
  • Don't Starve Together has received updates, DLC, and mod support, which add replay value and enhance the overall gameplay experience.
  • Some of the best mods for Don't Starve Together include Combined Status, Minimap HUD, and Global Positions, which improve gameplay mechanics and provide useful information.
  • Other notable mods include CraftBlock - 3D Base Building, Geometric Placement, and Storm Cellar, which offer new building options and storage solutions for players.

When one plays a game for hundreds of hours, it is understandable that things can get a bit stale, despite having the passion to have delved into a particular title for as long as one has. Don't Starve Together is the multiplayer version of the dark and unrelenting survival game made by Canadian independent developer Klei Entertainment that was released in 2013 and has received many innovative and immensely fun updates since then.

Every Don’t Starve Character, Ranked

There are many characters to choose from in Don't Starve and Don't Starve Together but some of them are better than others.

Not only has this great game received official updates and DLC, but Don't Starve Together has also been given mod support, and players can introduce new elements themselves for untold quantities of helpful devices and other kinds of novel additions to the already awesome gameplay. The best mods for Don't Starve Together do a great job of adding a ton of replay value to the title while taking care of any nitpicks players may have with the overall experience.

Updated November 3, 2023, by Ritwik Mitra: Don't Starve was one of the first indie games around that wowed players with a mix of hardcore survival gameplay and a great gothic art style that made the game visually stimulating as players struggled to survive every single day. The game could be pretty terrifying at times, but it didn't take long for dedicated gamers to figure out the best way possible to survive each passing day, which made for a scintillating gameplay loop. The game was so successful that the developers made a co-op version of this game where players could try and survive together, adding a unique spin to the gameplay and making things way more engaging than ever before! Players who want to make Don't Starve Together even more fun to play through can download a wealth of mods to tweak various facets of the title for the better.

18 Combined Status

Downloads: 7,181,531

Wilson, Winona, and Maxwell fighting Terrorbeaks in Don't Starve Together

In a cutthroat game like Don't Starve Together, where a single misstep can lead to the player's doom, it's imperative to be up-to-date with all the relevant information in the game world so that players don't end up making a mistake that they'll regret. After all, the worst feeling that players can experience in the game is having all their hard work go to waste because they didn't anticipate a particular event.

The Combined Status mod is a simple yet great way for players to understand exactly what's happening and prepare accordingly. It helps them keep track of everything that's important in the game. This includes the temperature, moon phase, current season, and everything else along the same lines.

17 Minimap HUD

Downloads: 6,043,275

Minimap HUD mod for Don't Starve Together

Many players have become used to minimaps in their games, and it's certainly refreshing to see that Don't Starve Together doesn't rely on this aspect of the HUD to guide players. This makes exploration feel more organic and mysterious, with most players having no idea what awaits them in the unexplored sections of the map unless they decide to check the map every step of the way. However, there are some people used to most modern games who wouldn't mind a minimap to make exploration a bit more intuitive for them.

As a result, this mod is definitely going to be pretty popular for most players who want to enjoy a relatively easy time while playing the game. The minimap is customizable in many ways, featuring a pretty convenient zoom level. Players can also just collapse the minimap at times if they don't want the HUD to be too cluttered, which is always welcome.

16 Global Positions

Downloads: 5,884,996

Wilson, WIllow, WX-78, Wendy in Don't Starve Together

Co-op gameplay is a ton of fun in Don't Starve Together, with players collaborating to form a shelter, create useful items, and survive every night with the resources at their disposal. While it's certainly a valid strategy for players to band together while exploring the map to deal with any threats easily and support each other in times of distress, most experts would prefer to just split up instead and cover more ground that way.

7 Open-World Games With Permadeath

Modern games use permadeath far less often as a feature, but there are a few open-world games that have used the concept in different ways.

This makes it important to know where the player's partner is, in case they stumble upon a powerful enemy and need some help. The Global Positions integrates a mechanic in the game that lets players know which direction their co-op partner is on the map, making it easy to locate their friends. Players can even set up signal fires that show up on the map, letting them mark notable points of interest with ease.

