Newcomers of Larian Studios and their Divinity: Original Sin series might find themselves surprised at the depth of its titles. After all, both Original Sin and Divinity: Original Sin 2 contain not just compelling narratives but also extremely immersive gameplay. Moreover, players can arm their characters with a wide variety of equipment, Talents, and skills that can make them extremely unique individuals in the game world of Rivellon. Unfortunately, these elements do make Original Sin 2 a bit overwhelming at first.

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For newcomers in the game, they might feel overwhelmed by just how many skills their characters can have. As enemies can also use skills of their own, just how should players set up their party? Thankfully, some skills acquired early in the game are great for starting players. Moreover, these skills do well in teaching players early on just how flexible the game's combat system can be. Just what are these best beginner-friendly skills in Divinity: Original Sin 2?

Updated on May 5, 2022, by Rhenn Taguiam: Fans of Dungeons & Dragons may eagerly await Baldur’s Gate 3 from Larian Studios, a game that is perhaps the most faithful iteration of D&D 5e mechanics. However, it’s far from released yet as the game may remain in Early Access until early 2022, with the rest of the year devoted to development. Thankfully, fans who couldn’t wait for a tactical fantasy RPG experience close to D&D can look at Larian Studios’ other gem - Divinity: Original Sin 2 - for another powerhouse combination of a gripping plot and compelling gameplay. For beginners who just started the game, they might want to equip their characters with some must-have beginner-friendly Skills to make life easier so they can breeze through the main story with ease.

15 Restoration (Hydrosophist 1)

Divinity Original Sin 2 Combat

Both newbies and veterans of RPGs and turn-based strategy know any offensive strategy is useless without a fallback. In the case of Original Sin 2, the game boasts a wide range of offensive and defensive abilities. However, players should remember recovery is just as important in any battle, especially when this game allows all its NPCs to be able to use magic as well.

Thankfully, Original Sin 2 offers a solution early on in the form of Restoration. Aside from bestowing healing per turn, it also removes Poisoned and Bleeding effects. Players can get this from Margo and Rezik in Fort Joy.

14 Chicken Claw (Polymorph 1)

Divinity Original Sin 2 Chicken Claw

While it’s extremely easy for characters in Original Sin 2 to obliterate foes with a couple of spells, why not incapacitate them entirely by turning them into chickens? This is exactly what Chicken Claw (Polymorph 1) does, and it can stop entire battles.

What makes Chicken Claw absurdly overpowered is the fact that it’s accessible at Polymorph 1, costs 1 Memory, and only cost 2 AP. This extremely accessible spell means players who break the Magic Armor of foes can have an extra two turns to run from a powerful opponent or use this ridiculously overpowered solution to kill bosses in the next turn.

13 Nether Swap (Aerotheurge 2)

Divinity Original Sin 2 Nether Swap

While Teleport is one of the most practical Skills one can have in Original Sin 2, it’s Nether Swap (Aerotheurge 2) that has more use in the context of immediate effects. Due to its nature, Nether Swap can serve as a nifty tool to have scouts and more vulnerable characters escape combat by exchanging their place with a tank or another enemy.

This serves as a more convenient teleportation option for characters who simply need to be more mobile in combat. Given that it’s within the same Aerotheurge rank as Teleport, it’s a Skill worth having for any spellcaster.

12 Shackles Of Pain (Necromancer 2)

Divinity Original Sin 2 Shackles of Pain

Players who get attacked by tougher foes might be inclined to think - “wouldn’t it be convenient if that monster got the same damage the character did?” Thankfully, Shackles Of Pain (Necromancer 2) does exactly that. At its core, a target can receive all the damage the spellcaster receives, making this a nifty “debuff” for bosses or elite foes who want to hurt the spellcaster.

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However, while this makes this a good Skill to attach a punishment element to weaker characters, players can maximize this Skill by having a melee character like a tank get points in Necromancer. Aside from tapping into lifesteal abilities, Shackles Of Pain can make it inadvisable for opponents to hit the tank and even punish bosses - all the while the tank remains alive in the process.

11 Fireball (Pyrokinetic 2)

Casting Fireball in Divinity Original Sin 2

Despite its basic name, Fireball (Pyrokinetic 2) is easily one of the most practical offensive spells available. Aside from its 100% Fire Damage upon hit, its explosive radius can extend to everyone around the vicinity of its target.

Moreover, Fireball is easily a great element when combined with another spell that produces oils and other elemental puddles. Its strong damage component makes Fireball an easy-access offensive Skill for both spellcasters and even melee characters.

10 Cloak And Dagger (Scoundrel 2)

Divinity Original Sin 2 Cloak and Dagger

Rogues and other stealthy characters need access to as much stealth as possible in order to capitalize on their Sneak Attacks. Thankfully, Cloak And Dagger (Scoundrel 2) does exactly this for sneaky characters. At its core, Cloak And Dagger is a teleportation feature that won’t break both Invisibility and Sneaking.

This is a great way for stealthy characters to drop smack in the middle of combat without initiating initiative themselves, allowing them to choose their target freely provided they don’t screw up sneaking themselves.

9 First Aid (Huntsman 1)

Divinity Original Sin 2 Skills used in combat

First Aid serves as a handy alternative to Restoration, especially since it removes a lot of debuffs. While it doesn't heal as much as Restoration, it can remove Diseased, Poisoned, Burning, Bleeding, Silence, Blind, Knocked Down, and Crippled effects. Moreover, it gives a boost to Strength, Finesse, and Intelligence via the Rested status.

