With the upcoming release of Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy next month, fans of the Final Fantasy series have been heavily anticipating this title. In the latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation, Tetsuya Nomura and Mitsunori Takahashi were interviewed and they provided new details about the game.

Mitsunori Takahashi is the director of Dissidia 012 and Tetsuya Nomura who is widely known for his work on the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts series served as the Creative Producer.

Fans who may be wondering if there will be another entry in the Dissidia series will be interested to know that Nomura mentioned that he is not thinking about what is coming next in the series at this time. To quote Nomura directly:

"We're thinking about ending this pattern of Dissidia here. There also won't be a UT [Universal Tuning, the name for the international re-release of the original Dissidia] version. The overseas version is being released at nearly the same time and has the same tuning, so we're not thinking about a release [of a UT version]."

Final Fantasy fans should not fret though, because Nomura also stated that there is a chance that players could see characters from the Dissidia series resurface in another form. So that may mean that while there could be no new Dissidia games announced after Dissidia 012, there could be some type of spiritual successor or spin-off.

There were owners of the PSP Go who had looked forward to playing Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep but were disappointed to hear that there would be no digital distribution release of it. Nomura was asked if there is a chance that KH: BBS would be eventually released digitally and he had this to say:

"I'd like to do something about this, but it's difficult for a reason that I can't say. However, I want to make sure there's no misunderstanding -- it's not a problem with Square Enix, Disney or Utada (Utada Hikaru, performer of the game's theme song). It's a completely different issue. I'll continue thinking about a way to make it possible, but it still requires time."

Some Kingdom Hearts fans may be disappointed to hear that, but there is still Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance and Final Fantasy Versus XIII to look forward to. Square Enix recently announced that the classic RPG, Final Fantasy III will making it way over to the iPhone, so this week seems to be full of Final Fantasy news.

Disappointed that there may not be another Dissidia game after Dissidia 012 releases next month? Will all this talk about Square Enix RPGs, think there is a chance that more detailed news about Kingdom Hearts III will be revealed this year?

Let us know with your thoughts and comments below!

Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy is set to be released on March 3, 2011 in Japan and March 22, 2011 in North America on the PSP.

Source: Andriasang