15 Modpacks: Standalone + API

Downloads: 7,339

Modpacks Standalone + API mod for Don't Starve
  • Creator: Niko, 夜深人静就睡, Damglador
  • Link to mod

While enabling and disabling mods is as simple as can be, there are times when players may find the act of individually selecting mods over and over again to be quite monotonous. After all, the experimental nature of modding means that players will be fiddling around with different mod combinations frequently, making the repetitious nature of this task feel all the more frustrating and unbearable.

This is where a rather simple mod comes into the picture, allowing players to select multiple Don't Starve mods in one go and enable or disable them whenever they see fit. It may seem like a small and simple change, but players with numerous mods will be more than happy with the way this mod respects their time.

14 MouseWheel Adjust StackSize

Downloads: 104,024

Don't Starve Enemy

Given Don't Starve's nature as a survival game, it's only a given that players will gather a ton of resources and equipment as they craft the items they need to survive in this unforgiving landscape. This will lead them to carry a ton of stacks, and there are times when players who want to be mindful about their supplies would like to customize the size of the item stacks that they're carrying.

Here is where this mod can help out quite a bit, with this particular tweak allowing players to customize the size of a stack simply by using their mouse wheel for the same. While this mod's functionality may not seem all that impressive, veterans love the brilliant simplicity of this mod in Don't Starve.

13 Mothling's Skins

Downloads: 4,283

Mothling's Skins mod for Don't Starve

There are many critters that players can keep as pets during Don't Starve. However, many people feel that there's one pet that triumphs above the rest because of its innate ability to emit light, which is a godsend in a game where darkness is the player's greatest enemy and brings with it many untold horrors that can end a player's run in no time flat. It's no secret that this pet is a Mothling.

Don't Starve Together: 10 Best Ranged Weapons, Ranked

From the Boomerang to the Blow Dart and Fire Staff, here are some of the most potent ranged weapons in Don't Starve Together.

That being said, it can be rather unremarkable that all Mothlings look alike, which may be a source of disappointment for players who want this flying pet to look as unique as possible. The Mothling's Skins mod can be a huge help in this regard, allowing players to keep Mothlings with different styles, adding to this critter's visual variety.

12 Burning Timer

Downloads: 358,062

don't starve together burning timer mod

As can be noted in the immensely satisfying demonstration video on this mod's Steam page, players can use the Burning Timer mod to keep track of how much longer their Campfire can keep burning. However, it also displays how long other burning objects stay alight, such as the Fire Pit, Endothermic Fire, Endothermic Fire Pit, and Night Light. This mod is the best way to keep track of many fires at once.

This clever mod also calculates the time left in the life of a fire when it is raining or exposed to other dampening elements. As can also be gleaned from the neat demo video, the timers of respecting burning objects do not overlap or create any lag, even with a lot going on at once.

11 Ocean Currents

Downloads: 27,373

don't starve together ocean currents mod

Environmental mods are a great way to make exploring the vast and randomized worlds of Don't Starve Together even more interesting. This one that adds significant currents to the oceans of the world, aptly named the Ocean Currents mod, will have a huge impact on players planning to spend a lot of time on the water.

Games to Play If You Like Don't Starve

Klei Entertainment's Don't Starve is one of the most unique survival games out there, but there are a few titles that can match up to it.

This is more than a cosmetic change, as the currents push and pull the player as well as creatures and objects like boats. In fact, the author of this mod even made it so that ocean mobs like squid and fish actively seek out these currents to ride them in a very immersive touch that makes this addition feel like part of the game's vanilla experience.

10 CraftBlock - 3D Base Building

Downloads: 32,345

don't starve together Craft Block - 3D Base Building mod

With so much building potential to be had in Don't Starve Together, players have always found it disappointing that they could not stack objects on top of each other like in some other survival games that feature base building. The CraftBlock mod grants players the ability to not only stack and form bases like never before but a ton of other features as well.

As this mod essentially unlocks an entire third dimension, the author has experimented with great results to give players the ability to jump as well, meaning that they can now hop over small objects while moving. Furthermore, there are even 8 new crafting recipes featuring brand-new objects in the Structures tab.

9 999 Stack Size

Downloads: 269,099

useful mod for bigger stacks don't starve

One of the most tedious parts about surviving in Don't Starve is the restrictive stack sizes. They're sometimes far too small for efficient hoarding and this results in players needing to leave things scattered on the ground when inventory space gets tight.

