Tom Clancy's The Division 2 has had a slightly bumpy journey. While The Division 2 was initially critically acclaimed, the following updates disrupted the experience and some players began to take issue with the game. Since this point, there have been a series of additional features and content released to intrigue players and while this seems to have largely worked, the latest update has now resulted in a considerable leak from dataminers.

The Division 2 is an online multiplayer game, with a focus on third-person shooting, that allows players to role play in a dystopian future. Many fans were pleased when the latest Divison 2 update was announced and had plans to rebalance the difficulty of NPC's and add new features. Unfortunately for the team behind the title, Massive Entertainment, this update also had the foundations for the next significant content update, and the audio files of this upcoming content have leaked.

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On May 22 The Division 2 launched a Public Test Server intending to get feedback on possible changes before implementing them into the game. While this is a useful practice, a user on Reddit, definitelyanalt16, searched through this PTS to find extensive audio files that supposedly leak the upcoming narrative beats of multiple seasons.

The audio files contained new radio conversations, audio logs, and generic NPC shouts which discuss events and experiences that are not yet in the game. There is a lot of content uncovered through the audio files and judging by the amount of story that has been in the current season, this could be a leak that sheds light on a significant amount of future plans for the title.


Arguably the biggest details revealed by the audio files are the key manhunt targets for the next season. The audio files reveal that Hornet from Division 1 is not dead and is the target for season 2. Black Tusk top agent Bardon Schaeffer is the target for season 3.

But the real game-changer for The Division 2 comes in season 4 when players get to hunt down Faye Lau. At the end of the Warlords of New York expansion it is revealed that Faye Lau has gone rogue and it was only a matter of time before players caught on to her ways. It appears that the big showdown will occur in season 4.

The leak also hints at a new approach to the Underground mode from Division 1 that sees players taking on greater challenges as they ascend up the floors of the skyscraper. Each floor has a different theme, there are checkpoints every 10 floors, and players can expect a very repeatable activity.

the division 2 leaked audio

Ubisoft has yet to comment on the leak and likely won't to preserve the secrecy behind its plans. Many players will wait for Massive Entertainment to officially unveil content, while others may not be able to wait. Some of the previous updates for The Division 2 have had a huge impact, and it will be interesting to see if a large bulk of the content is coming after this leak, or whether the plans for multiple seasons will need to be altered to keep fans on the edge of their seats.

Developers are increasingly having to deal with leaks, and this instance is the latest in a long line of similar cases. While many players do not mind leaks, developers do seem to become frustrated when the material is spread in a way that was intended. Either way, with this leak, players will have to wait for Ubisoft to address the situation before they can judge how significant the audio files are.

The Division 2 is out now for PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Stadia.

MORE: The Division 2 Making Great Changes to Exotics

Source: Reddit