
  • Each character in Don't Starve Together has unique skills and weaknesses that affect gameplay. A well-rounded cast can make survival easier.
  • Some characters, like Wes and Maxwell, have disadvantages that make survival more challenging. Players should consider their playstyle before choosing a character.
  • Updates to the game have added new abilities for characters like Wilson, making them more useful and appealing to players. Players can unlock new abilities by gaining Insight.

Don't Starve Together is the multiplayer version of the super unique and addictive game Don't Starve. This game involves teaming up with friends to play different characters and try to survive in The Constant. Each of these characters has their unique skills, strengths, and even weaknesses, meaning that a well-rounded cast of characters can make surviving a bit easier.

7 Items You Need In Don't Starve Together (& 7 You Don't)

When playing Don't Starve Together, it's vital that each player examine which items will help the group stay alive and which are unnecessary.

Because each character is so unique and different, it can be hard to figure out which character is the best. While this depends on playstyle, it can still be argued that some characters are more useful than others. There are cons to each character to balance out the pros, so finding the best one that suits a player is ideal.

Updated December 11, 2023 by Alexandra O'Leary: Although Don't Starve was first released in 2013, Klei Entertainment are incredibly involved developers who often release newsletters and messages disclosing updates made to the game. They also continually add new content and adjustments, and have done a fantastic job of keeping both Don't Starve and Don't Starve Together incredibly modern and relevant.

Even ten years after its creation, thousands of gamers still adore the game and its many DLCs - which only add to the fun. Whether gamers are playing solo or hopping on as a group, Don't Starve Together's characters are undeniably one of the biggest appeals of the game, each of them with unique nerfs and buffs that keep the game engaging and interesting.

25 Wes

Does Less Damage And Needs More Food

Don't Starve Together Wes
  • First Appearance: Don't Starve Together
  • Health: 113
  • Hunger: 113
  • Sanity: 150
  • Perk: Is incapable of talking and is very fragile. Can inflate balloons that explode when they take damage.

Some characters are only good if players looking for a challenge. Wes is one of those. If the game is a bit too easy and players are wanting an extra challenge, Wes is great. But otherwise... skip him. Wes does 25% less damage and gets hungry 25% faster than just about every other character.

His special ability is creating balloons that can distract enemies and do a tiny bit of damage when they pop. This use is unlimited, however, it does cost 5 sanity to use. The fact that he does not speak means players will never get survival cues like with other characters. He's weak, and it's a struggle to survive as Wes. For solo or group runs, Wes will only hold players down and can be a risk for survival.

24 Maxwell

Low Health And Perk Punishment

  • First Appearance: Don't Starve
  • Health: 75
  • Hunger: 150
  • Sanity: 200
  • Perk: Can conjure shadow puppets.

Maxwell was originally the villain of Don't Starve before he found himself trapped in The Constant. While Maxwell can be a really fun character to play because he can spawn Shadow Puppets using his Codex Umbra and his sanity is incredibly easy to manage, he's not as strong as many other characters. He also starts in The Constant with his items, such as the Dark Sword, Night Armor, Purple Gem, some Nightmare Fuel, and his book.

The Shadow Puppets can live up to 2.5 days before dying off. Upon summoning the puppets, Maxwell will lose 15 Health, 2 Nightmare Fuel, and 55 Maximum Sanity. While it's satisfying seeing the antagonist trapped in The Constant, he's not a character worth playing as he has such low health, so it can be hard to explore unless players can keep up his armor.

23 Wilson

Freezing Resistance And Insight Ability

  • First Appearance: Don't Starve
  • Health: 150
  • Hunger: 150
  • Sanity: 200
  • Perk: Will grow a large beard

Wilson is the first character that fans will play with, as he is the only character unlocked when starting the game. For so long Wilson has been a mediocre character with very few abilities except for his beard. The beard can be useful for the winter because it gives the player 135 insulation against Freezing. But the beard can also be shaved for Beard Hair, which is needed to make a Meat Effigy. The Effigy will restore 10 Sanity as well as resurrect the player on Death.

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But thankfully, a recent update finally gave Wilson his own abilities that can be perfect for those starting out. While players are exploring the game, Wilson can now gain 'Insight', which can be spent on learning new abilities under categories such as "Beard", "Torch", and "Alchemy". This will unlock more for Wilson, and he finally has a bit more use for those who enjoy Wilson's grandiose beard and want to play more of him.

