Don't Starve is a dark indie survival game that has players trying to survive The Constant, a dangerous world created by the game's antagonist, Maxwell. From keeping track of various elements like hunger, health and sanity, players have to traverse the wilderness in hopes of finding a way back home. By building several bases around the world, creating magical and scientific devices, and protecting oneself with armor and weapons, there are several things to do in the game.

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Players also have the chance to play in a multiplayer version, Don't Starve Together, that lets players experience several new elements that are not seen in the single-player version. But there is one aspect to the single-player version that isn't in the multiplayer version, and that is the Adventure Mode. The Adventure Mode is the only way that players can truly 'win' the game, and this is all players need to know about the mode.

What Is Adventure Mode?

dont starve together wilson maxwell adventure mode teleportato

As mentioned, Adventure Mode is essentially the story mode, where players go through a variety of trials in order to beat the game. Once players enter the mode, they will be up against the game's antagonist, Maxwell, in a game of wits and endurance to see if they can survive the variety of challenges he has in store.

Players can only bring along four items into this mode, so in reality, no matter how much players prepare for this mode, they will be starting from scratch to show their resilience. From temperature, hunger, sanity and mobs, there are a variety of dangers in the mode.

How To Activate The Mode?

dont starve together wilson maxwell door divining rod

To enter this mode, players will have to be in the default game mode and activate Maxwell's door. Finding Maxwell's door is the tricky part, but if enough of the map is explored, it could be easy to find. It'll be surrounded by Evergreens, Fireflies and Evil Flowers. For those that are struggling, they can craft a Divining Rod that will navigate a player towards the door. It can be crafted using one Twig, 4 Nightmare Fuel, and one Gear. While holding it, players will hear a hum. If they are close to the door, it will be a higher-pitched hum, and a notification saying that they are going in the right direction. If its hear a low hum, they are getting farther away.

Once walking up to it, the door will activate by opening up, showing a dark purple swirly background inside. All players need to do is interact with it to quite literally be dragged inside and start their adventure. Once inside, a title screen will appear showing which stage they were given.

How To Win?

dont starve together adventure mode teleportato ring crank base

There are five chapters in total, along with an Epilogue, that players will have to go through, all with their own themes. There are a selection of 6 total challenges players could get, meaning one stage will be excluded, making sure that each time players enter this mode, a new sequence will be given. That being said, it makes it even more impossible to prepare for these challenges. The first four stages will be randomized, while the fifth stage will always be Darkness, and of course the last being the Epilogue.

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Players will have to survive each chapter all while trying to collect four pieces of the Wooden Thing, or Teleportato, which is a unique structure that will send players to the next stage of each level. The four items are the Box, Ring, Crank and Potato. Once an item is gathered, players can either hold on to them or place it on the Teleportato, but be wary, as it is surrounded by enemies. Once all four items are on the Teleportato, players will need to use the Divining Rod they received at the start of the level to activate the device, and then interact with the Teleportato to move on to the next level. Below are descriptions of each stage for those that want to be a bit more prepared.

Each Stage

A Cold Reception

dont starve together adventure mode cold reception

This challenge will start players in a world where seasons change quickly, so making body temperature hard to control here. From rainy summer days to snowy winters, players will have trouble balancing their sanity from the short daylight, to keeping warm with frigid temperatures. Along with this, players should expect to have some resources be scarce. Food will be limited as well.

To try and help get through this level, players should work on a lightning rod to make sure their base can withstand the rainy days, and work towards warmth as quickly as possible. Since it rains so often, Frog Rain can happen, meaning frogs will quite literally rain from the sky, so it can be a great food resource if players can create a decent amount of traps. As keeping Sanity high is also ideal for this level, try and collect as many flowers as possible to keep up with Garland, as well as crafting an umbrella to keep the rain off of the player.

In order to grab the Thing's for the Teleportato, players need to find connecting islands by bridges where Guardian Pigs are. This will also ensure that players can find the Pig King which is an added bonus.

King Of Winter

dont starve together adventure mode king of winter

Another world where cold temperatures are a threat, players will have to work on keeping warmth as they traverse this area as well. Nights don't last as long in this world, which is a huge help, but sanity still falls due to the harsh climate. Hound Mounds, which are bone structures that house hounds, are found around this area and are very prominent around the pieces needed for the Teleportato.

