Recently, id Software has released a few screenshots for DOOM Eternal's upcoming first DLC, which is included in the "Year One Pass" or will be sold for $29.99. No date has been stated, for when this DLC will be released, these new screenshots provide an idea of what is to come.

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manity came at a cost. Now declaring that the ruler of the universe must step in to make things right. With this mind-blowing development that fans got early, here are five confirmed things that the new DLC will bring and five more that future content could include.

10 WILL SEE: New Realms & Worlds

The DOOM series has taken players to a handful of places full of demon corruption. Now demons roam in more areas than previously known. Some of their new domains include Earth, Mars, Phobos, Taras Nabad, and recently Urdak. While Earth is safe, it's known that the demons are now entirely loose to roam where they please.

Suppose that is what the end of the campaign teases: "Your fight is eternal" was not only a reference to the game's title, but now quite literally lore-wise as well, since hell's minions are literally everywhere.

9 MIGHT SEE: How Earth Got Overrun

Between the time of DOOM 2016 and DOOM Eternal, a lot of has happened on Earth. At the end of of the original game, Samuel Hayden took the Crucible and prepared Earth for the coming war against hell. In-game Codex Pages tell of what Samuel did to ward off humanity's extinction and the war he led against hell. However, there is a lot from the story that players do not know.

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Future DLC could bring more answers to what happened in between games and why he failed. With VEGA gone and Samuel's intelligence uploaded into the Fortress of Doom, we do not have to look far for answers.

8 WILL SEE: New Abilities

The primary ability that the Doom Slayer obtained and upgraded from DOOM Eternal's campaign was the Blood Punch. Showcasing the full might of the Doom Slayers' raw physical power. However, the DLC's listing, as said, we would be able to obtain new skills. Ranging from abilities like Blood Punch, armor upgrades like the Ice Bomb, or perhaps more armor upgrades.

A new ability will be coming in the first DLC, hopefully obtaining a movement ability or an update to an already known ability like the Meat Hook.

7 MIGHT SEE: A Non-Doom Slayer Focused DLC

DOOM 3 holds a different side of the DOOM universe, since while it's also set on Mars, it's notably told through the eyes of a different marine and even another distinct second marine in its DLC.

As seen in this sequel, having a whole DOOM game without the Doom Slayer has been done, so a DLC in DOOM Eternal that would do the same would give it a nice breath of fresh air and a refreshing change of pace. Perhaps the story can be told through a different marine during the war on Earth with Samuel Hayden or another member of the Night Sentinels.

6 WILL SEE: New Demons

Another confirmed development in the DLC listing is new demons.  Now with hell unleashed against all realms known and unknown. There will, without a doubt, be demons everywhere. From the six seal broken, this could lead to demons that we have previously seen in DOOM 2 like the Spider Mastermind.

However, this can also mean a brand-new demon or the real Cyberdemon since the developers called them Tyrants in DOOM Eternal. Even new demon corrupted angels could be a possibility now that Urdak has fallen. Fans can only wait and see what new horrors they will soon face (and subsequently rip and tear).

5 MIGHT SEE: The Return of the Kan Makyr

The Kan Makyr was a potent antagonist throughout DOOM Eternall. Afterward leading up to the Icon of Sin's release and her fall shortly afterward. However, in the unused audio files within the game's code, she remarks that she will return to rule Urdak and come for the Doom Slayer.

In Urdak, there is a body similar to hers that is resting underwater, guarding a secret. There is no other explanation as to why the body is there. All beings of Urdak are connected through a hivemind and can transfer sentience into another body. This extra body could be the reason why she could return very soon.

4 WILL SEE: The Creator of the Universe

With heaven defeated and the armies of hell unleashed upon the universe, the Creator of the Universe has now come into play. A new God is a surprising development within the DOOM universe, since no gods have mentioned until recently.

The most powerful foes players have fought include the Icon of Sin, Kan Makyr, and The Mother Demon. Through the Slayer Trial, Doom Guy became the Doom Slayer imbued with the powers of a god. Will this much power be enough even to contest a god or let alone the Creator of the universe? Maybe the DLC will finally answer this mystery.

3 MIGHT SEE: Exploring Other Heavens

Exploring new worlds comes the possibility of different heavens. As far as fans know, Hell is a massive singular place, but Urdak is the only known (for lack of better words) Heaven. Unless Urdak spans further than initially thought, then there could be other heavenly realms as well.

With the possibility of traveling to a different domain, this could also mean different heaven, maybe even a different hell. A lot remains unknown as Doom's universe is making only a significant development leap forward in recent years.

2 WILL SEE: More About the Doom Slayer's Past

DOOM Eternal has made substantial forward progress in the Doom Slayers backstory. Up until DOOM 2016, his original design is a stand-in character for the player. However, in the sequel, he now has the infused powers of a god, has confirmed to have been stuck in Hell for years, and he even spoke for the first time.

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The establishment of the Night Sentinels brought forth much new lore, which is unlikely to be the end of it. There is still so much we do not know about Doom Guy's past that fans continue to learn with every new encounter.

1 MIGHT SEE: The Return of the Night Sentinels

With the Doom Slayer's past continuing to be explored, we might continue to fight Marauders and encounter more Night Sentinels. We know he was apart of the Night Sentinels and one of the strongest among their ranks, even before the Slayer Ritual. Now, after the events of DOOM Eternal, both Marauders and Night Sentinels see him as a betrayer.

Both could continue to hunt the Doom Slayer down. The Marauder will likely become a new standard demon due to its popularity among fans in future installments. Along with the original lore, it's safe to guess that the Night Sentinels won't stay as a one-time game appearance.

NEXT: Doom Eternal: 10 Important Tips & Tricks For Beating Ultra-Nightmare