22 Wortox

Resistant To Negative Effects But Must Eat Souls To Survive

  • First Appearance: Don't Starve Together
  • Health: 200
  • Hunger: 175
  • Sanity: 150
  • Perk: Can gain souls, release them to heal, or eat them to gain hunger but craves souls as food and takes less healing from other food items.

Wortox is a DLC character who once worked with Krampus until his life took a terrible turn. Wortox is unique because he primarily eats Souls, items dropped by other players or creatures upon their death. He can eat food but gains only half the amount of health as other characters. Wortox can also use Souls to teleport short distances and doesn't lose as much sanity near monsters.

However, since he eats Souls primarily, he does crave them often which means eating regular food only affects him halfway. Although this also means he takes half of negative effects, gaining Souls can be a difficult task. Souls will appear if something dies within 20 units from Wortox, but they must be collected within 10 seconds. So players have to make sure to be quick on their feet.

21 Wurt

  • First Appearance: Don't Starve Together
  • Health: 150 (Or 250)
  • Hunger: 200 (Or 250)
  • Sanity: 150 (Or 200)
  • Perk: Can befriend Merms and make disguises for teammates but can't eat meat or non-vegetables and loses sanity when holding them.

Wurt is a DLC character and young Merm. She can craft Merm homes, marsh turf, and can summon the Merm King. She can summon the King by crafting her Royal Tapestry, and once he is summoned, her stats will be buffed. Housing and befriending Guards will help players feel more protected as they will help her battle or do chores. Unlike other non-human characters like Wortox, Wurt isn't attacked by creatures like the Bunnymen.

One of the main disadvantages for Wurt is the fact that she is a vegetarian, but she's able to eat durian without any side effects. Another big disadvantage is her relationship with pigs. They will try to attack her on sight, and she despises them as well. Even with a disguise, she can not befriend pigs or try to trade with the Pig King. While she sounds like a great character, it's more for the later part of the game once she's befriended guards, created tapestries, and covered the floors in marsh turf.

20 Woodie

Can Transform And Chop Trees Quickly, But Serious Stat Depletion Post-Transformation

  • First Appearance: Don't Starve
  • Health: 150
  • Hunger: 150
  • Sanity: 200
  • Perk: Has a sentient axe with unlimited durability and can transform into a Werebeaver but when his transformations end his stats are diminished greatly.

Woodie starts in The Constant with a unique axe named Lucy. Lucy is constantly talking to Woodie and encouraging him to chop down trees. Not that this is a bad thing, though. Lucy can cut down trees faster than a normal axe and never breaks. On a full moon or after eating a Totem, Woodie can transform into one of three different creatures if he eats two Monster Foods in under 4 minutes.

These creatures are either a Werebeaver, a Weremoose, or a Weregoose. A Wereness meter will appear on the screen, and once it reaches 0, players will transform back to Woodie. Unfortunately, once this meter reaches 0, so will the hunger meter when players are transformed back. Make sure to stock up on food before turning.

19 Wonkey

Neutralizes Character Nerfs And Can Run, But Aggros Many Mobs

Don't Starve Together Wonkey
  • First Appearance: Don't Starve Together
  • Health: 125
  • Hunger: 175
  • Sanity: 100
  • Perk: Doesn't aggro Powder Monkeys or Prime Mates, can run 33% faster but is hostile to other mobs.

Wonkey is a secret internal character that players can unlock by having ten Accursed Trinkets in their inventory. Technically, Wonkey isn't its own character since it cannot be selected from the menu. Rather, becoming Wonkey is a curse placed on whichever character the player is using. This means that Wonkey will neutralize any nerfs that the character had, meaning that Wigfrid will eat non-meat items or Wurt will eat meat. This is Wonkey's main selling point since it doesn't have any specific perks.

Wonkey also has permanent access to Moon Quay island and won't aggro Powder Monkeys or Prime Mates. However, Pigs and Bunnymen are hostile to Wonkey - but they can still trade with the Pig King. Wonkey also has a slower move speed, but if it moves for 3 seconds it will start to run, and its run is 33% faster than the standard run speed of characters.

