Doom is one of the most energetic and gory franchises on the market and developer Bethesda Softworks looks to be upping the ante with DOOM Eternal, which was announced during their E3 2018 press conference. The developer showed off some all-new gameplay today during their QuakeCon Keynote.

Note: The gameplay footage begins around the 50:14 mark.

The demo starts off in the tight corridors of some facility, which is reminiscent of the pre-Hell levels from the 2016 reboot. The demo quickly opens up, offering the first glance at the hell on earth style gameplay. The team has done a wonderful job of merging the futuristic city with the hellish visuals that are beginning to dominate Earth, and it'll definitely provide a few interesting set-pieces to play around in.

The game looks to be even faster than its predecessor, introducing some new traversal mechanics like swinging from an exposed pipe. There's also a new dash feature that allows the player to quickly burst forward before slaughtering large groups of demons. Finally, there's a chain that players can use to rapidly pull themselves forward towards enemies, a satisfying looking method of movement that's sure to spark some awesome videos on the internet.

The demo offers a few glances at returning weapons, like the iconic double barrel shotgun, as well as new additions to the arsenal, like an automatic chain shotgun and a new type of energy weapon. Glory kills have also made a comeback, offering some new and exciting ways to dismember and destroy weakened enemies. Each different kill is satisfying to watch, combing top-class sound design with the bloody visuals DOOM fans adore.


The demo quickly establishes some of the new enemies players will be blasting away throughout Doom Eternal. One particularly interesting enemy appears to be a blend of both a spider and a brain, but quickly has one of its legs jammed through its eye before truly being able to admire it.

Players will also be able to face off against one another during the game's campaign, which offers a new mode that allows a game to be invaded by other players posing as demons. These player-controlled demons can even join together to form hunting squads, which will be tasked with eviscerating Doom Guy by any means necessary.

If the demo, which Bethesda announced last week, is anything near what the final experience will be like, it should provide hours of high-octane, demon-destroying entertainment. It looks to be an even faster version of its predecessor with an equally amazing soundtrack. Hopefully, Bethesda will be kind enough to show off even more before the game releases, but this demo will have to be enough until then.

Doom Eternal does not yet have a release date.