Doom Eternal is now available and, by all accounts, it's as metal its predecessor. Nothing symbolically represents how metal Doom Eternal is than by referencing an action movie villain/hero literally made out of metal. Doom Eternal brings back one of the 2016 game's most popular Easter eggs, which is a reference to the 1991 film Terminator 2: Judgement Day. In fact, it's literally the Easter egg that was in 2016's Doom.

It's likely that many Doom players are already familiar with this Terminator 2 Easter egg. And it's likely that many Doom Eternal players will either be rediscovering it or finding it for the first time. It's not a difficult reference to discover. All that it requires is for the player to die in molten lava. Even mentioning molten lava likely conjures the Terminator 2 scene in question. It's at the end of the film when Arnold Schwarzenegger slowly lowers himself into the molten slag and as his hand goes below the surface it gives a thumbs up.

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Similarly, as Doomguy plunges into molten lava, either through misadventure or being knocked into it by an enemy, he'll give a thumbs up as his health depletes. It's as if the developers at id Software knew that it couldn't be any other way. An action hero dying in hot lava has to give a thumbs up, simply out of respect to Schwarzenegger's iconic death scene.

As mentioned, the death sequence appears to be exactly the same animation in Doom Eternal as it was in Doom. It's recognizable because the animation is sort of weird and awkward in a memorable way. For one, Doomguy isn't sinking into the lava, so his hands just kind of lower and they don't even lower enough to disappear. Doomguy's arms also bend in a really uncomfortable way as he dies, before he gives the thumbs up.

Perhaps the id developers put the death animation together quickly just for fun. Or perhaps another animation was altered to have the Terminator thumbs up and this is the result. Either way, it's all the more memorable because of it. Hopefully, id will continue putting the animation into all future Doom games.

id Software is well known for slipping Easter Eggs into its games. Mostly, id loves to reference its past games. In fact, both the original Doom and its sequel are playable inside of Doom Eternal. There's also a library shelf with books named to reference games like Wolfenstein, Deus Ex, Unreal, and Duke Nukem. The Terminator 2 reference is just one of many great Easter eggs in the game. Odds are there are still plenty of secret ones left for players to discover, too.

Doom Eternal is available now on Google Stadia, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: 10 Hidden Secrets That Many Still Haven't Found In Doom Eternal