Doom Eternal is full of various demon types and progressively introduces them throughout the game. Subsequently, the difficulty will grow as different enemy types enter each battle. id Software has done a great job of making each demon type feel and look unique.

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Each enemy requires a different approach and will throw the Doom Slayer's technique off ever so slightly when they are introduced. Players will need to adapt quickly in order to defeat their opponents. Many of the demons in Doom Eternal are manageable, but there are several that will test players' patience and composure.

Updated April 30, 2021, by Jack Pursey: It's been over a year since the release of id Software's DOOM Eternal, and many of the franchise's fans believe it ranks among some of the series' top titles like DOOM (1993) and DOOM (2016). The series has always been known for throwing a ton of different enemies at players, and DOOM Eternal is no different. Moreover, the latest game in the series has given many of the demons specific strengths and weaknesses, increasing the game's overall difficulty as players now need to add a layer of strategy to their gameplay. To shed further light on some of DOOM Eternal's toughest enemies, we've expanded this list by a further five entries.

15 Revenant

Reverant in DOOM Eternal

The Revenant first appears in Exultia and gives players a lot to think about. Its long-range rocket attacks and jetpack can cause the demon to leave players' eyesight and attack them from a blindspot. Thankfully, players can disable the rocket's lock-on functionality by shooting the Revenant's shoulder canons.

Players can use the Revenant's strength to their advantage in DOOM Eternal, as the demon is a playable character in Battlemode.

14 Mancubus

Mancubus in DOOM Eternal

The Mancubus first appeared back in 1994 with DOOM II, making it one of the oldest enemies in the DOOM series reappear in DOOM Eternal. Much like the Revenant, the Mancubus is a headache for players due to its long-ranged attacks. This creature has two enormous canons on each arm, which can deal significant damage to players with frightening accuracy.

The Mancubus is also playable in DOOM Eternal's Battlemode.

13 Prowler

Prowler in DOOM Eternal

Whereas the Mancubus has been around for nearly three decades, the Prowler is one of this list's newer entrants. The enemy made its first appearance in DOOM (2016) as a multiplayer exclusive, with DOOM Eternal marking its debut in a single-player campaign.

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The Prowler enemies are a problem for players due to their devastating speed and quick melee attacks, making them a real issue when players have other enemies to deal with simultaneously.

12 Arachnotron

Arachnotron in DOOM Eternal

The Arachnotron is yet another enemy on this list that causes issues for players with its long-ranged attacks. Thankfully, the enemy's cannon turret can be destroyed, though doing so is easier said than done.

The best way to disable the cannon is with the Precision Heavy Cannon, making the enemy an easy kill once it's destroyed. The main problem for players with these spider-like demon is that it arrives very early into the game, creating a steep learning curve for new players.

11 The Gladiator

Gladiator in DOOM Eternal

DOOM Eternal marks the first appearance of The Gladiator. The new enemy certainly makes its imposing presence known, as it's the boss of Sentinel Prime. The main difficulty with this creature comes from its defensive strengths. Along with a large health pool, the boss uses its huge shield to guard itself against the player's attacks.

Furthermore, the boss isn't a pushover with its attacks. The Gladiator can deal significant damage with its mace, along with a projectile attack that it fires from the shield.

10  Pain Elemental

Pain Elemental in Doom Eternal

The pain elemental is one of the original Doom II demons to make an appearance in the Doom Eternal. This demon is similar to the cacodemon, which players are introduced to early on in the game. These floating, bulbous creatures have significantly more health than their cacodemon counterparts.

The reason pain elementals are more difficult to handle their significant health boost and their ability to throw lost souls at the Doom Slayer. The lost souls will explode on impact and add to the already high chaos.

9 Dread Knight

Dread Knight in Doom Eternal

The dread knight is a cyborg version of the standard hell knight. Hell knights are introduced early on in the game and are solely melee focused. The hell knight will run toward players and pounce on the ground to cause a wave of damage.

Dread knights have been upgraded with various cybernetic enhancements such as argent energy blades. Once they slam the ground with their blades, the nearby area enflames with argent energy, which deals significant damage.

8 Fireborne Baron

doom eternal flaming armed demon

The baron of hell returns from 2016's Doom, and he is also wielding some upgrades. The original baron of hell was easily dispatchable due to the fact it was not equipped with blades from fire.

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The firebourne baron got a significant upgrade in terms of health and damage. He acts the same as the previous baron of hell but is much more durable. In fact, he can withstand a single BFG shot, which is the strongest weapon in the game.

7 Whiplash

id software unused pistol code

Whiplash is Doom's first female demon and enters with some devastating attacks. She is at her most difficult when there are various other demon types on the field. Her objective is to get behind the player and use a devastating whip attack.

This demon does not have a large amount of health like the other demons on this list, but her fast-moving, slinky body makes her difficult to kill. A freeze grenade or rocket launcher will be capable of stopping her in her tracks.

6 Tyrants

Demon from Doom Eternal

Tyrants are based off the original cyberdemon and stand much taller than the other demons. The design has all been changed to look significantly different than Doom 2016's version.

This ten-foot-tall demon is a slow mover but can deal high-levels of damage. Players should move fast in order to dodge their laser beam from a distance. It may also use an argent energy sword if players get too close.

5 Doom Hunter

Doom Hunter in Doom Eternal

The doom hunter is introduced to players when they are pursuing one of the priests. The priest creates this demon in order for it to protect him. It does a great job of doing so because it is one of the hardest enemies to defeat.

Doom hunters are equipped with tracking rockets and an energy shield. The shield needs to be overloaded with the plasma gun. Then, players need to damage the cybernetic body before the shield regenerates.

4 Icon Of Sin

Icon of Sin in Doom Eternal

The Icon of Sin is a boss battle, and he is certainly built for one. The demon has two phases. The first requires the Doom Slayer to shoot off all of his armor. He has eight different pieces, so it takes some time.

Once he has lost all of his armor, the slayer must destroy the eight parts of his body. These phases take a good amount of time. Fortunately, there is plenty of ammo and lowly demons to prey on for resources.

3 Arch-Vile

Arch-Vile in Doom Eternal

Arch-Viles are one of the most difficult enemies in the game because of their insane abilities and high amount of health. These enemies do several things that make the Doom Slayer have a bad day.

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Firstly, they increase the health and damage of nearby enemies. Secondly, they are capable of spawning in new enemies. Finally, they can deal devastating attacks at close range. Locate and kill this demon as soon as possible.

2 Marauder

Marauder in Doom Eternal

The marauder is introduced about halfway through the game. He wields a shotgun, an argent ax, and a shield. This enemy is the most difficult recurring enemy in the game. Marauders can only be dealt damage at mid-range.

When his eyes glow green, that is the time to strike. There is no use trying a BFG shot as he will deflect it with his shield. Stay near him and strike when his eyes turn green. If the player is too far away, he will throw projectiles; if they are too close, he will strike with his ax.

1 Khan Maykr

Khan Maykr in Doom Eternal

Khan Maykr is one of the final bosses in Doom Eternal. She is a large being covered in armor and capable of various attacks. Firstly, Khan Maykr has an energy shield that the player must deplete in order to strike a blood punch. The shield can recharge, so keep damaging her until it is gone.

When the player isn't punching or shooting her, Khan Maykr will throw gold energy projectiles and a purple blast that can throw players off the platform. At the same time, she covers the platform with argent energy, which deals significant damage. Finally, she will send a beam toward the Doom Slayer that leaves fire in its trail and follows the slayer.

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