her treatment of Hawke is also part of what makes Hawke's found family of companions even more special. Some have even considered that Varric is overprotective of Hawke because he is aware of how Leandra, and everyone else, put a lot on their shoulders.

Dragon Age 4 is in development.

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