The hit first-person shooting game, Doom, came out way back in 1993. The game was ultimately simple, collect guns and objects, mostly keycards, and kill demons. Fight against unique enemy types and numerous ways to kill hordes of demons. Now, in 2020 Doom Eternal is pretty much accurately the same premise of what it was like back then, just more graphically gorgeous, with amazingly fluid gameplay with a few extras thrown in, oh, and a jump!

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Doomguy, he's a pretty badass guy. He walks through hell and hell is afraid of him; he's that tough. However, out all of all the video game heroes out there, who would he win against, and who would he lose too?

10 Can Beat: Guybrush Threepwood (Monkey Island)

This one entirely depends on the realm that it takes place on. If it was purely on combat skills, then Guybrush sadly would not last a tenth of a second, probably even less.

However, if it was based on how much inventory one can hold in their pants/coats or based on witty insult sword fighting, then Guybrush would come out on top. That is until Doomguy kills him anyway, because well Doomguy doesn't listen or have any need for rules. Usually, Doomguy doesn't kill the innocent, only demons, yet Guybrush truly doesn't shut up, so this time, he'll make an exception.

9 Can't Beat: Master Chief (Halo)

Petty Officer Master Chief would have to be Doomguy's rival out of everyone on this list. They both practically live in their armor, and they have a whole species terrified of them. Hell is equal to the Covenant here. And oddly enough, the Elites call the Master Chief - Demon. It all fits into place.

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However, Chief has eons of technology behind him, such as an energy shield, state of the art MJOLNIR armor, his augmentations. And of course, his also has a lot of combat experience. This is one fight that Doomguy wouldn't win, but it's doubtful that'll stop him.

8 Can Beat: Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil)

Leon Kennedy rose through the ranks after his Racoon Police station ventures. He's now a special agent and has been sent to the village in the middle of nowhere, fighting a new kind of infection to save the presidents daughter. No doubt, he has experience fighting abominations of every kind, shape, or form.

However, it's problematic that he's come across as a monster as powerful as the Doomguy. All of Leon's knowledge of zombies will not help him here as Doomguy has a super Shotgun. Though if it was a content of jumping out of windows, then Leon wins no questions asked.

7 Can't Beat: Raiden (Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance)

This isn't the Raiden from Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. This is the Raiden from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, where after suffering life-threatening injuries after a mission, gets given a black cyborg armor and a high-frequency blade.

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Now, this would be an exciting fight to watch between two Titans, Doomguy vs. Raiden, as one specializes in close quarters sword fighting, and one in weaponry as well as brutal strength. But alas, in this fight, Raiden has the speed and the ability to slow down time, and his blade's strength and cutting power is increased,

Once again, this entirely depends on when Doomguy fights the Hero Link. Link truly has a formidable arsenal, but sadly only a few things that would penetrate battle armor, such as his Master Sword and fire/ice arrows. However, the crux of the matter is this, though the Master Sword is powerful in its own right, and evil fears it. Doomguy is not evil, so the Master Sword's true power will not affect him.

Yes, it can still be used as a sword, but knowing the shear strength of Doomguy, it wouldn't be surprising for him to either break it in half with his hands or use his own blade the Crucible to slice it in two.

5 Can't Beat: Isabelle (Animal Crossing)

Everyone knows the relationship that Doomguy and Isabelle have now, the memes that flooded the internet were genuinely wholesome. There is no way Doomguy could defeat Isabelle now, not even the ice-cold demon killer, could shed his love for the cute animal.

Isabelle no doubt feels the same way, and could possibly convince Doomguy to start up a new life on a deserted island somewhere. Then Tom Nook could offer to build him a home, and Doomguy gets drowned in debt, and can never recover. And sadly, Doomguy kills the beetles with his BFG instead of a bug net.

4 Can Beat: Joel (The Last Of Us)

There is no denying Joel is a survivor, and there is no denying that he has been through hell and back in his life. At the start of the outbreak, Joel lost his daughter, and then he got into the smuggling business and became ruthless and cynical. He and his close friend Tess got tasked with smuggling a girl called Ellie, who Joel, no matter how hard he tried, formed a close strong bond with.

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However, Doomguy has no need for emotions or for forming strong bonds; he just wants to kill demons, to rip and tear apart. If this ever came to a fight, Joel would give his life protecting Ellie, but he has no hope of winning.

3 Can't Beat: Dante (Devil May Cry)

Dante is a half-demon/half-human demon hunter who uses his mixed heritage, aka superhuman powers, to do this exceptionally well. Now, because of this mixed blood, Doomguy might hesitate upon slaying Dante, but truthfully, it's not likely.

However, Dante wields a massive sword called Rebellion, a gift from his father, Sparda, as well as two guns called Ebony and Ivory. That's not all; he has the power to regenerate and can transform into more powerful forms. Even though they share the same profession, and Doomguy being an experienced demon killer, Dante would win this fight.

2 Can Beat: Locke (Halo 5)

Another Spartan on this list? Well, this is different; the Master Chief is a Spartan-II. He was taken at a very early age to become the machine that he is today, taking life-threating augmentations based on genetics. Spartan Locke, on the other hand, is a Spartan-IV, where the augments are now completely safe and can be recruited as a Spartan based on skills.

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Locke no doubt has skills, but he was recruited, and the MJOLNIR [GEN2] enhances his abilities, it's not a second skin to him. For Locke to fight against someone like Doomguy, where combat experience will be the key to winning, he does not have a chance. The advance armor and shields will not protect him from the onslaught of the Doomguy.

1 Can't Beat: Kratos (God Of War)

Kratos was born a demigod, as he is the son of Zeus. However, Kratos eventually becomes a fully-fledged god by killing Ares, the God of War. After events happen, he gets betrayed by his father and left for dead. This stems his journey for vengeance and will kill any god in his way.

Kratos has killed many gods in his lifetime, and he kills anything before him until his mission was completed. Doomguy is still only a mortal, even though he slaughters like a god. And against the power of a god, Doomguy will fall short but will die laughing of the turmoil he puts a god through before he does.

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