18 Willow

No Fire Damage And Has Bernie's Protection, But Major Arson Tendencies

  • First Appearance: Don't Starve Together
  • Health: 150
  • Hunger: 150
  • Sanity: 120
  • Perk: Has a lighter and is immune to fire damage but will light fires whenever she gets too nervous.

Willow starts the game with her teddy bear and a lighter. This lighter can be used to start fires, which will help to slowly increase her sanity. And if players want to put those fires out, Willow never takes fire damage. Bernie, the teddy bear, can provide sanity and warmth to Willow. And if he is placed on the ground close to Willow at 15% or less Sanity, Bernie will grow to a larger size and help her battle mobs or bosses.

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The games contained in this list are not good games. In fact, "not good" is putting it quite lightly, because they are downright atrocious.

If Willow's sanity starts to get low, and she has the lighter in her inventory, she will randomly set fires in front of herself. While they won't hurt her, it can cause some serious problems, depending on what players standing by. She's a decent character as she's the second character players will unlock, but she can be a bit hard to control if players don't keep up with her needs.

17 Woodlegs (Single Player Only)

Brilliant Early Game Items But Can't Be On Or Near Land

  • First Appearance: Shipwrecked DLC
  • Health: 150
  • Hunger: 150
  • Sanity: 120
  • Perk: Can craft a special boat and sniff out treasure, but takes sanity damage while on or near land.

Woodlegs is perhaps one of the most "stacked" characters from a starting standpoint. His inventory is filled with a bevy of useful items and his specialty-crafted item, the "Sea Legs," has the same durability as an Armored Boat and an infinite cannon to blast away at enemies. His special headgear allows him to "see" nearby treasure spots, and he will start the session with the closest treasure spot revealed. He can be a great resource for finding valuable items and his craftable ship is pretty powerful.

Unfortunately, Woodlegs will absolutely hemorrhage sanity when he is on land (or hovering near a coastline, for that matter). This makes him very difficult to use during the early game and players will need to keep up with his quickly-draining sanity in the first few days.

16 Wilba (Single Player Only)

Great For Werepig Relations But Difficult Sanity Control

Via: Youtube (CrypticFox)
  • First Appearance: Hamlet DLC
  • Health: 150
  • Hunger: 200
  • Sanity: 100
  • Perk: Has a special item that keeps her from transforming into a Werepig. Can befriend other pigs but is afraid of the dark.

If players are tired of being attacked and bullied by Pigs when attempting to gather resources near them, consider using Wilba. This unique character is the daughter of the Pig Queen and therefore swine royalty. Her favor will allow her to pluck items from Pig Villages and the denizens will sometimes gift the Princess with basic resources and goodies. She's quite the ally to have if players plan on setting up near a Pig Homestead.

Unfortunately, she's afraid of the dark and will lose sanity at night (when not near a light source) much faster than a normal character. She has a small sanity pool, too, which makes it easy for her to transform into an insane state. She also comes equipped with a handy necklace that will "keep her from entering her Werepig form" but also causes her to slowly bleed sanity. She's unique and useful in her own right, but it can be a chore to keep her sane.

15 Wilbur (Single Player Only)

Slow Walk Speed but Can Run and Produce Manure

  • First Appearance: Shipwrecked DLC
  • Health: 125
  • Hunger: 175
  • Sanity: 150
  • Perk: Can run fast but has a slower base speed. Is an ally to Prime Apes but cannot talk.

This adorable little monkey is pretty useful in the right hands and comes equipped with two unique abilities that make him a cut above his human counterparts. Wilbur is fast, approximately 33 percent faster than other characters (when running, players will need to keep moving for approximately 3 seconds for that run stance to take effect). He also produces his own manure every so often, which makes him a prime candidate for gardening and producing his food early on.

Unfortunately, Wilbur can't speak, which makes communication a major roadblock. He's also a bit slower when not running, meaning he will struggle in areas where maneuverability is required. Still, penalties aside, his quick running speed and self-contained manure stockpile make him a stronger survivor than most.

14 Wheeler (Single Player Only)

Quick And Resourceful, But Easily Killed

Via: Youtube (WadeTheGeek)
  • First Appearance:Hamlet DLC
  • Health: 100
  • Hunger: 150
  • Sanity: 200
  • Perk: Can easily track items, is faster, and has an air horn, but holds less than other players.

