Disney Illusion Island is filled to the brim with all sorts of collectibles and secrets. Players looking to 100% complete this game will need to keep their eyes open for Tokuns, Memorabilia, and all the Hidden Mickeys. These symbols are scattered all over the map, and players have the opportunity to take a selfie at each one of them.

This will add to their collection of photos that document their journey. If players want to collect them all, they may need a little help with finding all 70ish Hidden Mickeys for themselves in this modern puzzle platformer collect-a-thon.

All Hidden Mickey Photograph Locations in the Library


There are three hidden Mickey Photo locations for players to capture in the Library, which is the first location in this Switch-exclusive platformer.

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1. There is one in the upper left-hand corner of the map, near Servo's Swing Spot. It is part of a pile of books.


2. The other two are located in the bottom right of the Library; one is at the bottom of a tower of air. It is part of a tree trunk. Players will need Glide to get to it.


3. The third and final Hidden Mickey is on a flag hanging from a ceiling; players will need to complete MOPS and unlock the slides before getting this one.

All Hidden Mickey Photograph Locations in the Forgotten Farmlands

Once players of this Metroidvania leave the Library for the first time, they will find themselves in the Forgotten Farmlands. This location is broken up in to several pieces, and each one has several of each kind of collectible.



The Surface is the part of the Farmland that is immediately left of the Library. This location has three Hidden Mickeys, but players will need to wait until they unlock the camera to get them.


1. Find this hidden Mickey on the ground tucked into a corner near a snapping flower in this 2D platformer video game.


2. After getting the Deep Dive unlockable ability, Mickey can head under the water in this area. Down under the Moon Juice will be a giant Mickey-shaped rock and a Tokun.


3. This last location is a bush along the route of the Surface back to the Library.

Deep Roots


The Deep Root is the next map section in the Farmland in this Trine-like platformer game. There are a total of three Hidden Mickeys players can take photos with.


1. There is a hidden wall to the furthest left location, at the bottom of the map. It is underneath an orange bouncy flower. There are two Tokuns, Glimt, and a Hidden Mickey in this cave.


2. Head down and left from the entrance to the Quarry; there is a platform with a Hidden Mickey on it.


3. The third photo op is located to the left and up from the door to the Quarry.

The Quarry


There is only one photo location in the Quarry. Players need to look for a big Mickey in the background above a snapping flower platform. It is in the middle of the uppermost hallway in the Quarry.


Overgrown Farmlands


The Overgrown Farmlands contain three additional Hidden Mickeys.


1. This photo op is located all the way at the top of bottom of the left part of Overgrown's map.


2. There is a Hidden Mickey right on the other side of the Map Robot.


3. The last hidden Mickey is all the way at the top of this section; it is right by the entrance to the Canopy and near to the heart pool in this area.

Smuggler's Pass


Smuggler's Pass may be a medium-sized area on the map, but it only contains two photo opportunities.


1. In the hallway, on the way down, players will find this photo Hidden Mickey on a giant leaf.


2. There is a small section at the bottom of the map that is locked behind the Float ability. There is a Memorabilia, a Tokun, and a Hidden Photo as well.

All Hidden Mickey Photograph Locations in the Terrarium Town

Terrarium Town is the next place Mickey and friends will head, looking for Tomes and collectibles. This town is broken up into several sections, and each one has Photograph locations in it.



There is one Hidden Mickey in the Approach section of Terrarium Town. Look for the little room on the bottom left of the map section. The Mickey Photo is right by the entrance.


Market Town


Market Town has one photo in it; it's at the very top of this section of the map. The Hidden Mickey is at the top of a light pole.


Future Town


Future Town is up next, and players are close to finding the Swing ability. They will also find five new Hidden Mickeys to take selfies at.


1. Right at the entrance of Future Town is a Mickey photo location; look for the green platform by the rolly polly enemy.


2. After a set of Swings at the beginning of Future Town, players of this couch co-op platformer will have to head down to progress. There is a checkpoint to the right after going down; there is a tiny Mickey on a leaf there.


3. Look for a fake floor next to a checkpoint; there is a photo op that requires Deep Dive.


4. This Hidden Mickey is on a platform above a bouncy flower and a tomato enemy.


5. The next photo op in this Rayman Legends like game is along the main road through the topmost part of Future Town.

Old Town


Old Town is a large portion of Terrarium Town's map, and it contains six Tokuns as well as other collectibles.


