
  • The Devil May Cry animated series, set to be released on Netflix, is known to focus on Dante's younger years and will feature side characters Vergil and Lady.
  • Fans hope to see iconic characters like Cerberus, J.D. Morrison, Nell Goldstein, Arkham, Mundus, Trish, and Nero make appearances in the show.
  • The anime presents an opportunity to explore the bond between Dante and Morrison, showcase Nell's role in creating Dante's signature handguns, and dive into Nero's past and his relationship with Vergil.

It's hard to believe the Devil May Cry animated series, originally announced all the way back in 2018, is almost ready to be released, but while there have been many promises of it being one of the greatest animated shows on Netflix, there's still not a lot actually known about it. While the trailers have assured longtime fans that the anime will be focusing on Dante's younger years, potentially around the events of Devil May Cry 3, producer Adi Shankar has only confirmed that Vergil and Lady will appear in the show as side characters.

10 Hardest Devil May Cry Bosses, Ranked

While slaying groups of demons isn't usually too much of a challenge in the Devil May Cry games, the bosses are a whole different story.

With such a beloved cast of characters to include though, there's no doubt that Shankar will make sure to please fans by inserting plenty of other demon slayers and villains into the anime. With that being said though, there are a few characters who would be especially fun to see pop up in the show.

7 Cerberus

Cerberus' Powerful Ice Attacks Would Look Amazing In Anime Form

Cerberus facing down Dante in Devil May Cry 3

The three-headed demonic pooch known as Cerberus is a pretty challenging boss who shows up to fight Dante in Devil May Cry 3, but the main reason he would be a great character to include is because of how much he would benefit from clean and flashy animations. Cerberus is capable of unleashing some devastating ice attacks during his boss fight, which could really make an encounter between him and Dante quite the spectacle. In his Devil May Cry 5 variation, Cerberus actually uses three different elements against his enemies, which would be even more eye-catching.

Considering that it's very likely that the anime series is going to follow the events of the third game, it would make a lot of sense for this iconic boss to make an appearance, and it would be a real missed opportunity if he didn't. While he probably wouldn't make for a great long-term villain, featuring him in a single episode or even as a quick cameo would be more than enough.

6 J.D. Morrison

The Anime Could Explore The Tightly-Knit Bond Shared Between Dante And Morrison

J.D. Morrison Devil May Cry 5

Morrison, unfortunately, doesn't get too much screen time throughout the games, despite the fact that he's implied to be one of Dante's most trusted confidants and allies. Not only does he present Dante with several different jobs and side gigs to keep his shop running, but he even acts as a chauffeur, which could no doubt lead to some hilarious scenes in the anime.

9 Most Iconic Quotes From The Devil May Cry Series

In a series packed full of endlessly charismatic characters, it only makes sense that the Devil May Cry games are also known for their iconic quotes.

It would also be great to see more of Morrison's handyman side, where he could potentially make a few gadgets or weapons for Dante to use during his demon-killing escapades. It's already been shown that Morrison is a character who works well in an animated setting, but this is really the opportunity to flesh out the character and show just how important he is to Dante.

5 Nell Goldstein

It Would Be A True Love Letter To Fans For Nell To Make A Cameo During The Show

Nell Goldstein Devil May Cry novel

All Devil May Cry fans are well aware of the quirky inventor known as Nico who accompanies Nero in Devil May Cry 5, and while she's definitely important to the plot in that game, her adoptive grandmother is one of the most vital characters in the entire series. Nell Goldstein is actually only shown in the Devil May Cry novel, which explores her adventurous career as a high-level gunsmith who has created some devastating weapons in her time.

By far her most popular inventions, though, are Ebony and Ivory, the two stylish handguns that Dante has been using since the very first game. Nell's unfortunate death actually involves Dante and directly relates to him as a character, so it would definitely be a love letter to the fans for Nell to get some screen time in the show, potentially during a flashback to see how the legendary Ebony and Ivory came to be.