Ideally, players should try and get through this world as quickly as possible, not spending much time on resources and more time on exploring and getting all the pieces. Thankfully, when starting this challenge, players will be given a backpack full of resources and a blueprint for a Heat Stone, which is crafted using 10 Stone, 1 Pickaxe and 2 Flint.

A big challenge for this level are the Obelisks that block paths. In order to pass them, players will need to look to their Sanity. Some Obelisks require low sanity, while others require high. When passing through different sections, keep an eye on resources, as not every level has an abundant amount. So if players end up in a rich resource area, stocking up on some might be ideal before moving on.

The Game Is Afoot

dont starve together adventure mode the game is afoot

Players will spawn in a Marshy area where it begins in Winter, and will turn into an Endless Summer after 10 days. Hound Attacks are present on this map, so players need to be on their guard. This map is rich with resources, so players should make sure that they are spending their time in the main, central island. Players will have to travel to further, more dangerous areas to collect all the pieces. There are some maps that make it to where players have to use wormholes in order to travel to various islands. There are blockades that keep players from passing onto some of the land.

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Players should always try to get around enemies if they can help it and don't need to waste resources, but with the various resources, it can be handy to craft defense and offense gear to help kill some of the enemies. There are various mobs such as hounds, tallbirds and killer bee hives that prevent players from access certain areas.

For players wanting to use this time to stock up on useful items before moving on, the central island is home to many spider dens, making Healing Salves an abundance. As well as resources to craft armor and gear.


dont starve together adventure mode archipelago

This map can be difficult for sanity, as the map consists of six islands all connected through wormholes. Each island holds a piece of the Wooden Thing. Thankfully, the seasons changing is similar to that of sandbox mode, so players can take their time on working towards all the pieces without much worry on temperature.

This is also a decent area to stock up on resources, and make sure to stock up on a way to restore sanity with ease. Some great recipes include Fish Sticks or Meatballs.

Two Worlds

dont starve together adventure mode two worlds

Players that spawn here will be welcomed with a tent and a fire pit as a way for Maxwell to make a deal with the player. Like the chapter before, players will have to gather enough resources in order to survive wormholes, as that is the only way for players to gather the pieces as they are on a secondary island, not the main one.

Thankfully, the mainland has a lot of resources that are great for stocking up for future chapters, as well as prepare for the many wormhole adventures. The secondary island on the other hand is full of aggressive mobs, making travel very hard. Players should prepare a means for fight and defense before jumping into a wormhole.


dont starve together adventure mode darkness-1

Darkness will always be the last chapter, as it the most challenging of them all. Like the name implies, Darkness sets players in a world where there is no light besides Maxwell's light sources scattered around randomly. Players spawn near fire pits and campfires, but beyond that area, there is no light, making Sanity the biggest obstacle. Players will thankfully be able to have some blueprints for a Miner Hat, which can be crafted by 1 Straw Hat, 1 Gold Nugget and 1 Firefly.

Another big issue is the food source, as there are none. Players have to be prepared with items before coming into this challenge, as there is little to nothing that this map offers players except for challenges. The map is linear, but players should be prepared for various obstacles like Boulders or Obelisks. There are some suggested items that players might want to bring from previous levels such as the resources for a Miners Hat, a Walking Cane, some Jerky, and Spider Silk to catch Fireflies. Players should try and get through this level as quickly as possible as surviving in this world is not easy.

Epilogue: Checkmate

dont starve together adventure mode epilogue checkmate

The Epilogue is another chapter filled with Darkness, with little light but Maxwell's light. Without spoiling too much of what happens in this, as it essentially is the finale of the game and end of the story, players will have to navigate through this area until they reach areas filled with resources such as chests, crafting stations and crock pots that players can use. Players will have to assemble another Teleportato to reach the finale moment, where a choice must be made.

All in all, adventure mode is not for the faint of heart, and while players can not prepare much for this challenge, players should still be on their guard as even skilled players will have a hard time completing this mode.

Don't Starve and Don't Starve Together is available on PlayStation 4, macOS, Xbox One, Linux, Nintendo Switch, and Microsoft Windows.

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