Players can get this skill from Butter in Fort Joy. This skill especially helps archers that have the Blind status, which makes them unable to attack from afar. Moreover, this can also deal damage to Undead.

8 Teleportation (Aerotheurge 2)

Divinity Original Sin 2 Player uses skill in combat

New players of Original Sin 2 might realize that the Telekinesis option grants a lot of gameplay options, especially in combat. Players can drag or throw objects around to create a cover, cause explosions, and a lot of other hijinks with the gameplay environment. However, they can amp this up with Teleportation, which essentially enables players to move around both objects and characters.

Players can acquire this skill early on via the Gloves of Teleportation once they do "The Teleporter" quest. While more powerful gloves will appear after this, players should probably keep these gloves as they're extremely handy. For instance, they can teleport melee enemies away from the party, and even force weaker opponents to suddenly be next to a melee combatant.

7 Fossil Strike (Geomancer 1)

Divinity Original Sin 2 Oil and poison surfaces

Original Sin 2 introduces extremely flexible and dynamic battlefields, with a lot of objects that interact with each other. Players see this early on when the game shows them how certain objects and skills can cause oil barrels – or oil in general – to explode. Thanks to Fossil Strike, players have a handy tool that not only damages opponents but also creates an oil field below them.

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Oil alone slows down enemies, reducing their AP points. However, what's great with oil is that it can also be ignited, be it with accompanying Pyromancer spells, flaming arrows, or even a grenade.

6 Peace Of Mind (Pyrokinetic 1)

Divinity Original Sin 2 Player using skill during combat

Beginners of Original Sin 2 should start reminding themselves that versatility is key to any battle. It's not always the best skills that win battles, it's outlasting the opponents. Thanks to Peace of Mind, players can see most battles through without a hitch, provided they use this skill right.

This skill, which can be bought from Stingtail in Fort Joy, removes Mad, Enraged, Sleeping, Taunted, Charmed, Terrified, and Blinded effects from the target. Moreover, it grants massive buffs via the Clear-Minded status, as it gives +2 to Strength, Intelligence, and Finesse, as well as +5 to Wits.

When used properly, assassins and archers can get massive physical damage potential, while mages can use this to buff their spells.

5 Raise Bloated Corpse (Necromancer 1)

Divinity Original Sin 2 Player in combat

Observant players may start to observe how corpses never disappear from Original Sin 2. When players go back to any location that's seen battle, the corpses of enemies and NPCs remain. This visual choice reinforces the Necromancy skill set in the game, alongside other special skills that interact with corpses. One such useful early skill is Raise Bloated Corpse.

Players who use this can revive a zombie-like creature for just 1 AP. However, not only do they get an extra companion, but this companion comes with a detonation option that makes it explode and deal AOE damage. Players can get this skill from Mona in Fort Joy.

4 Conjure Incarnate (Summoning 1)

Divinity Original Sin 2 Character close up

Early fights in Original Sin 2 can easily overwhelm newbies, especially when opponents come in multiple numbers. Thanks to Conjure Incarnate, characters with Summoning can even the odds. Moreover, Conjure Incarnate takes on the characteristics of the surface it's summoned on. This gives it Fireball when summoned on fire or Restoration when summoned on water.

Nebora in Fort Joy sells this ability as a skill book, which is a great way to earn this handy skill early in the game. Conjure Incarnate can easily take the enemies' attention away from the party.

3 Adrenaline (Scoundrel 1)

Divinity Original Sin 2 Player in combat during their turn

Characters work with a very limited AP pool, which means they can only do certain actions, especially early in the game. It's this caveat that makes Rogues and Scoundrel specialists a standout in the early parts of the campaign, as they can maximize their AP by juggling certain skills. One such skill is Adrenaline, which gives Rogues and Scoundrels an AP boost.

For instance, Rogues that use Adrenaline will get +2 AP immediately at the cost of a -2 AP penalty on their next turn. Using this skill doesn't break Sneaking or Invisibility, making this very handy for assassinations and surprise attacks. However, more interesting is if Rogues and mobile ranged combatants like Rangers use this ability with Haste, it can mitigate Adrenaline's AP penalty. Players can get Adrenaline from Hilde in Fort Joy.

2 Tactical Retreat (Huntsman 2)

Divinity Original Sin 2 Player using tactical retreat

Great strategists don't just know when to strike but also when to stand down and retreat. Weaker combatants such as Rogues, Rangers, and Wayfarers can benefit from Tactical Retreat. After all, this helps them move away from sticky situations almost immediately. Thanks to this skill, characters get Haste for a single turn and teleport to another location, perfect for escaping an enemy's line of sight.

Players can get Tactical Retreat from Butter in Fort Joy, provided they reach Level 4 first. And while this doesn't provide any offensive advantages, it's still a handy skill to learn especially for characters who can support from the sidelines.

1 Battering Ram (Warfare 1)

Divinity Original Sin 2 Red Prince in combat

One of the best ways to tackle combat is by eliminating the distance between enemies and a party's melee combatants. Thanks to Battering Ram, they can approach a target and still deal damage along the way. With this skill, a melee warrior can rush forward in a straight line towards a destination. What's interesting is that any opponent that gets in the way of Battering Ram will be hit for half damage and knocked down.

This skill, which can be bought from Kalias in Fort Joy, can help melee fighters close in on ranged combatants quickly. And if they have other skills such as Bouncing Shield or Battle Stomp, they can still deal damage from mid-range.

Divinity: Original Sin 2 is available on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and macOS.

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