Throughout his journey, the Doom Slayer has ripped and teared countless demons. He's got a whole lot of unique guns to help him with that task, each suited for a specific type of demon destruction. Some are ideal for blowing up large groups, others excel in close-quarters combat, and some are designed to replenish ammo for other tools of violence.

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These are the best weapons in the Slayer's arsenal based on their use, versatility, and overall demonic carnage. While some weapons have been around since the very beginning of the Doom franchise, others are more recent newcomers that equally deserve time in the spotlight.

8 Chainsaw

Fueling Destruction and Ammunition

doom the chainsaw
  • Appears in: Every Doom game

The Chainsaw, once considered a weaker weapon in the original game, has undergone significant rework in recent titles, transforming it into one of the most crucial tools in the Slayer’s arsenal.

Using the Chainsaw on enemies isn't just about ripping them apart — it also provides a vital burst of ammo for the Slayer's other weapons. The Chainsaw operates on fuel, and the amount used depends on the type of enemy being dispatched. Killing even the lowest-tier demon guarantees ammo drops, meaning this weapon should ideally be used on demons like Imps and Zombies. Initially, the first charge of fuel recharges over time, while subsequent charges require finding fuel drops scattered throughout the world.

7 Rocket Launcher

Explosive Dominance Across the Ages

doom rocket launcher
  • Appears in: Every Doom game

Rocket Launcher is a reliable explosive weapon that has been a staple in every DOOM game arsenal. It unleashes a powerful area-of-effect blast capable of dealing significant damage to groups of enemies or staggering even the larger, more tougher ones.

Unique in that is that it doesn’t share ammo with any other weapon, players can choose to go crazy with it if they have stockpiled enough ammunition. In recent DOOM games, its Lock-On Burst Mod transforms the Rocket Launcher into a must-have weapon in boss fights, allowing it to fire three rockets simultaneously with guaranteed hits. It's also a powerful tool for crowd control and creates opportunities for brutal glory kills.

Doom: The Dark Ages Intends to Stick to the Franchise’s Roots

Doom: The Dark Ages looks to respect the series' identity and gameplay, staying true to its roots.

6 Unmaykr

Purging Demons with Argent Energy

doom the unmaykr
  • Appears in: Doom 64, Doom Eternal

The Unmaykr, also referred to as Unmaker in Doom 64, is a demon shredder that fires argent energy, capable of devastating anything in its path. Initially appearing in Doom 64, it made a return in the most recent entry of the series. It is ideal for mowing down dense hordes of demons and is particularly effective when huddled in a small corridor. It also excels at quickly depleting any main boss’s health bar.

Using the same ammo type as the BFG 9000, the Unmaykr sets itself apart by being automatic. However, it's crucial to note that even a single shot fired (one unit of ammo) with the Unmaykr will cost the player one BFG shot — 30 units of ammo, meaning if the player uses one bullet of Unmaykr, they might as well use the other 29.

5 The Crucible

Blade of Divine Retribution

doom the crucible

The Crucible first appeared in Doom (2016) but became usable in its sequel. This special weapon resembles a massive red energy sword. A single swift impalement with the infernal blade can dispatch even the largest and fiercest demons, with a few exceptions. Notably, the Shielded Doom Hunter requires two attacks, while the Marauder and other main bosses are immune to its power.

The Crucible can store up to three charges, and the use of a charge does not depend on the type of enemy. Whether facing an Imp or a Tyrant, each use costs one charge, so it should always be used on tougher adversaries.

4 Soul Cube

Instant Demonic Extermination Fueled by Soul Power

doom soul cube
  • Appears in: Doom 3

Soul Cube is one of the most unique weapons in the entire series, featured exclusively in only one game in the series. This artifact is obtained by defeating the Guardian boss in Doom 3. More than just a weapon, the Soul Cube is a game-changer that can help players out of sticky situations.

To activate its power, players need to charge the cube by killing any five enemies using any weapon. Once charged, using the Soul Cube launches it towards enemies, instantly killing most types except for a few main bosses. In Doom 3, defeating the Cyberdemon requires four charges of the Soul Cube, which players can achieve by dispatching Imps that spawn in the arena.

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These games are Mature for a reason, and they feature some truly gruesome gore not intended for all ages.

3 Gauss Cannon/Ballista

Similar Weapons of Devastating Precision in the Slayer's Arsenal

doom gauss cannon and ballista
  • Appears in: Gauss Cannon in Doom (2016), Ballista in Doom Eternal

In all honesty, while the Gauss Cannon and Ballista are distinct weapons, they are grouped together here due to their similar functionality and appearance, with the Ballista feeling like a fantasy, hellish version of the Gauss Cannon.

Both weapons fire high-energy beams capable of eliminating most enemies in a single shot, though tougher foes may require additional doses. They are high damage low fire rate weapons that are risky to use but offer great results when pushed into a corner. The Ballista, especially potent when combined with the Super Shotgun, can swiftly dispatch a Marauder. Both weapons offer mods that allow players to zoom in on their shots or charge them up for even greater damage. Their high damage output guarantees that you will be using them in boss fights.

2 Super Shotgun

Double Barrel Powerhouse for Close-Quarters Carnage

doom super shotgun
  • Appears in: Every Doom game except DOOM (1993)

A true Doom classic, the Super Shotgun is a double-barreled monster that can obliterate most demons with a single shot and severely damage tougher enemies. When players are in close-quarters combat, this should be their go-to weapon. However, its damage output significantly decreases with distance from the target.

In Doom Eternal, the Super Shotgun comes with a Meat Hook attachment, allowing players to grapple onto demons and pull themselves closer. This feature can also be used for traversal purposes, adding to the weapon's versatility.

1 BFG 9000

When Players Must Vaporize Every Demon in the Room

doom bfg 9000
  • Games Featured: Every Doom Game

The undisputed king of the Doom arsenal is the (Big F***ing Gun) BFG 9000. This weapon is a tool of pure, unadulterated power and has been a staple of the DOOM franchise, featuring in every single entry. This weapon is so iconic that the remastered version of Doom 3 released in 2012 was titled: Doom 3: BFG Edition.

The BFG 9000 fires a massive green energy blast that can effortlessly clear entire rooms of demons. Although it fires slowly and its ammo is incredibly scarce, these drawbacks are trivial when wielding such a devastating weapon. Players can think of the BFG 9000 as a "get out of jail free" card in tough situations or against formidable bosses. It might feel like overkill, but it certainly gets the job done.

doom eternal
DOOM Eternal

March 20, 2020
id Software
FPS , Action