1. Look for this Mickey on a bush on the far left of this map, towards the top.


2. This cactus Mickey is located in the room above the room with the bookcase and the Tokun in middle Old Town.


3. This Hidden Mickey is located along the right side of the tunnel of air that cuts through all of Old Town.


4. This sneaky, very small hidden Mickey is on a vine near the top of the far left of this section of the map in this couch co-op multiplayer game.


5. This is another Hidden Mickey bush, and it can be found to the left of the bookcase in this level.

All Hidden Mickey Photograph Locations in Head of the Highness


In the whole of Head of Highness, there are only four photo locations. Here are all four:


1. The first location is almost immediately above the teleporter on the edge of Old Town coming into Head of Highness.


2. This sneaky Hidden Mickey is located in the wind-tunnel filled room with one of the Memorabilia. It is at the lowest, leftmost point of th map.


3. This Hidden Mickey is along the main path through Head of Highness; it is on a tree near one of the tomato enemies.


4. There is a little tree in the shape of a Mickey overtop the secret passage to the Perches.

All Hidden Mickey Photograph Locations in Downtown Gizmopolis

After Terrarium Town and Head of Highness, players will need to make their way over to Downtown Gizmopolis. Here, players will be able to unlock the slides as well as nab themselves a bunch of Hidden Micky photo ops.

Base of the City


There are three Hidden Micky photo locations in the Base of the City, and each are along the main path through this part of Gizmopolis.


1. Along the main path, a little up then to the left of the entrance from the Library, there is a Hidden Mickey in the background.


2. This Hidden Mickey is a couple of rooms above the entrance from the Library.


3. This buck-toothed Mickey bush is located in the center of the top part of this map location.

Residential Area


The two photo locations in the Residential Area are small and can be difficult to find without help. Here is some more information on each.


1. This first location is slightly above the hidden room where the Bookshelf is located. There is a pressure gauge along the main path through this section of the map in the shape of a Mickey.


2. This Hidden Mickey is tiny, made of the electrical wires on this light pole. Players will have to be paying close attention to find it.

City Center


The City Center has four Hidden Mickys in it, and they are spread out across the map. At least one of these is a little hard to spot.


1. As Disney Illusion Island introduces players to the camera for the first time, it will show this gas pump and prompt Mickey and friends to take a selfie.


2. This Mickey-shaped string of lights is along the main path through this area of the City Center.


3. There is a bus sign with a Mickey on it in the bottom middle of the main path through City Center.


4. Look for this van at the very edge of City Center heading into the Maintenance Office.

Route to MOPS


The Route to MOPS is a small location with only one Hidden Mickey. It is along the main route up to MOPS.


Service TunnelsDisney-Illusion-Island-All-Hidden-Mickey-Photos-Service-Tunnels-Map

Players can find three new Hidden Mickey selfie locations in the Service Tunnels.


1. Where the path branches off in four directions at the bottom of the Service Tunnels, look to the top right branch. There will be a little plant with a Mickey shape on it.


2. This photo op can be found right outside the Machine, where the boss battle takes place.


3. There is a Mickey on the pipe in this area, on the main drag through.

All Hidden Mickey Photograph Locations in MOPS


Between the Left and Right Corridors and the Hub, there are six total photos in all of MOPS. Some of these items cannot be collected unless the rooms have been rotated correctly.


1. This is in the Left Corridor, under the Moon Juice.

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2. Look for this Mickey in the upper part of the Left Corridors. Players will have to use Wall Jump to slide down to the Mickey, then jump to safety after taking the photo.


3. This Mickey-shaped pressure gauge is located along the main path in the upper part of the Left Corridors.


4. This ballon Mickey is in the Hub.


5. This Mickey is in the Right Corridor, located along the top hallway, near the beginning.


6. The last Hidden Mickey in this area is located in the bottom part of the Right Corridors.

All Hidden Mickey Photograph Locations in Servo's Swing Spot


Players can find two Hidden Mickey photo locations here in Servo's.


1. Location on the top right of the map, this Hidden Mickey is above some star platforms.


2. The second photo is located on top of the disco ball at the very top of the screen. This room is above where the exit to the Library is located.

