On June 26, 2020, a surprise announcement was made that Dr Disrespect had been banned from Twitch. Those first few hours and even days were confusing, as many were quick to point out that it was a permanent ban, and in the absence of answers, there was a ton of speculation as to why Dr Disrespect was banned from Twitch.

This speculation was obviously not good for Dr Disrespect, allegedly costing him a lot of opportunities and partnerships, and to this day, the reasoning for the ban is known to no one outside Dr Disrespect and Twitch. It’s been a discussion point ever since mid-2020, with Dr Disrespect mentioning getting unbanned on Twitch as recently as his New Year’s Resolution for 2022. Now, nearly two years later, it seems there may be a new development in the story.

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As seen below, Dr Disrespected posted an image on social media that states: “I have resolved my legal dispute with Twitch. No party admits to any wrongdoing.” He also commented with a simple, “moving on.” This, for many fans, is more confusing than anything. There were several comments asking if this meant that Dr Disrespect was indeed coming back to Twitch or if this meant that his ban could be openly discussed now.

Some speculate that the generalized language here means little more than ending the dispute as it may not go anywhere fruitful, while others suggest that this doesn’t mean there wasn’t some money exchanged and agreement made between Twitch and Dr Disrespect. Most conclude, it seems, that this actually means no one will every know why Dr Disrespect was banned, as this would seem like it’s meant to NOT publicize the legal dispute.

While that remains to be seen, and indeed it feels even more unlikely now that the reasoning behind his ban IS ever revealed, it’s worth noting that the Doc hasn’t ever quit streaming. Many know he’s been on YouTube for a while now, and recently, he posted stats of his recent streams. They certainly seem impressive. After all, Dr Disrespect even took some credit for the many Twitch streamers who jumped to YouTube.

While Dr Disrespect is known for streaming first-person shooters, he’s recently been streaming Elden Ring, his first Souls game. His first stream saw Dr Disrespect throw a controller and rage quit Elden Ring, while a recent one shows him beating a boss without taking damage. It’s unclear, and unlikely, that anyone will see him streaming Elden Ring on Twitch anytime soon, but the Doc has a strong community that has, and continues to, support him.

MORE: Dr Disrespect Beats Elden Ring Boss Without Taking a Single Hit