While Donkey Kong Country 2 originally debuted on the SNES back in 1995, it's back for Nintendo's newest console, the Switch. This SNES classic is now available to play on Nintendo Switch Online as part of the annual subscription. Some may not remember, but this old-school classic had multiple endings, and many gamers are setting out to see the Best Ending for themselves, some for the first time ever.

How to Get the True Ending

In order to see the Best or True ending for Donkey Kong Country 2, players will have to get 102% completion in the game. This includes a laundry list of accomplishments that will take most players a good amount of time to complete. First, players will need to get all 40 of the DK Coins, get all the secrets, and talk to each NPC one time. Then, players need to grab all 75 Kremkoins. With the Kremkoins, Diddy can access the Lost World, which is required for the complete ending.

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Once inside the Lost World, players must complete all the levels and grab the DK Coins that are in these levels as well. Once the Lost World areas are completed, the crocodile head in the middle of the Lost World will open up, allowing Diddy to enter for his True Ending cutscene. The only sad part about this spectacular ending is that Nintendo hasn't remade Donkey Kong Country 2 yet with updated graphics to really show that beautiful sunset.

Here is a video breaking down every section of the game to ensure that players get 102% completion and that bonus cutscene with the Donkey Country Country 2 cheat codes.

The Best Ending

Warning! There are spoilers ahead for Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest for both of the endings.

While the regular ending features Diddy Kong being sized up by Cranky Kong to see if he is as much of a hero as Cranky or Donkey, the true ending takes things a little further. In the final cutscene, Cranky and Diddy leave the collapsing building and head back to Donkey Kong Island, where they tally Diddy's final. It turns out that Diddy is the hero of the day, and he is just as much of a hero as anyone in the family. In the final moments, Diddy, Donkey, and Dixie Kong watch the sunset as Kaptain K. Rool's ship and base explode and sink into the sea.

Here is a video of the ending as it was on the SNES:

Donkey Kong Country 2 is available on Nintendo Switch Online for members.

MORE: Donkey Kong: Every Playable Kong In The Franchise (& Their First Game)