In 2013, Capcom released DmC: Devil May Cry, a reboot of its hack-and-slash Devil May Cry series. The game was criticized by fans for a number of reasons, including its redesigned look for Dante and for not continuing the story of Devil May Cry 4, but it was still met with a largely positive reception by critics. Ultimately, fan rejection of DmC saw the game fail to meet Capcom's sales expectations, and so any plans for a sequel were shelved in favor of Devil May Cry 5, but that doesn't mean the door is shut on DmC: Devil May Cry 2 forever.

Speaking to US Gamer, Capcom producer Matt Walker said, "We'd still love to see a sequel, but we think it absolutely has to be made by Ninja Theory - so much of the amazing style and substance in that game was only possible because they have such a knack for what's cool."

There is one pretty big problem when it comes to DmC: Devil May Cry 2 getting the green light, though, and that's Ninja Theory's acquisition by Microsoft. Now that Microsoft owns Ninja Theory, it will no doubt want the studio to make console-exclusive Xbox games under the Xbox Games Studios banner instead of working on projects for third-party publishers.

capcom would 'love' to see dmc: devil may cry 2

If some kind of deal could be struck between Capcom, Microsoft, and Ninja Theory, then DmC: Devil May Cry 2 is still technically possible. Since the original game left some plot threads dangling, it would be nice to see a follow-up, though the success of Devil May Cry 5 also makes it seem pretty unlikely.

Devil May Cry 5 reviews were almost universally positive, with the game credited with reviving the Devil May Cry franchise. Whereas DmC: Devil May Cry was a sales disappointment that failed to meet Capcom's expectations, Devil May Cry 5 has already sold over 2 million units worldwide and is actually exceeding Capcom's sales goals.

If a full-blown DmC: Devil May Cry 2 isn't in the cards, then maybe a future Devil May Cry game could somehow combine the worlds so fans can get some closure. Anything is possible, and now that the Devil May Cry franchise is once again a sales hit, Capcom will almost assuredly be exploring its options for sequels.

DmC: Devil May Cry is out now for PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Source: US Gamer