"The Intrepid Explorer" is a welcome addition to any surviving party. She starts each new world with a specialized horn capable of shooting items toward enemies, and she can locate any type of resource imaginable with her Navigadget. She can toss a resource in and the handy tool will point her to any that are nearby. She is also capable of dodging, and although the ability comes with a 1.5-second recharge, she will be completely untouched by damage during the animation.

10 Solo Player Games That Need A Multiplayer Version

Single-player games do not all need multiplayer, but some titles could benefit from co-op or online play.

Wheeler does have some downsides, with a smaller health pool than most and a fairly small inventory at only 12 slots. Players need more storage space with her, and she's a bit fragile but should have no problem surviving with some solid armor and her handy dodge ability.

13 Wanda

No Health Bar But Becomes Very Nerfed When Old

don't starve together wanda
  • First Appearance:Don't Starve Together
  • Health: N/A
  • Hunger: 175
  • Sanity: 200
  • Perk: She has no health bar, instead her time span is dependent on her age.

Wanda was introduced to Don't Starve Together in September 2021, and she is especially unique compared to the previous characters. While some have upgradeable stats, or weakened ones due to their backstory, Wanda has no health at all. Instead, she has a life span meter that looks like a clock. It starts at 20 and goes to 80. If Wanda reaches 80, she'll die and the game will end. Thankfully, players aren't meant to try and beat the game within this time frame. Wanda's special ability is a crafting tab called "Clocksmithy" where she can craft 7 unique items. One of which is called Ageless Watch which brings her life backwards by 8 years.

She can be a tricky character to use because each day is 12 years of her life, but if players strategize enough, they can utilize the fact she has no health bar to their advantage. But keep in mind, even though she does not get hurt necessarily, each hit towards her takes some time off her life. She ages by the number of years equal to 0.4x the damage.

One of the biggest disadvantages to Wanda is that, when she's at an older age, she can't carry heavy items, she deals less damage, she's generally more tired and weak, and can lose far more years of her life when injured. She can also suffer from freezing and starvation quickly.

12 Walani (Single Player Only)

Early Game Exploration And Resilient Sanity, But Hunger Drains Quickly

Via: Youtube (AlastorTheDevil)
  • First Appearance:Shipwrecked DLC
  • Health: 120
  • Hunger: 200
  • Sanity: 200
  • Perk: Starts with a surfboard that she can re-craft, and dries quicker than other characters, but her hunger drains 10 percent faster.

Walani comes with her unique exploration tool in the form of a surfboard. This will help players navigate the waters early on, without the need to build a boat. She also loses her sanity at a much slower rate, and she's a great character for beginners. That said, she has some caveats that can be frustrating for some.

For one, her health pool is much lower than average and her hunger will deplete 10 percent faster than a normal character. It's great that her sanity drains slower but on the flip side, it takes a bit more to "fill it back up." Her surfboard is an excellent navigation tool but has less durability than a raft, and it's a bit wasteful to repair (based on the materials needed). Thankfully, Walani can craft one whenever she feels like it.

11 WX-78

Weak To Rain But Huge Late Game Upgrades

  • First Appearance:Don't Starve
  • Health: 100 (Upgradeable to 400)
  • Hunger: 100 (Upgradeable to 200)
  • Sanity: 100 (Upgradeable to 300)
  • Perk: Can be upgraded to increase stats. Immune to freezing but takes damage in rain and water.

WX-78 is a unique character because they are not human, something that impacts how they're played. They can eat gears to upgrade their stats, but gears aren't always easy to come across and could better be used in other structures, like an Ice Box. And if WX-78 is exposed to rain, they will take damage until they find shelter.

When lightning strikes them, they lose 33 Sanity but will gain 100 Health. While WX-78 has some of the lowest starting stats, for dedicated players looking to upgrade to a powerful character, this is the choice for them.

10 Webber

Doesn't Aggro Spiders And Can Stay Warm, But Hostile To Other Mobs

  • First Appearance:Reign of Giants DLC
  • Health: 175
  • Hunger: 175
  • Sanity: 100
  • Perk: Can befriend spiders and grow a silky beard for warmth.

