Disney Speedstorm features several powerups, or Skills as the game calls them, that can help players gain speed, fill their boost gauge, protect themselves from opponents, or disrupt their rivals. Unfortunately, the game doesn't really explain what each Skill does. This wouldn't be a problem for a new Mario Kart game since most gamers already know what all of the powerups in the Mario Kart franchise do, but Speedstorm is brand new. There are eight Skills in total, each with two or three possible ways to use them. There is also one skill available to everyone that acts as a catch-up skill.

Every skill in Disney Speedstorm can be used in at least two different ways. Simply tapping the skill button will use the skill's basic form, but holding it will unleash a charged form with a different effect. Some Skills can also be released behind the player for yet another effect, meaning that the eight skills can actually produce more than 20 different effects depending on how they are used.

RELATED: Disney Speedstorm: How to Level Up Racers Fast


disney speedstorm bomb skill

The first Skill in Disney Speedstorm is Bomb, and it doesn't take much to figure out how this one works. The bomb explodes on impact and stuns any racers it hits. Hitting enemies with any Skill that stuns them fills the boost gauge in Disney Speedstorm.

  • Tap: Throw the bomb forward.
  • Charged: Throw the bomb even farther.
  • Backwards: Throw the bomb behind the player's kart.


disney speedstorm boost skill

The Boost skill looks like a lightning bolt and can be used in two ways.

  • Tap: Instantly fill the boost gauge. If the boost gauge is already full, players can earn a double boost.
  • Charged: Fill the boost gauge over time. This will grant more boost overall, but players have to wait longer for it.


disney speedstorm cloak skill

The green skill that looks like a Jellyfish is called Cloak. Players can use it one of two ways.

  • Tap: Renders the user both invisible and invulnerable for a moment.
  • Charged: Renders the user both invisible and invulnerable for a short amount of time. Once the time runs out, the Cloak explodes and stuns nearby racers.


disney speedstorm fire skill

Fire is a powerful damaging skill that has three different potential applications.

  • Tap: A fiery aura surrounds the Disney character's kart briefly, stunning nearby racers.
  • Charged: Triggers a large explosion that immediately stuns nearby racers.
  • Backwards: Leaves a trail of fire behind the player, stunning racers that touch it.


disney speedstorm hack skill

The Hack powerup looks like two purple arrows. Using this powerup disrupts opponents by flipping their screen and reversing their controls.

  • Tap: Shoots a projectile that ricochets for a while or until it hits an opponent.
  • Charged: Shoots a slower projectile that homes in on opponents.
  • Backwards: Spawns a disruptive wall that affects anyone who drives through it.


disney speedstorm rush skill

The Rush powerup gives players an immediate burst of speed. There are two different ways to use the ability.

  • Tap: Dash forward once.
  • Charged: Dash forward a short distance three times.


disney speedstorm shield skill

The Shield powerup is also fairly straightforward, but surprisingly it does have an offensive use. This one is particularly useful in Disney Speedstorm's competitive multiplayer modes, where opponents are more likely to stun the player.

  • Tap: Create a shield that protects the player from one hit.
  • Charged: The shield turns red, stunning the next racer the player comes into contact with instead of protecting them.


disney speedstorm shot skill

The red, spinning discus Skill is called Shot, and it stuns enemies that it hits.

  • Tap: Throws the Shot forward. It will ricochet several times until it dissipates or hits an opponent.
  • Charged: Throws the Shot forward. It moves much slower but will track opponents.
  • Backwards: Throws the Shot backwards. It moves slowly but will ricochet.


disney speedstorm teleport

Teleport looks like a clock and is available to all racers in Disney Speedstorm. It can only be obtained if the player is in last place and a fair amount behind the rest of the crowd.

  • Tap: Teleport a great distance forward.
  • Charged: Teleport a shorter distance but stun enemies that the player passes along the way.

It's worth noting that each character only has access to four of these skills. For example, Goofy can only use Hack, Rush, Shield, and Shot. In addition to these Skills, each racer has a unique skill that they unlock when the player reaches star level two. Each of these skills has a Tap effect and a Charged effect and are described in detail in each character's skill menu.

Disney Speedstorm is in early access now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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