All Hidden Mickey Photograph Locations in Crater's Bay

One the other side of the map begins Crater's Bay. This massive section of the game's map is to the right of the Library, and it contains a whole lot of Hidden Mickey locations to take photos at.

Access Way


The Access Way is the section immediately to the right of the Library. It contains just one Hidden Mickey; it is one of the chain's links here:




Lookout has two very sneaky Hidden Mickeys. Since they both kind of blend into the background, players may have some trouble spotting them.


1. There is a Mickey on the sail of the ship in the background of this collectible-packed room at the very bottom of the Lookout.


2. This is located in the main path along the Lookout on a flying ship's sail.

Bay Center


This Mickey photo is right above a small, high up pool of Moon Juice with some Glimts inside of it.


Upper Bay


There are only two photo op spots in this massive location, but it is well worth the time to go through and get both of them to add to Mickey's selfie collection.


1. This Hidden Mickey blends in with the background in this out-of-the-way room to the far left of the Upper Bay area.


2. There is a Hidden Mickey in the rigging on this ship in the background of this room at the top of the map.

Lower Bay


The two Hidden Mickeys in Lower Bay are very well hidden. They both blend well into the background, so players will have to be paying extra attention to get them both.


1. There is a Mickey painted on the wall behind this Swing crystal.


2. This wall decoration in the shape of Mickey is along the bottom part of Lower Bay, on the way to the section with the Tokun.

Smuggler's Bay


There are two photo locations in Smuggler's Bay, but Mickey and friends will need to be able to Deep Dive in order to get to one of them.


1. The Hidden Mickey is located under the Moon Juice in the far right, upper part of this section.


2. Players can find this Moon Mickey on the way to the bookcase in Smuggler's Bay.

Research Station


This Hidden Mickey is behind a fake wall; players will find it on their way up to the top of the Research Station where the map piece and the Memorabilia can be found.




This photo op is right underneath the Tokun in the main path through Egress. It's at the end of the hook under the platform.


All Hidden Mickey Photograph Locations in Crescent Hamlet


Crescent Hamlet, which is made up of several different parts in this family-friendly puzzle platformer video game, has a grand total of four photo places. All four of these hidden Mickeys can be found along this cozy shoreline in either the Cliffside or the Star Island.


1. This sandy Mickey is hidden along the beaches of Star Island.


2. Head down the beach and look for the fake wall where the map piece robot is. Keep going past it to find this Mickey.


3. The third photo op is located along the main route out of Crescent Hamlet.


4. Look for a boey shaped like Mickey at the very top of Cliffside.

All Hidden Mickey Photograph Locations in the Sky Below

Underwater selfies are the new cool thing under the sea where Mickey and friends will find a massive selection of Hidden Mickeys.



Three new selfie opportunities can be found in the Shallows.


1. There is an underwater ship lit up in the corner here; players can find the Hidden Mickey on the windshield.


2. This out-of-the-way Hidden Mickey can be found in the upper offshoot path that heads to the left soon after the Shallows ends and the Depths begin in this well-received puzzle platformer called Disney Illusion Island.


3. This No Mickey sign is located in the upper right most part of the Shallows.


4. This photo op is immediately on the other side of a fake wall in the bottom right of the Shallows.



Underneath the Shallows in Disney Illusion Island, but before the Abyss is a location called the Depths. There are a lot of collectibles in the area, including four Hidden Mickey picture spots.


1. There is a Mickey-shaped hole in this seaweed in the left part of the Depths.


2. This room is off to the left of the entrance from the Shallows. There is both a Tokun and a Hidden Mickey in here.


3. There is a room with this Mickey safe that is on the far right of the map; it is located at the top of the Depths where it meets the Shallows.


4. This Mickey-shaped bubble is in the bottom right of the Depths in this kid-friendly puzzle platformer.



The Abyss is one of the final areas of the Sky Below. This underwater location is home to three more hidden Mickeys.


1. There is a very tiny Mickey shape on this background coral near the signpost.


2. This Mickey is on a background door along the right-side path of the Abyss.


3. This Mickey bubble is found along the right-side path through this section of the map.


The Bottom


This Hidden Mickey is the only photo op in the Bottom; it is located just


Disney Illusion Island is available now for Nintendo Switch.

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