While the main focus of Netflix's Dota: Dragon's Blood is around the Eldwurms and the Selemene-Invoker-Terrorblade battle, many fans feel that the cast of characters could have been expanded much further, while still maintaining the overall storyline. The narrative is relatively centered around Dragon Knight and Mirana's journey, but with 123 playable heroes to choose from, the possibilities are endless!

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While several characters such as the Oracle, Sand King, and Crystal Maiden make brief appearances in Dota: Dragon's Blood, they definitely could have used more time in the spotlight. However, multiple favored heroes have yet to be mentioned at all; a missed opportunity for the fan service that Valve'sDota 2 players expected.

8 The Kobold Campers

Dota 2 Creeps Steam, Valve, Netflix

While they may not be Heroes, the neutral Dota creeps are an essential part of the gaming mechanics, and it is unfortunate that they did not feature in Dragon's Blood in the slightest. Not to say that the creeps should have been given any significant character development or plot points, but some basic fan service would have surely been appreciated.

Imagine every time someone entered the Nightsilver Woods; they would not only have to keep an eye out for the Dark Moon Order and rogue elves but also avoid stumbling across hidden creep camps, whereby they might be outnumbered and subsequently injured. Book 3 makes heavy references to the respawning system in most MMORPGs, so why not add some random creep camps to the mix?

7 Bambi The Bestie

Dota 2 Heroes Not in Dota: Dragon's Blood Enchantress Steam, Valve, Netflix

Enchantress may not be the most popular Dota 2 Hero out there, but she could have made a great addition to the Nightsilver Woods adventures. Fymryn might have stumbled across Enchantress when she found herself alone and without direction in Book 2, as Aiushtha is known to lend an ear to a desolate and weary traveler.

Incorporating the noble and friendly Enchantress to the Dragon's Blood cast could have also added another element of drama, as Terrorblade actually has a soft spot for Aiushtha; now how's that for a plot twist? When Terrorblade comes across Enchantress in-game, he says: “I'm every demon's worst nightmare, but I'm your best friend.” That statement alone holds enough weight to flesh out another juicy story for the series.

6 The Buffalo Soldier

Dota 2 Heroes Not in Dota: Dragon's Blood Shadow Shaman Steam, Valve, Netflix

Shadow Shaman is a strong support from the original Dota game with an interesting background, having been abandoned in the Bleeding Hills in his youth and subsequently raised by a roaming con-man. Trained in the art of deception, the Rhasta helped his guardian to swindle the unsuspecting townsfolk, before eventually accessing his magic abilities and putting on an authentic show.

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The Shadow Shaman acts as a link between the living and the dead, and his skills could have been utilized by Invoker and Selemene as they mourned their deceased Filomena, before causing all that chaos to reincarnate her. And who could resist the added comic relief of, say, Luna being turned into an angry chicken whilst attempting to intimidate her foes? That's one way to get rid of the Scourge moniker!

5 Ranger? ...Runner? Ginger!

Dota 2 Heroes Not in Dota: Dragon's Blood Windranger Steam, Valve, Netflix

While Windrager, aka Alleria Windrunner, may have gotten a small nod in Dragon's Blood Book 3 by getting her "picture on the wall", not including this favored godchild seems like a missed opportunity. Both blessed and cursed by the very Winds themselves, little Lyralei was left orphaned after a tragic storm but found herself safely transported to a neighboring town, anointed with the divine powers of the wind.

Much like Enchantress, Windranger is also a forest dweller and could have therefore easily slipped into the Nightsilver Woods' narrative, and might have become a valuable ally in Mirana's bevy of beauties. The infamous tension between Windrunner and Drow Ranger could have been reflected onto Vinari (the Traxex look-alike) giving her the incentive to hunt down Mirana's attacker.

4 The Demon Witch

Dota 2 Heroes Not in Dota: Dragon's Blood Lion Steam, Valve, Netflix

As arguably the most OP support character in Dota 2, with the greatest possibility of becoming a carry, Lion could have certainly added some spice to the Dragon's Blood storyline. Although not officially a dragon hunter, Lion's potential to transform from support to carry is reflected in Bram's character development (who, ironically, has a similar hairline as well.) Therefore, these two personas could have been combined to give Lion some well-deserved representation.

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According to Dota lore, Lion was originally an honorable and respected mage, but unfortunately, he was seduced by the dark side (which, in Dragon's Blood, could have easily been Terrorblade). As the story goes, Lion then proceeds to take revenge on the demon who ruined his life and performs demonoplasty on his corpse; a perfect plot for a Netflix series!

3 The Tragic Romance

Dota 2 Heroes Not in Dota: Dragon's Blood Vengeful Spirit and Skywrath Mage Steam, Valve, Netflix

Seeing how much time is paid to Dragon Knight and Mirana's love story, it seems strange that Vengeful Spirit and Skywrath Mage's epic tale is not utilized in Dragon's Blood. Both stemming from the Ghastly Eyrie, these two lovebirds were destined for one another, but betrayal tore them apart, and vindictiveness solidified their separation; a tragic love story that truly deserves a dramatized version to be told!

Vengeful Spirit, aka Shendelzare, lost her wings and status thanks to her sister's treachery, and Skywrath Mage, or Dragonus, wants nothing more than to see his beloved returned to her throne in the Nest of Thorns, but sadly, his affections are left unreciprocated. Their goddess, Scree'auk, could have easily assimilated in with the other Eldwurms, seamlessness integrating this tragic lovestory into the narrative.

Fymryn is an original Dragon's Blood character and although they share similar characteristics, she is not Vengeful Spirit

2 The Call Of Tresdin

Dota 2 Heroes Not in Dota: Dragon's Blood Legion Commander Steam, Valve, Netflix

With all that glimmering gold armor in Book 3 of Dragon's Blood, many fans found themselves looking over their shoulders in anticipation of Legion Commander's arrival, particularly since her name had been previously mentioned in connection with Invoker. But alas, this epic warrior was auspiciously absent from the whole affair.

When Legion Commander was first introduced to Dota 2 in the 6.79 patch, she rapidly ascended to become the second most popular Hero at the time (with a win rate of 48%, it's no wonder!) Luna might not have gone so far off the rails in Book 1 if Legion Commander was there to set her straight (or alternatively, more blood could have been shed with even greater efficiency...). Either way, her presence was sorely missed.

1 Hook, Line, And Sinker!

Dota 2 Heroes Not in Dota: Dragon's Blood Pudge Steam, Valve, Netflix

Pudge is arguable the most iconic Dota hero, as he has been around since the original Dota 1 build and has roots in Diablo 1, which was released almost three decades ago! Pudge has been a fan-favorite tank/carry ever since, making him the top played Dota 2 hero of all time, and therefore the most worthy of a role in Dragon's Blood. Dendi and Na’Vi will surely agree!

Although quite a dark and twisted dude, Pudge could fit into the Nightsilver Woods setting as a foreboding menace, looming in the bushes (as always), waiting to pounce on the unsuspecting travelers. Considering Pudge's obsession with dismemberment and disembowelment, it is unlikely that this Hero would have formed part of Mirana and Dragon Knight's crew, but he would make a terrific fit in Foulfell with Terrorblade.

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