Survival games are ruthless in many ways. From keeping up with character’s health and hunger to fending off potentially dangerous foes that are traversing through the unknown land, players face many dangers. Even by eating some unknown food could send players to their death. Thankfully, not all survival games are cold-hearted, some allow players to come back quickly without restarting everything they worked so hard to make.

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Don’t Starve Together has created one of these luxuries. Respawning is a great asset for this game, especially when the map is so large and making progress can be difficult depending on the game settings. However, there are only a few ways players can respawn, or resurrect, so watching out for key items is crucial. While Don’t Starve Together has created a hard game to challenge players, they also understand the frustration of making so much progress, only to have everything fall apart because they walked a little too long in the dark or waited a little too much to stock up on food.


don't starve together touchstone effigy telltale heart

Resurrecting, or respawning, in Don't Starve Together is different from its single player game. In Don't Starve, players will automatically resurrect if there is something the character has interacted with or is wearing that allows them to do so. However, in the multiplayer game, players will turn into a ghost upon dying, and will need to either wait for the party to help them, or travel around the map to find a respawn location.

When all players turn to ghosts, they will have 120 seconds to either find a respawn location or they will start over in a new generated map. For those playing with the Endless mode, there is a structure called the Florid Postern that ghosts can go to for respawning.


These structures are found throughout the map. Unlike Don't Starve, these touchstones are already activated around the map. And thankfully, a Touchstone can be used multiple times by different players, however, the same player cannot use a Touchstone multiple times.

Related: Don’t Starve Together: How To Increase Sanity

The Stones will grow white if it is ready to be used, and if they are not glowing, it will need to regenerate before use. Thankfully, it does have a quick regeneration time. The Stones will also give Nightmare Fuel and Marble after resurrecting someone.

Life Giving Amulet

While the single player games automatically respawns characters if worn, the multiplayer game does not. Ghosts will have to haunt a dropped Amulet in order to be resurrected. Note that, unlike the single player game, if the Amulet drops in the water, it will sink to the bottom, not allowing players to respawn over water.

Second Chance Watch

This watch is crafted by Wanda. When dying and if she crafted this item, it will be dropped for her to haunt. She can also craft this item to revive other ghost characters as well.

When ghost characters are resurrected, they will instantly be teleported and revived at the location of death, making it easier to grab all of their inventory items without getting lost. To craft this, Wanda will need 1 Time Piece, 2 Living Logs and 4 Bone Shards.

Meat Effigy

To craft these Effigy's, players will need 4 Boards, 4 Beard Hairs and 40 Health. Many Effigy's can be made, however, players need to make sure to attune their Effigy to themselves, allowing only them to use it. Attuning it will cost the 40 Health mentioned.

As a ghost character, players will need to click the button on the top right that says "Activate Meat Effigy". If there is an Effigy attuned to players, they will not be able to activate a Touchsone.

Telltale Heart

Specifically for Don't Starve Together, this Heart can be crafted to revive ghost characters. By combining 3 Cut Grass and 1 Spider Gland, the character who crafted it will instantly lose 40 Health, but will be able to revive their partner.

Related: Don’t Starve Together: How To Farm

Thankfully, if players don't have enough health to give, they will be lowered to 1 point, meaning they will be very vulnerable, but crafting it will not kill them. After giving the ghost the Heart, the player who is alive will receive 80 Sanity. To give it to a ghost character, simply hold it and left-click the ghost.



While resurrecting is always a great tool to keep the party going to complete the game, there are some penalties that players will face each time they are brought back to life. While the positive of being alive again certainly outweighs the punishment, keep in mind that players do not come back at 100% like they started the game with.

Characters Health begins at 50, their Hunger is set 2/3 of the maximum for that character, and Sanity is set at ½ of the maximum for that character. And since players drop all their inventory when dying, their inventory will be empty, and players must find their spot of death to regain their items.

Booster Shot

For players who are using Telltale Hearts and do not want to the penalty or removing additional health after revive, this is an added crafting recipe that can help give them the extra boost they need to get back into gear. By combining 8 Rot, 2 Nitre, and 1 Stinger, the revived player can use this on themselves and gain their maximum Health.

Don't Starve Together is available on PlayStation 4, macOS, Xbox One, Linux, Nintendo Switch, and Microsoft Windows.

More: Don't Starve Together: The Best Ways To Heal