Dota 2 has inspired MOBA fans to implement new ways to get kills and assists in their matches. The recent release of the New Frontiers map has expanded the terrain of Dota 2 by over 40%, letting people explore new objectives to help them defeat enemy heroes. The addition of new Wisdom runes in the off lane and the sturdy Tormentor has urged people to level up faster with their team.

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The off lane lets many heroes farm more gold and earn bonus experience by focusing their attacks on waves of enemy creeps. There are plenty of new items that can be purchased to boost the attributes and abilities of off lane heroes, making them the right choice for winning more matches. Take a look at the best heroes for the off lane in Dota 2.

Dragon Knight

Dragon Knight uses Breathe Fire to kill an enemy hero in the off lane

Dragon Knight is an off lane hero who can stun enemies in battles. He can Breathe Fire to deal over 300 damage to enemy creeps and heroes in his lane. Enemy units hit by Breathe Fire have their attack damage reduced by 30% for 11 seconds, making Dragon Knight a counter-pick for carry heroes.

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The Strength hero can transform into a flying Dragon using his ulti to deal splash damage to enemies. Dragon Knight can destroy enemy towers in the off lane in his Elder Dragon Form to push lanes in the game.

Spirit Breaker

Spirit Breaker stuns Vengeful Spirit in the off lane

Spirit Breaker can dominate games with his physical attacks. He can use Charge of Darkness to dash toward enemy heroes anywhere on the New Frontiers map. People can choose Spirit Breaker in their Dota 2 matches to become a strong stunner for their team. Enemy units hit by Charge of Darkness are stunned for up to 2.1 seconds.

His passive ability, Greater Bash, provides a 17% chance to stun enemies for 1.5 seconds with each hit. Stunned opponents can take up to 35% of Spirit Breaker’s movement speed as attack damage. He can chase weakened enemies from the off lane to increase his kill counts.

Drow Ranger

Drow Ranger gets a kill in the off lane early in a match

Drow Ranger is a mighty carry hero in Dota 2. She can hit enemies from a distance of 625 to freeze her enemies in their footsteps. People can max out Frost Arrows to slow the movement speed of her opponents by 55% per strike. Frost Arrows also deal up to 24 bonus damage to enemy units.

She can purchase items like a Pavise to farm more gold in the off lane without getting killed. Drow Ranger can cast Gust to silence enemy heroes for up to 6 seconds. The carry hero can launch Multishot to destroy enemy heroes with her abilities.


Mars knocks back enemies with God's Rebuke

Mars can mitigate multiple enemies with ease during team fights. He can hurl a Spear of Mars to deal 300 damage to enemy heroes, stunning them for up to 2.2 seconds. Mars can activate Bulwark to reduce the damage from incoming attacks by 70%, letting the melee hero tank an incredible amount of damage in the off lane.

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People can cast God’s Rebuke to deal more than 270% of Mars’ attack damage to enemies in front of him. Enemy units attacked by God’s Rebuke are pushed back, preventing enemy heroes from hunting Mars and his allies in Dota 2.


Lifestealer attacks Axe in the off lane

Lifestealer can shred his enemies with claws to get fast kills in the off lane. The melee hero has a base attack damage of 47 - 53 and a base movement speed of 320. He has over 650 health at the start of a match, letting him take plenty of last hits to gain bonus gold.

He can turn on Rage to gain up to 80% Status Resistance for 6 seconds. Lifestealer also gains 18% movement speed for the duration of the spell. He can regain a portion of his health with his physical attacks by leveling up Feast. The Lifesteal granted by Feast makes it hard to kill him.


Necrophos uses Death Pulse near the enemy tower in the off lane

Necrophos is a solid support hero. He can heal his allies around him using Death Pulse to restore 130 health to them. Allies in the off lane can team up with Necrophos to earn lots of gold without losing a significant amount of health during battles.

Death Pulse has a cooldown of 5 seconds. People can reduce the cooldown of Death Pulse by 2.5 seconds at level 25 through the Talent Tree. Necrophos can cast his ulti, Reaper’s Scythe, to annihilate enemy heroes like Abaddon and Ursa in team fights. He can buy a Heart of Tarrasque to last longer in the off lane.


Omniknight eliminates enemies in the off lane

Omniknight is a major healer in the Dota 2 roster. He can cast Purification on his allies to replenish over 300 health per cast. Enemy units around healed allies are dealt Pure damage from Purification.

It can take up to 125 mana to cast Purification. Heavenly Grace consumes 125 mana per cast. Hammer of Purity needs 55 mana. People can buy Arcane Boots for Omniknight to be able to cast his spells frequently in lanes to heal his teammates. His ulti, Guardian Angel, can be used in battles to prevent his allies from taking damage for 7 seconds.


Morphling uses Waveform to strike his enemies in the off lane

Morphling can enter battles at will to get instant kills. He can earn experience in the off lane to max out Waveform early in his matches. Waveform can be used by Morphling to travel up to a distance of 1000 to deal 300 damage to enemy units. He can extend the cast range of Waveform by 250 at level 10.

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The carry hero can buy an Ethereal Blade to decimate enemy heroes in the off lane. Morphling can deal massive amounts of damage to enemies using Ethereal Blade and Adaptive Strike to destroy his opponents in battles.

Monkey King

Monkey King jumps off a treetop to deal damage to his enemies

Monkey King is a fierce fighter with spells that can help him deal lethal damage to his enemies. He can hop from tree to tree in search of enemy heroes to kill. Monkey King can land on the ground from treetops to deal 350 damage to multiple enemy heroes using Tree Dance.

He can slow the movement speed of enemy units around him by 80% for a few seconds by casting Tree Dance in battles. The passive ability, Jingu Mastery, provide bonus damage and Lifesteal to Monkey King from his physical attacks.

Night Stalker

Night Stalker hunts heroes during the night in the off lane

Night Stalker can strike enemies with increased attack speed and attack damage during the night. His ability, Hunter in the Night, provides a 40% bonus movement speed and 80 bonus attack speed. Night Stalker can cast his ulti, Dark Ascension, to immediately turn the time of the game to night for up to 30 seconds.

The carry hero gains bonus damage of 150 while his ulti, Dark Ascension, is active. Night Stalker can silence enemy heroes around him using Crippling Fear to prevent them from using their spells against him and his allies in Dota 2. He can nuke enemy heroes by casting Void throughout his matches to drain enemy heroes of their health in the off lane.

Dota 2 can be played on PC.

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