The first-person shooter is one of the go-to genres of gaming. First-person shooters are not only the most commercially successful genre in gaming, they are what most people associate when thinking of gaming. Doom and Halo are two franchises that have revolutionized and defined the FPS genre.

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These games have both respectively become titans, in not only gaming, but pop culture as a whole. Doom managed to make the FPS genre mainstream and the major player in gaming. Halo added new mechanics and diverse gameplay, while also taking the genre to massive heights via online gaming. Let's see who wins when these two titans duke it out.

10 Action (Doom)

Fighting in the Fortress of doom's Demon Prison

While both games have gratuitous amounts of action, Doom easily takes the cake here. There is an unwritten rule in Doom, that if the player stops moving, they die. Each installment is filled with large quantities of encounters in which the player must run, jump, dodge, and use a wide range of weapons to survive, enough to get even veteran gamers blood rushing.

9 Graphics (Halo)

Craig the Brute standing with his armor and weapon

Halo has always prided itself on cutting edge graphics, and the series truly does contain some of the most beautiful views, vistas, and character designs found in gaming. The graphical ingenuity and accomplishment that can be found in Halo games are both works of art, and feats of technology.

8 Enemies (Doom)

A marauder in Doom Eternal

The extraterrestrial force of the Covenant is exceptional within it's own right, however Halo simply cannot compete with the Hellspawn of Doom. The series is absolutely filled to the brim with interesting, unsettling, and challenging enemies from down below.

7 Multiplayer (Halo)

Halo Live Action
Halo Landfall Live action ODST

Halo pioneered the modern multiplayer first person shooter. Turning what was once a niche market into gaming's flagship genre. Every modern fps game can thank Halo for exploring this field to it's fullest depth and demonstrating how a proper multiplayer shooter should be done. Doom has in recent years began to experiment with an online aspect to it's titles, however this is no where near the refinement and popularity that Halo offers.

6 Difficulty (Doom)

Icon of Sin doing Icon of Sin stuff

Doom is not for the lighthearted, the series is filled with some of the most difficult firefights in gaming history. The steep learning curve and the endless challenges presented in each entry make this a series that is not for gamers looking for a casual, or story based stroll.

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The series is ripe with near impossible boss battles, overwhelming encounters, and in more recent entries, platforming sequences that require the highest level of precision. This difficulty is compounded on higher difficulty modes that add the extra challenge of perma-death.

5 Game World (Halo)

Halo Infinite Exploring in Warthog

The Hell-scape of Doom is certainly charming within it's own right, however it quite simply can't hold a candle to the expansive universe of HaloContaining a large number of intricately designed worlds, each with their own in-depth backstory, players are provided with a truly immersive intergalactic experience that at times can even feel like an open world sand box.

4 Game Mechanics (Doom)

doom eternal fight

From slicing and dicing, to rocket barrages, and even chainsaw mayhem, the amount of ways provided to the player to defeat the armies of Hell in Doom is immense. In terms of gameplay this means a varied amount of mechanics that constantly keep the game unique and the player desiring for more. While all games in the Doom series may be linear romps with encounter after encounter, the feeling of repetitiveness is rarely ever felt, even on multiple playthroughs.

3 Story (Halo)

The Master Chief And Cortana

The Halo series has created a legendary story, that has gained popularity even outside of gaming circles. The amount of extra media centered around the Halo universe is immense, with talks of a live action movie surfacing every few years.

RELATED: Every Halo Game, Ranked From Worst To Best (According To Metacritic)

This is for good reason, the story, characterization, world building, and plot devices, are top notch, and rival some of Hollywood's greatest narrative accomplishments. While the story isn't perfect, and has it's fair share of plot holes, it is undeniably one of the most compelling, and recognizable in gaming.

2 Impact And Legacy (Doom)

Doom Eternal cover art

This has to be the closest call, and both titles truly do come in at a split second finish. Both Doom and Halo have as gaming franchises, had massive impacts on the industry, and pop culture as a whole. Doom however has to be credited as the grandfather of all modern day first person shooters. While the genre certainly existed before the franchise, Doom managed through refinement and intense gameplay, popularize the genre into the mainstream. Today, first-person shooters are the flagship of the entire industry thanks to the historical impact of Doom.

1 Winner (Doom)

Doom Slayer with sword

This is not an easy decision. Both franchises are incredibly fun, impactful, in-depth, titanic endeavors that have changed the face of gaming forever. Doom edges out Halo however for two main reasons. Primarily due to it's legacy and impact, and being the de facto granddaddy of the entire genre. Secondly, due to gameplay, Doom manages to simultaneously be intricate, and simple in it's gameplay, something that is both unique and refreshing. The franchise is the living breathing embodiment of what good gaming should be.

NEXT: 5 Things Gamers Love About Doom Eternal (& 5 Things That Missed The Mark)