Webber is a young boy who lives inside a spider that tried to eat him. Now, he's able to befriend the spiders that live throughout The Constant which can be huge for resource collecting and avoiding being overrun. But, being a spider means that other mobs like pigs will be hostile toward him, making it difficult to explore the world at times. Webber can also eat monster-based food which can help keep him full and alive. Webber will grow a silky beard which keeps him warm against the cold, and can be shaved with a razor to receive silk - which is a very useful item.

Don't Starve Together: The 18 Best Mods

Don't Starve Together received official updates and DLC, and plenty of great mods have also been made for it. These are the best ones.

To unlock him in the Reign of Giants DLC, players will need to find Webber's skull that drops by killing Spiders. When they find this, they will need to bury it in a grave mound. Lightning will strike that area afterward, causing him to rise, which will allow players to play him from then on.

9 Warly

Portable Crockpot And Ingredients But Needs Meal Variety

  • First Appearance:Shipwrecked DLC
  • Health: 150
  • Hunger: 250
  • Sanity: 200
  • Perk: Can cook special items and has a portable crockpot but has harsher negative effects from food and doesn't heal as much when eating it.

Before arriving in The Constant, Warly was a chef. In The Constant, Warly initially spawns with a Portable Crockpot and some ingredients to cook with. This is helpful because Warly won't eat anything that hasn't been cooked. But, players don't have to craft a new crockpot and Warly can take his anywhere with him.

He also enjoys eating different meals. He will be able to remember what he ate over 1.75 days, so if he eats the same thing twice within that period, he will only gain a percentage of the normal effects that food gives. For group players, players might want to consider pairing Warly up with Wormwood, as those two make a great team.

8 Wolfgang

Damage Scales With Food But Loses Substantial Sanity Around Monsters

  • First Appearance:Don't Starve
  • Health: 150 (Up to 300)
  • Hunger: 300
  • Sanity: 200
  • Perk: Will get stronger when his stomach is full, but is afraid of monsters and darkness.

Wolfgang is an incredibly powerful character - as long as players can keep him well-fed. The fuller his hunger is (which is higher than other characters), the more damage he's able to do. But as he gets hungry, he also gets weaker and weaker.

Along with this, Wolfgang is afraid of the dark and, when he's around monsters, his sanity drops faster than other characters. Since food can be scarce, he can be a challenge, but he's worth it.

7 Wendy

Wendy Is Weak, But Abigail Is Extremely Useful

  • First Appearance:Don't Starve
  • Health: 150
  • Hunger: 150
  • Sanity: 200
  • Perk: Can summon her deceased sister to aid in combat and isn't afraid of the dark, but takes a damage penalty when attacking foes.

Wendy is one of the best characters for newer Don't Starve Together players. She doesn't appear to be much, and she's not very strong, which makes lots of things more of a challenge for her. But, the best part about Wendy is her ghostly sister Abigail.

Abigail can be summoned by Wending by utilizing Abigail's Flower, which she will spawn in The Constant with - although something will have to die near the flower to spawn Abigail. Once summoned, Abigail can engage in combat for Wendy which is a brilliant way to keep Wendy alive while collecting resources and enemy drops. Abigail can die, but she will not take Wendy with her and can be re-summoned after a cool-down period. Wendy is also not afraid of the dark and will take 25% less sanity damage at night and in dark places.

6 Wickerbottom

Great For Resource Collecting

  • First Appearance:Don't Starve
  • Health: 150
  • Hunger: 150
  • Sanity: 250
  • Perk: Can craft without the science machine and can make magical books but is incapable of sleeping and hates it when food spoils.

Wickerbottom is a really powerful character because she can craft items with no Science Machine, including being able to create books. The books can make birds spawn near players, plants and crops advance into their next stage, and she can even summon random lightning strikes near her. This can be extremely helpful later on in the game, and not needing a Science Machine is incredible for early gameplay.

Don't Starve Together: The Best Ways To Heal

Like most survival games, being able to heal a character is a common mechanic. Thankfully, there are several ways to heal in Don't Starve Together.

Although these books cost her quite a bit of sanity, reading them can be amazingly helpful for different aspects of the game, like growing crops. She can only read a book a maximum of five times though, so make sure to use the ability wisely.