The reputation as the most feared entity in Hell definitely belongs to the Doom Slayer from the Doom series. He’s spent a considerable amount of time hunting down demons across the hierarchy in his effort to keep Earth save and cleanse Hell.

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While the Doom Slayer possess and incredible amount of power through various means he does have his weaknesses. This means that there are other heroes in other games who when put face to face with him might stand a chance of defeating the Doom Slayer should the need ever arise.

10 Strongest: Weapons

The Doom Slayer has access to unbelievable weapons capable of extraordinary power. The two obvious examples are the BFG 9000 with its orbs of emerald death and the Unmaykr, a rapid fire minigun that uses Argent-type plasma to obliterate foes.

Even aside from the colossal weapons of destruction are things like the Plasma Rifle, Doom Blade, Equipment Launcher, and many others. There are a lot of terfiying weapons for the Doom Slayer to use and he wields them all to deadly effect.

9 Can Beat Him: Parias The Cleric (Hexen)

Another protagonist with equal access to powerful equipment is Parias The Cleric from another game made by the id software developers, Hexen. The most powerful weapon at the Cleric’s disposal is the Wraithverge. A staff made from a cross the Wraithverge will fire a sphere of energy that separates into four ghosts which track down the enemy to devastating effect.

In addition to this powerful weapon Parias can use teleportation, summon a Minotaur to fight and use a Disc of Repulsion to repel enemies and projectiles. He can use the Icon of The Defender even achieve temporary invincibility and invisibility for 30 seconds which would help him give Doom Slayer a run for his money.

8 Strongest: Killing Heals Him

Doom: Eternal

While most warriors from other FPS games need a healing item or time to recover from their injuries, Doom Slayer gains health from killing his foes. Every time he performs a Glory Kill health shards will spit out of the enemy’s corpse to heal him.

Adding on to this if he kills an enemy he set on fire with his flamethrower the opponent with drop armor shards. In this manner the Doom Slayer can keep pressing the attack, recovering and growing more durable the more he fights.

7 Can Beat Him: Jackie Estacado (The Darkness)

Jackie may not have a lot of abilities, but what he does have access to are powerful. With the powers of darkness he can create Demonic Shield to protect himself, improve his weapons’ efficiency with Gun Channeling, send a tentacle to remotely attack enemies with Creeping Darkness, impale foes with the Demon Arm, and Swarm enemies with a cloud or ravenous insects.

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Granted he requires darkness for his powers to work, but with the Black Hole ability he can clear a room and eradicate all light in the area. If anything’s left alive they must fight a powerful foe in the shadows where he draws his power.

6 Strongest: Runes

If Doom Slayer proves his worth in battle he gains access to powerful Runes that further augment his potency in combat. Some are minor but effective abilities like Armored Offensive that causes enemies to drop armor when Glory Killed.

Then there are the lengendary powers like Rich Get Richer that allows him to fire his weapons without using any ammo which is absurd when you consider weapons like the BFG 9000 or Unmaykr mentioned earlier. But his best ability has to be Saving Throw which gives him a chance to recover from death itself.

5 Can Beat Him: Morgan Yu (Prey)

Another individual will equally impressive abilities is Morgan Yu, specifically the Typhon-based abilities. There are simple powers like Regeneration which allows them to recover some health instantly from an attack and Machine Mind that allows them to turn robots to their side.

There are strong offensive abilities like Kinetic Blast and Electrostatic Blast. The best ones are Lift Field which would propel Doom Slayer into the air and Phantom Genesis which creates a loyal typhon companion using nearby corpses.

4 Strongest: Praetor Suit

doom eternal doomguy helmet

The Preator Suit is a powerful tool that gives Doom Slayer incredible offensive and defensive abilities. Defensively the suit can protect from environmental hazards and increase speed through Dash. Offensively the suit will cause grenades to emit secondary explosions, spawn scatter bombs, keep enemies frozen by Ice Bombs immobile longer, and allow Doom Slayer to switch weapons faster.

There are also helpful abilities like revealing details about the surrounding area on the map, climbing surfaces faster, decrease cooldowns, and so on.

3 Can Beat Him: Jake “Nomad” Dunn (Crysis)

The CryNet Nanosuit may not have all the bells and whistles the Praetor Suit does, but it has enough nanite tricks of it’s own to make it comparable and give Jake a fighting chance against Doom Slayer. The suit provides the wearer with enhanced strength, durability, and speed in combat much like the Praetor Suit.

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However some unique advantages it has is that the wearer can become nearly invisible, can maneuver underwater, and hack various interfaces. With the Nanosuit Jake could outmaneuver and outsmart the Doom Slayer in his Praetor Suit.

2 Strongest: He’s Immortal

When the Sentinels discovered Doom Slayer’s potential and devotion to the destruction of demonic forces they decided to bring him into their ranks and give him added abilities, namely immortality. A Maykr by the name of Samur used a machine to infuse Doom Slayer with some of the Maykr’s power to make him stronger and never age.

This is by far one of Doom Slayer’s greatest advantages, other protagonists might have better weapons, suits, and powers, but few if any could outlive the guy. The Doom Slayer isn’t known for his patience so it’s not likely a tactic he’d adopt, but he could defeat his foes by simply living longer.

1 Can Beat Him: Anonymous Scientist (Timeshift)

The mysterious scientist that dons the Beta Suit in Timeshift may not strike most players as particularly powerful. Their weapons are strong but hardly on par with Doom Slayer’s and they lack any special abilities via runes, spells, or alien DNA. The suit itself doesn’t grant all that much damage resistance.

But what it does provide is the ability to manipulate time. This individual can bring time to a crawl, stop it, or even reverse it by a few seconds. Fighting this individual would be a nightmare as they can undo their own mistakes, disappear and reappear out of thin air, and move with inhuman speed as they bend and contort time to suit their needs.

NEXT: Doom: 10 Hardest Bosses In The Series, Ranked