The 999 Stack Size mod is the best for alleviating this issue by doing exactly what it sounds like: making all stacks go up to 999. Inventory management will be a breeze after installing this one.

8 Beefalo Milk

Downloads: 48,848

daily food items made with a modded resource don't starve

Dairy connoisseurs should definitely check out this delicious mod, as it adds close to a dozen new food items to the game and ranges from tremendously delectable (pizza) to outright disturbing (fish yogurt).

Each milk or cheese-based food is made from milk harvested from everyone's favorite bovine in the Beefalo Milk mod. Most of the consumables restore huge quantities of health, hunger, and sanity and are worth risking a sneaky milking on a Beefalo, though, be warned, for they can kick quite hard!

7 Better Moon

Downloads: 11,509

art of the moon at night in the game's art style don't starve

It can be hard to tell when a full moon is approaching, which is something that becomes important to prepare for. The Better Moon mod adds visuals that show which phase the moon is currently in for prudent survivalists to take advantage of.

10 Best Open-World Games Made By Indie Developers

Open-world games are often associated with triple-A blockbusters, but these indie games prove that the genre isn't impenetrable to indie developers.

Each phase, both waxing and waning, is composed of 3 different subphases that show the trend in which the moon is moving. This subtle yet important detail adds great immersive qualities and performs its function well.

6 Chocolate +

Downloads: 20,413

delicious mod that adds cacao trees and chocolate recipes and food don't starve

Here's another delicious mod, but it's chocolate-themed this time. The Chocolate + mod adds Cacao trees into the game, which the player can harvest Cacao seeds from. These large seeds can be used to create chocolate and a few more dark and tasty recipes.

Chocolate milk, chocolate ice cream, and chocolate chip cookies are also on the menu of this Don't Starve mod, which are 3 very strong reasons to check it out. Each of these new food items restores great quantities of hunger and sanity, though do little for health.

5 Fish Day

Downloads: 4,915

mod that adds the fish armor wearable item in don't starve

Most of the time, the best weapons and armor are usually risky or costly to acquire. The Fish Day mod changes this by including some new equipment that can be made from relatively easy-to-find resources, although this one needs the Shipwrecked DLC in order to function.

This mod includes 2 new pieces of armor as well as 3 weapons, all made from fish parts or similar components. Most of them can take and dish out a fair bit of damage, making them preferable to more common armor and weapons.

4 Geometric Placement

Downloads: 1,129,720

mod that helps to place things in a geometric manner.

Due to the isometric and organic nature of Don't Starve, players can sometimes have a tough time placing things in neat arrangements. This placement mod is one of the best for organizing things in one's digital home!

21 Multiplayer Games To Play If You Like Don't Starve Together

If you're a fan of Don't Starve Together, these similar multiplayer games should be right up your alley!

The Geometric Placement mod can help out those who are particular about the setup of their base and even lets one place things in variously shaped patterns like squares, diamonds, and hexagons. This helpful grid is perfect for planning and the size, color, and other aspects can be adjusted for even greater usability.

3 Storm Cellar

Downloads: 264,745

great storage mod.

Storage is a constant battle in this game, especially when handling resources that can go rotten. Fridges and chests take quite a lot of components each; therefore, having a bigger option that deals with both storage and preservation concerns would be ideal.

That's where the Storm Cellar mod comes in, as it introduces a structure that possesses 80 slots that is fireproof, can keep things cool, and is immune to giant-based damage.

2 Wilson's Cabin

Downloads: 121,774

mod that adds a nice new structure.

For those who have grown tired of living in a mud hut, there is the Wilson's Cabin mod. Despite seeming a bit strange to play a survival game and live in what looks like an excellent emulation of a modest house, this structure is a very comfortable residence.

When sleeping inside Wilson's Cabin, the player will gain 50 sanity and 60 health per rest for an excellent way to replenish these vital statuses.

1 Waiter 101

Downloads: 74,340

expansive food item mod.

As arguably the best food item mods to be created for Don't Starve Together, the Waiter 101 mod offers an insane 101 new food items into the game while being compatible with the Reign of Giants, Hamlet, and Shipwrecked DLCs.

There are so many new recipes that aspiring chefs would happily be able to spend hours cooking up a storm with their treasured Crock Pot.

Don't Starve Together

PC , PS4 , Xbox One , Switch
December 15, 2014
Klei Entertainment