Setting aside its unique setting, world, and characters, what sets the Dishonored series apart from other games in the stealth-action genre is that it is told from the first-person perspective. As Corvo Attano, Daud, Emily Kaldwin, and Billie Lurk, players explore various islands as they go about their quests for revenge or redemption. All of these tales are told through their respective character's eyes, creating a more immersive experience than if they were told from a third-person perspective.

Because of the vastly increased peripheral vision a third-person camera provides, it's no wonder why the stealth genre is predominantly composed of games with this particular perspective. Players can see more of their surroundings, which in turn allows them to more easily adapt to sudden gameplay changes. A first-person stealth experience is much more challenging to create, as players can only see what is in front of them. But thanks to some smart gameplay tricks and a little help from the world itself, Arkane Studios was able to make the Dishonored series one of the best stealth experiences ever.

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Knowing One's Enemy

Men being attacked by rats.

Before going into the player characters' moves and abilities, one must talk about the enemies found in the Dishonored series. As with most stealth games, enemies in Dishonored react to the environment and players' actions. Running without the appropriate perks or equipment will cause players' footsteps to be heard, and leaving closed doors open will prompt guards to look into the disturbance.

Dishonored enemies have two detection meters: one white and one red. Allowing the first white meter to fill up by creating disturbances will cause the guards to break their regular pathing and investigate the general area. Increasing the number of disturbances afterward or being spotted starts filling up the red bar, whereupon guards will go on high alert and be ready to enter combat. Enemy A.I. in the Dishonored series can be a bit hit or miss, but it provides a substantial challenge for players who are looking to play the games stealthily.

Power To The Peephole

dishonored definitive edition art

Even before players get their hands on the Mark of The Outsider, they already have several stealth techniques that allow them to get past enemies. They can peek through keyholes to scout rooms and listen in on NPC conversations. They can create distractions by throwing objects, attacking with their weapons, or leaving bodies out in the open for enemies to discover. If players want to leave no trace of their presence, Dishonored provides multiple vertical vantage spots that enemies don't check unless they are on high alert.

The most interesting of these non-superpowered techniques has got to be the ability for players to lean around corners. Leaning allows players to peek around corners without giving away their position. Since this technique is provided to all players at the beginning of each game, they can effectively increase their peripheral vision to make up for the limitations of Dishonored's first-person perspective. Not only that, but leaning also makes players feel like they are snooping in places they shouldn't be.

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Supernatural Stealthy Powers

Emily sets up a Domino effect on enemies in Dishonored 2

Traditional stealth techniques are all well and good, but Dishonored ups the ante by introducing supernatural powers for all its playable characters. With the Mark of The Outsider, players can acquire and customize various powers to suit their playstyle. Some may be inclined to create a murderous character with a focus on combat abilities. Others may want a stealthy character who avoids detection at all costs. Players can even create a mix of the two playstyles. The beauty of the Dishonored series is that it allows for multiple playstyles to be adopted, making it feel like players have more choice in the overall narrative.

While most supernatural powers are versatile and can be used in many ways, there are a few power-ups that are more stealth-oriented. Dark Vision is a prime example of one such power, as it allows players to see through walls as well as enemies' cones of vision. When fully upgraded, Dark Vision makes stealth trivial, as it not only compensates for players' limited peripheral visions but also provides them with wallhacks.

Another stealth-oriented supernatural ability is Possession - which allows players to inhabit animals and even humans. Players cannot do much whilst possessing an animal or person (the most they can do is navigate or interact with objects), but they can pass through certain restricted areas without being detected. Obstacles like Walls of Light that are attuned to specific individuals can be traversed, and vents and drains can be crawled through provided players possess a small enough creature like a rat or fish.

Aside from the main supernatural powers, the Dishonored series also has bone charms that allow players to further customize their playstyle. One stealth-based bone charm allows players to completely eliminate the sound of their footsteps - allowing for full sprints without alerting enemies. Another bone charm drastically decreases the amount of time needed to knock an opponent out with a chokehold. With these bone charms, stealthing through Dunwall or Karnaca becomes even easier.

While these abilities, supernatural or otherwise, may seem overpowered, they give players a fighting chance against what feels like overwhelming odds. Having abilities like Dark Vision, which allows players to see enemies' cones of vision, helps them plan their next move and get creative with the mechanics implemented in the Dishonored games. If players feel like they have too much of an advantage, they can disable the powers if they so wish (playing through some of the games without any supernatural powers awards them with certain achievements as well). There is no right way to play the Dishonored series, but in a world that is as bleak and filled with murder as this one, taking the stealthier approach can cast some light on the series' grim universe.

Dishonored 2 is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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