Twitch streamer Guy "Dr Disrespect" Beahm announced on Twitter that he would be giving away all the money he receives from donations to charities for the rest of the month. He will be donating this money received from June 4 to June 30.

While Dr Disrespect is known for joking about other streamers, games, and other topics that catch his attention, he also knows when matters require a serious approach. Known for streaming games such Call of Duty: Warzone, Dr Disrespect is a big name in the Twitch gaming community. With all that influence behind him, the Twitch streamer is putting his money where his mouth is when it comes to the current controversy in the United States.

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Dr Disrespect tweeted on June 3 that all stream donations he received for the month would be going to charities. He said in his Tweet that he likes to win "a fair game" and then stated that "this" is not a fair game. While it's not certain exactly what he's referring to, he posted a picture along with Tweet of two arms — silhouettes of a black arm and a white arm — holding hands in unity, which alludes to the tensions of racial injustice bubbling to the surface in the United States. Though Dr Disrespect hasn't specified the charities he will be sending his donations, this leads fans to believe that they will be organizations who have been receiving money following the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police officers.

In doing this, Dr Disrespect joins the growing group of Twitch streamers who are using their platforms to spread awareness for those who are affected by the riots and political unrest occurring right now in the United States. Some Twitch users are streaming to raise money for charities that aim to help George Floyd's family, small businesses damaged by riots, or peaceful protesters that have been arrested.

While Dr Disrespect may be no stranger to controversies regarding to current political climate on topics like COVID-19 stay at home orders, his support of those affected by this nation-wide controversy will have a lasting impact. He is using the power his platform gives to help others whose voices are echoing all over the country.

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Source: Dr Disrespect / Twitter