4 Arkham

Arkham's Cunning And Ruthless Personality Results In Him Being A Truly Frightening Villain

Arkham in his two forms Devil May Cry 3

Arkham is so menacing and ruthless as a character that he would make for a great villain in the animated series, especially since there's so much to learn about his backstory. His attempts to sacrifice his own wife and daughter to obtain demonic powers make him a character that fans just love to hate, but there could also be some extra scenes showcasing his time as a scholar studying the black arts, which would expand the lore and world a little bit in the process.

Since Lady has already been confirmed to appear in the show, there would also be an extremely intense personal relationship between the two that could be explored as well. This isn't even mentioning his larger-than-life Jester form, which manages to be hilarious and unsettling at the same time.

3 Mundus

Mundus' Godly Strength Would Make Him A Real Joy To Watch As A Villain

Mundus facing down Dante in Devil May Cry

Vergil might be the most popular and recognizable villain from the Devil May Cry series, but Mundus is still often considered the overarching antagonist of the series as a whole, making several appearances to try and stop Dante from saving the ones he cares about. Mundus is immensely powerful, having been the supreme ruler of the Demon World, and he has many different forms that he can slip into. This would make him the perfect villain to sprinkle throughout the story while camouflaged as different characters, or he could even take a human form like he does in the Devil May Cry reboot.

5 Ways A Devil May Cry 3 Remake Would Change The Franchise

With the many unanswered questions among fans, a Devil May Cry 3 remake could very well be a gateway to reveals many have been anticipating.

It really depends on what kind of story the show is going to tell; if it's going to be a little more personal, then making Vergil the main antagonist makes sense, but Mundus allows for so much world-building that it still wouldn't be a bad idea to put him at center stage. No matter which form Mundus decides to take, him appearing at all would be a real treat for veterans of the series.

2 Trish

Someone's Got To Keep Dante In Line When He Gets Ahead Of Himself, And Nobody Does It Better Than Trish

Trish in Devil May Cry 5

Trish is one of the most iconic side characters from the Devil May Cry series who acts as Dante's partner in crime for most of the games. While Dante always acts like he knows the best approach to a plan, it's usually Trish who has to keep him in line, which always leads to some hilarious moments between the two. Behind the laughs and jokes though, Dante and Trish have an incredibly strong bond that began developing after he saved her from the clutches of Mundus in the first game.

It's also referenced a lot of times throughout the games just how eerily similar Trish looks to Dante's mother, Eva, which lends her a lot of mystery while also feeding into Dante's tragic backstory. Trish is such an important ally of Dante's that it would be virtually impossible to leave her absent, but hopefully, the anime can replicate the playful yet intimidating personality that makes Trish so badass in the first place.

1 Nero

The Anime Presents The Perfect Opportunity To Explore Nero's Past And His Relationship With Vergil

Nero Devil May Cry 5

While Nero wasn't initially well-received when he made his introduction in Devil May Cry 4, fans have warmed up to him a lot throughout the years thanks to the amount of character development he eventually received. Capcom did a great job at granting Nero the slick fighting moves of Dante while still making him a little more naive, which helps to differentiate the character and make him unique. Since Nero is only 19 years old in Devil May Cry 4, it does mean that he would have only just been born by the events of the third game if the anime decides to go this way, so it could be the perfect opportunity to see a baby Nero before he grows up.

With that said, though, it would be much better to see him getting stuck into the action with his lethal Red Queen, which can be powered up to deal even more damage. Since this show is also coming after the release of Devil May Cry 5, and fans already know that Vergil will be in the anime, it also creates the perfect opportunity to show a little more of Vergil's time as a father and potentially the reveal of Nero's mother. A decade ago, Nero probably wouldn't be any fans' number 1 pick to be in an anime, but Capcom has done such an excellent job at building him up and making him relevant to the wider story that it would be a massive shame for him not to appear.

Devil May Cry

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Adi Shankar