Dorfromantik is a rather unique game. Although the focus of the game is to build and expand a village slowly, similarly to almost any other strategy-based city-building game, the player builds their village by using tiles, and the game centers around those particular tiles.

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The game is a rather peaceful one, made for players to relax after a long day. However, due to the unique nature of the tiles, there are a few people who may end up getting lost, squandering their resources early, and otherwise just cannot get too far without some beginner tips to use.

7 Look At The Types Of Quests

Dorfromantik - Expanding the town

There are two types of quests for players to take on in Dorfromantik. These quests, after a player completes them, will reward them will all sorts of supplies that will lead them closer to their goal in the game.

These quests are known as Plus Quests and Exact Quests. Plus Quests are much more relaxed than Exact Quests, as it's only necessary to connect together a certain number of terrain tiles. However, in Exact Quests, it must be that exact number. Although it can be challenging, the Exact Quests are oftentimes the most rewarding.

6 Slowly Expand

Dorfromantik - A Forest

At first, players may want to immediately spend all of their tiles at once and expand their village into a large, sprawling town. However, this can cause them to run out of resources too early in order to keep the town afloat, thus causing a game over.

A player will start off with a few tiles to begin their town. If a player saves their resources and only places down a few at a time, they should be able to get over the initial rough start. Plus, it's always good to save resources on the off chance that a player runs into a dry spot.

5 Keep Track Of Stacks

Dorfromantik - An Island

A player starts off the game with a stack of tiles, which they need to make sure to keep an eye on when they are placing down tiles. As a player finishes quests, they will also gain more tiles that they will also have to keep track of.

It is a good idea to ensure that the player keeps an eye on where each of the tiles, and where they are going to be placed. That is a good way to ensure that a player does not run out of tiles too early.

4 Study The Different Tiles

Dorfromantik - Many Trees

The tiles that Dorfromantik uses to build the village into a town are essential to the game. This is something that every player needs to get used to, along with the different types of tiles that can be placed down.

Players will soon figure out that each tile will have different kinds of things that they can put down. For example, a tree tile can only have a certain amount of trees on it per tile, there's only a small amount of houses for each tile, and so on and so forth.

3 Remember To Think Long-Term

Dorfromantik - The Game's Starting Town

Sometimes, a player may end up having an idea that seems like a smart one at first. This could be expanding their village a little early or placing down a certain type of tile in a place that they know they shouldn't, but need to reap the short-term benefits.

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This, of course, is a bad idea. Although a player may be able to have short-term rewards if they do something specific, a moment to think could show the player whether or not they will suffer for it in the long term (such as running out of resources too quickly).

2 Ensure There Are Rivers And Train Tracks

Dorfromantik - Going Outward When Expanding

Rivers and train tracks cannot have other tiles that will otherwise get in the way of their path. These tiles will go on forever until a player receives specific end tiles; they cannot end because the player, say, places down a house tile.

Unfortunately, though, this means that there are chances of tiles blocking the river and train tiles, which causes them to be unable to go any further. A player should at least take the time to think through how their rivers and train tracks will pan out, or where they are going to end up and build around that.

1 The Game Lights Up Matching Sections

Dorfromantik - Edges of Village

Luckily, Dorfromantik is very good at helping guide the player to their next path. For example, it will update quest progress, along with lighting up any matching sections that a specific tile could be placed upon.

All a player has to do is hover over the current tile to where they want to place it down. The player can then use the way the grid lights up to decide whether or not this would be a good spot to place down a new tile, or if they should change direction.

Dorfromantik is available on Nintendo Switch and Microsoft Windows.

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