
  • Doctor Who introduces the Meep, an enigmatic and seemingly innocent creature with a dark secret, in a special episode.
  • The Meep first appeared in a comic strip in 1980 and has since made appearances in various media forms.
  • The Meep's surprising TV debut captivated fans, showcasing the show's ability to delve into darker themes and defy expectations with seemingly cute aliens.

Doctor Who is renowned for memorable aliens such as the Daleks and the Cybermen, but the franchise goes far beyond its most familiar faces with extended media. The comics of the 1980s saw the inception of the Meep, a creation of Pat Mills and John Wagner, influential writers in British comics. The Meep debuted in a comic strip titled Doctor Whoand the Star Beast, published in 1980 in Doctor Who Weekly (now Doctor Who Magazine). It was illustrated by Dave Gibbons, later famous for his work on Watchmen. Notably, this comic strip featured the first person of color as a long-term companion for the Doctor in any medium, Sharon Davies.

The Meep had not appeared in the television series until this past Saturday, when it made its debut in the special episode "The Star Beast." Though most viewers had never seen this creature before, those who have read the comics know that the Meep, seemingly innocuous in appearance, harbors a dark secret, making it one of the most enigmatic creatures in the Doctor Who universe.

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When Did The Meep First Appear?

The Meep in Doctor Who Comics

In the comic strip Doctor Who and the Star Beast, narrative unfolds as the Fourth Doctor and Sharon encounter the Meep. The creature initially presents himself as a harmless refugee from a war-torn planet, calling himself Beep. Pursued by the Wrarth Warriors, a race of reptilian bounty hunters, it eventually becomes evident that Beep conceals a darker nature.

He is revealed to be the leader of the Meeps, a warmongering, planet-grabbing race mutated by the rays of a Black Sun. Beep's plan to utilize his star cruiser, emitting Black Sun radiation, to subjugate Earth's populace is thwarted by the Doctor and Sharon, leading to his capture by the Wrarth Warriors, who subsequently destroy his star cruiser.

The Meep appeared in a few other comics and audio dramas, but remained an obscure character until 2023. The Meep made its TV debut in the 60th anniversary special episode, "The Star Beast," airing on November 23, 2023. This special paid homage to the history and legacy of Doctor Who, incorporating numerous references and cameos from past and present characters and actors. The Meep was portrayed by Miriam Margolyes, a celebrated actress known for her roles in various films and TV shows. Margolyes expressed her enjoyment in giving Meep a distinct personality.

In this episode, Rose Noble encounters Meep, who lands in London in a spaceship. Unaware that the Wrarth Warriors are hunting him, she tries to befriend the cute and furry creature. The Meep reveals to the Doctor and Donna that the Wrarth Warriors used to cultivate the Meeps for their fur, but now they seek to hunt him as the last remaining Meep. It is later uncovered that the Meep intentionally landed on Earth to use its "dagger drive" to absorb energy from the planet's core to fuel his ship, an act that would destroy London.

The Meep's villainous nature is revealed when he kills the two main Wrarth Warrior leaders. The Doctor and Donna work together in the engine room to disable the dagger drive system, thwarting the Meep's plan. The Doctor then ejects the Meep from the ship, and the surviving Wrarth Warriors take him into custody. He is sentenced to 10,000 years in prison, but not before he threatens to inform 'the Boss' about his defeat. Most viewers have assumed this to be the Toymaker, but this has not yet been confirmed.

What Stories Feature The Meep?

The Meep in between Stuff Toys in Doctor Who

The Meep has appeared in several stories in different media, including comics, audio dramas, and prose. Here is a list of some of the stories that feature the Meep:





Doctor Who and the Star Beast



In the first appearance of the Meep, he tries to conquer Earth with his star cruiser.

Party Animals



A drunken Meep approaches the Seventh Doctor and his future incarnation at a party.

Star Beast II



In a sequel to the original comic strip, Beep escapes from the Wrarth Warriors and returns to Earth, seeking revenge on the Doctor and Sharon.

Placebo Effect



The Meeps have returned to their peaceful nature and are involved in a plot to stop the production of stuffed Meep toys.

The Ratings War



In this comedy story, Beep tries to take over a TV station and create a show that will brainwash the viewers.

Art Attack



A comic where Meep is at an art gallery.

"We Are Family"



In this short story where Rose Noble, a relative of Donna Noble, encounters a Meep. This story served as the basis for the TV episode "The Star Beast."

Will The Meep Appear On The Show Again?

A Still of The Meep from Doctor Who

Given the intense and cryptic ending of the episode, The Meep holds significant potential for future narratives. It may be capable of assuming various roles such as friend, foe, comic relief, or serious threat, depending on the circumstances and the writer's vision. Interactions with different Doctors and companions could yield new dynamics and conflicts, rendering the Meep a character worthy of further attention and exploration, given its unique and intriguing nature.

The Meep's unexpected appearance in the special surprised many fans who had not encountered the character since the comic strip. Margolyes infused the Meep with a humorous and sarcastic tone, diverging from its portrayal in the comic strip. The character stood out as a highlight of the special, showcasing Doctor Who's ability to use seemingly adorable and cuddly aliens to delve into darker themes and defy expectations.

The prospect of Meep's return to the show rests solely with the writers and producers of Doctor Who. However, one certainty remains: the Meep has made an enduring impact on the fans and the history of Doctor Who, solidifying its status as one of the show's finest creations.

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