Dr Disrespect has always been honest when it comes to his thoughts on Call of Duty: Warzone, and that has not changed when it comes to Season 3 and Verdansk 84. However, while Dr Disrespect was initially critical of the 80s-themed rework, he now seems to be positive on the Call of Duty: Warzone addition.

The Two Time’s initial criticism of Verdansk 84 was entirely based on the map not being brand-new. The Doc expected an entirely fresh location like the Ural Mountains, and when he instead received a reimagining of Verdansk, he was a bit let down. Saying that the map was just “okay” and not as interesting as exploring a “different area of the world” would have been, Dr Disrespect’s issues were clear.

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However, after some more time spent in Verdansk 84’s fresh areas, the Doc shared some updated thoughts with his community. Stating that the map feels “good” and “really nice” to play on, the gamer seems like he is in a good mood when fighting through the map. Stating that he enjoys landing and “going through some of this new geo,” his overall positivity is a major change of pace from his original thoughts. Adding that he likes the changes, he says that the community needs to accept the map even if it is not as different as many had initially hoped it would be.

According to the Doc, Call of Duty: Warzone fans should “sit back and say ‘you know what? It is what it is.’” He then lands at the redesigned Superstore, a location that is now more open and lacking the shadowy corners of the previous design. With Dr Disrespect having a bad experience with the Roze skin at this location, it is not too surprising that he is happy about this redesign. Pointing out that he likes the combat spaces, and the “direction they’re taking” Call of Duty: Warzone, the Two Time has not been this positive about the game for some time.

At about 22 minutes into his stream, Dr Disrespect praises how the “Factory plane [goes] into Superstore.” An entirely fresh location, the plane Factory fills out some empty space that was seen on the original version of Verdansk. Allowing for more combat scenarios due to the addition of the extra point of interest, the Doc is clearly ecstatic about the change. With Dr Disrespect previously stating that he prefers Call of Duty: Warzone and its action-packed gameplay over slower battle royale buildups, it makes sense that he is positive about this faster pace.

While Dr Disrespect is still critical of Call of Duty: Warzone’s trucks, particularly in solo play, it seems like he is more positive about the game than negative at the moment. While it remains to be seen if he will stay this positive after future updates, Verdansk 84 has clearly grown on the popular content creator.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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