Doom Eternal is the latest iteration of a franchise of first-person shooters that began in the 1990s. Famous for its blood, guts, and gore, this title gives players the pleasure of navigating mazes while disemboweling demons with high-powered weapons. What's not to love, right? Especially when it all takes place with cutting-edge graphics!

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However, the sheer volume of advanced visual effects spills over into some areas that do not really need it. The result is some features that distract players. Fortunately, there are mods that players can install to fix this. Some mods change the game's visuals, resulting in a different aesthetic. Other mods make the gameplay a bit more challenging for advanced players. Here is a list of 10 mods for Doom Eternal, available from, that accomplish these tasks the best.

10 GrittyDoom

When you kill an enemy, the power-up it drops appears shiny and glowy by default. This is probably so that the power-up stands out from everything around it. This mod reverses that effect. That is, it makes the power-ups look less lustrous and plainer. Why would players want this? Maybe they have sensitive eyes,  and already feel overloaded by everything else going on the screen.

This mod could provide relief. Or, maybe they want to add another level of difficulty to the gameplay. This mod accomplishes that by making power-ups harder to see, making players less likely to get them.

9 Carmack's Eternal Reshade

This mod's title refers to John Carmack, co-creator of the original Doom game. Allegedly, Carmack created this mod, which adds value to the game's overall visuals. It changes the game's look and feel to match Carmack's intentions had he been in charge.

This mod appeals to those who love the original Doom tradition by adding a degree of authenticity. Players who just want to play the game through with everything looking different might get a kick out of this mod, too.

8 No Extra Lives

Unlike the previous two mods, this one does not change the game's look and feel. Instead, it adds difficulty to it. How does it do that? Well, it is all in the title! It removes all Extra Life power-ups from the game.

This adds a great degree of difficulty because it forces the user to play through with only the default number of lives. No second chances. Players who pride themselves on their ability to beat the game with only a few deaths will love this challenge. They should install this mod, and see how they do!

7 Keep the Dead - Eternal Edition

This is another mod for purists. It sets it up so that the blood, guts, and corpses that result from kills never fade away. This was a default condition in the original Doom game. In fact, it is one of the things that made the game so groundbreaking.

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While dead enemies in other games always disappeared, they stuck around in Doom, much like in real life. It added a degree of realism to the game. Developers probably changed this feature to keep onscreen clutter to a minimum. However, if players don't mind it, then this mod is for you. Heck, this is the mod for players who enjoy a modicum of gore that doesn't fade away!

6 Customizable Glory Kill Highlights

In Doom Eternal, when a player kills enemies, there are standard visual effects. When one commits a "glory kill," however, there are special effects. That is, the kill gets highlighted so that it stands out from everything else going on. This mod lets players customize those special effects. Maybe they don't like the standard color of the glory kill highlights. It could hurt their eyes, be hard to see, or just seem ugly. Either way, this mod gives players control over these visuals.

5 White Weapon Reticles

This mod changes the game's visuals and its difficulty. "Reticle" is a term for a weapon's crosshairs, the little things that tell players where they are aiming. In Doom Eternal, reticles appear onscreen when the player equips certain weapons.

By default, they appear in a drab color that somewhat blends in with the surroundings. This mod gives the reticles a bright white color. Doing so makes them stand out clearly from the background and other surroundings. As a result, players can always see exactly where they are aiming, increasing their hit-rates.

4 DoEt Cel-Shader

Like the Carmack's Eternal Reshade mod mentioned earlier, this one changes the look and feel of all the graphics in the game. It renders the visuals with a technique known as Cel Shading. This technique takes 3D graphics and makes them look flat like they're part of a cartoon or a comic book.

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Games that have made use of cel-shading include The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild for Nintendo Switch and XIII for Sony PlayStation 2. As dark and grim as the Doom franchise is, it's hilarious to see what it looks like as a cartoon.

3 No Enemy Health Drop When At Max Health

This mod does not necessarily change the difficulty of the gameplay, nor does it change the visuals much. Instead, it makes the gameplay and visuals more efficient and economical. It sets it up so that when the player's health is maxed out, any enemies she kills do not drop health power-ups.

Therefore, players do not have to feel like any power-ups are wasted. Also, this means that there are fewer things cluttering up the screen. The result is fewer unused power-ups and the player gets a clearer screen.

2 Nicer Loot Drops FX

Here is another mod that changes the game's visuals by economizing the onscreen graphics. This mod simplifies the visual effects that surround all power-ups. It makes them all a single color, adding uniformity and consistency to the experience. It removes the icon bracket around them, and it minimizes the effects of picking them up. All of this results in a plainer experience with a less cluttered screen. Players who feel like the game has enough visual effects where it really matters will enjoy this mod.

1 HUD Low Health De-Crapifier

This is yet another mod that simplifies the on-screen visual effects and adjusts the game's difficulty. This one can particularly help the player's experience by making things easier to see when it matters the most. It sets it up so that the screen does not glow in red whenever the player's health is low. It's nice to have a reminder about low health, but players are generally aware of the fact that they're dying. Besides, the added red hue cannot possibly make it easier for the player to see. And if the player cannot see, they cannot survive.

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