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This episode of Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro begins with Nagatoro asking her sister, Anetoro, for a good Christmas present idea. Anetoro questions if it’s for someone special and Nagatoro’s face turns a blisteringly bright red as she tries to deny it.

After some teasing, Anetoro suggests gifting something the recipient will use every day. Nagatoro perks up and thanks her enthusiastically.

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The Gift Trade-Off


Nagatoro pulls Senpai’s hand along as they jog through a Christmas-lit street. Senpai gives her a present, and she smiles pleasantly, her face blasted from behind by the bright Christmas lights. Just then, the all-too-familiar sound of an alarm clock penetrates Senpai’s dream and forces him awake. Oh alarm clock, why do you hurt us so? Senpai sits up in bed, and gazes at the present on his bedroom table, wondering how Nagatoro will act when he gives it to her.

At school, Senpai roams the school halls after closing ceremonies have finished and Nagatoro appears. They start talking about Christmas Eve and Nagatoro can’t hide her unbridled excitement. As they stroll down the hall, they’re interrupted by Gamo-chan and Yoshi, who pull them into the library for a discussion on Christmas Eve plans. Gamo-chan mentions two types of women: those in a relationship and those who aren’t.

As Nagatoro’s friends who are boo’d up gloat about being unavailable for Christmas Eve, Gamo-chan and the other single friends throw a bit of shade.

“Team Manless” decides to do an all-night karaoke party. As Senpai thinks about not having a chance to give Nagatoro her gift if they do the karaoke party, he notices a gift sticking out of Nagatoro’s bag.

Just then, she notices the gift poking out of his bag. Before she can think of a teasing opportunity, her friends ask if Senpai is her boyfriend, to which she responds in typical Nagatoro-fashion. She slaps at his head and claims she just toys with him for fun. Gamo-chan then tries to get Nagatoro and Senpai to join their karaoke night.

The Perfect Getaway


Nagatoro isn’t really able to think of a way out, but Senpai claims he left something in the clubroom, so he’ll just have to stay behind. Nagatoro jumps on the opportunity and uses it to excuse her and Senpai from the room.

Back in the clubroom, the two leads prepare themselves to present their Christmas gifts. As they nervously steel their resolves, they’re surprised by the club president bursting into the room naked. Nagatoro books it out of the room, pushing Senpai along.

As they dart through the halls looking for somewhere to present their gifts, they take refuge in the nurse’s office and stumble right onto a rendezvous between Sakura-san and her boyfriend. They awkwardly slide out as the two smooth behind the partition.

They spend the rest of the day running around the school and avoiding any faculty that would kick them out. In their final attempt, they head to the roof, thinking no one would interrupt them there, but they encounter a mass make-out session. Before they depart, Senpai presents his gift, a scarf, to Nagatoro, and she thanks him sincerely. She gives him her gift and what a surprise, it’s also a scarf. As they walk home, Nagatoro teases Senpai for copying her and them getting the same gifts.

The Shrine Priestess and Her Senpai


Senpai’s at home when he gets a call from Nagatoro asking if he visited the shrine for New Year's Eve. Since he claims he was going to go this year, she mentions a specific shrine as the best one. After he half-heartedly agrees to go to that one, she abruptly hangs up.

The next day, Senpai visits the shrine, keeping an eye out for Nagatoro since he had his suspicions about her planning to surprise him. He doesn’t see her around and wonders if he should’ve invited her instead.

As he ponders, he hears a familiar voice from behind and turns to see Nagatoro dressed as a shrine priestess. Since she wanted to wear the outfit, she got a job at the shrine. She asks him if he thinks she’s cute, but he replies vaguely and awkwardly, so she teases him about his response. Senpai still has a ways to go.

Nagatoro leads him around the shrine and takes him to the fortune-telling area. She shows her fortune, which is the “best fortune.” His fortune comes out, and it’s a bad fortune. As more guests arrive, Senpai leaves Nagatoro to focus on her work. As he walks away, he takes another look at his fortune, which says that in his romantic affairs, nothing will happen unless he takes action.

Back at the shrine booth, Nagatoro works with her fellow priestess. She’s feeling a little down until Senpai makes a surprise return appearance. He asks for a good luck charm even though he really wants to ask her to hang out. After she gives him the charm, he starts to walk away and stops before awkwardly saying that he’ll be waiting, which gives her a little shock.

The Shrine Date


As Senpai waits for Nagatoro away from the booth, he thinks to himself about how he delivered his line, and it’s hilarious how creepy he remembered himself to be. He gets a sudden text, and it’s none other than the cat-eared kouhai herself. After she teases him for being a stalker, and he denies it, she tells him to give her 20 minutes.

After a little while, she jogs up to him and slyly asks him what he’s waiting on her for. He invites her to visit the shrine with him.

As they wait in line to visit the shrine, he notices a bunch of other couples waiting in line. That’s when he notices the sign and realizes that this is a matchmaking shrine. Nagatoro teases him that he wanted to wish that she would go out with him. He denies it at first.

Then, with a pounding heart and rickety, shaky hands, he starts to mention if he were to hypothetically suggest they go out, he would want to do it himself without divine intervention. She’s taken aback for a moment before pounding his head with a flurry of noodle slaps.

They reach the shrine and make their silent wishes. After they leave, they talk about what they wished for. Senpai wished for his family's well-being. When Nagatoro confesses her supposed wish, becoming her senpai’s bride, he’s completely caught off-guard. She teases him for being so shocked and thinking she was serious.

The cute, wholesome trend continues in this episode of Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro. There isn’t much development in the relationship between the two leads and the side characters are pretty insignificant in this episode, but it’s still an enjoyable watch. There was definite humor to be had and, bit by bit, Senpai becomes just a tad more confident each day. Although, it was funny to see Senpai actually consider himself a creep in this episode, and with good reason.

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