It goes without saying that 2020 was a year filled with twists and turns with unexpected happenings from left and right. And although the year has finally come to a close and felt like a slog for many, it has largely been considered a good one for the video game industry.

When many found themselves stuck indoors due to COVID-19 related quarantine and lockdown orders, video games provided a promising escape, whether hacking and slashing through demons, or spending hours upon hours developing an island community with animal friends. One positive thing that seemed destined by fate this year was the simultaneous release of Doom Eternal and Animal Crossing: New Horizons on March 20, 2020, which resulted in an unlikely fan-ordained friendship between characters of each game.

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After both games experienced their own delays and were set to release on the same date, fans of Doom Eternal and Animal Crossing: New Horizons took it upon themselves to create memes and artwork of the respective series' Doom Slayer and Isabelle as the best of friends. Aside from this fan pairing being previously acknowledged by developers, the official Doom Twitter account has posted a New Year's greeting for fans.

On January 1, the official DOOM Twitter accounted greeted fans with a photo of Isabelle and Doom Slayer Nendoroid figures depicted to be holding hands, seemingly frolicking into what could only assume to be the hopeful new year. The photo was accompanied by the message, "happy new horizons," referencing the title of the most recent Animal Crossing game while wishing fans a happy new year. The message has since received over 150k likes on Twitter, with fans happy to see their unlikely duo being referenced replying to the Tweet with their own fan art of the pair.

It goes without saying that the DOOM and Animal Crossing series likely could not be more different, but aside from a release date, something else they shared in 2020 was success. It's worth mentioning that both DOOM Eternal and Animal Crossing: New Horizons were received incredibly well, with each game receiving a nomination for Game of the Year at this year's The Game Awards.

Though the unlikely duo has fans clamoring for Doom Slayer to join Isabelle in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, it's unknown whether the pair will ever appear in any official media together. Regardless, for a year filled with so many obscurities, the bonding of the Doom and Animal Crossing communities not only seems fitting of such a strange year, but also serves as a reminder that fans' love for their favorite games and characters knows no bounds, no matter how different they may be.

MORE: Doom 2 Mod Adds Animal Crossing's Isabelle to the Game