With "Death of the Outsider" having provided a natural conclusion to the full story of Dishonored2, many fans of the action-adventure stealth franchise have been wondering what could be next for the video game series as a whole. It may be a while before Arkane Studios delivers another installment in what is arguably its most popular property, though, as the developer has stated the franchise is going to be put on the back burner for the time being.

This much was confirmed by Arkane Studios lead designer Ricardo Bare, who explained that while he couldn't share exactly what the developer could have planned for the future, it's a safe bet that Dishonored will be out of the mix for a while. According to the Arkane lead designer, "I can’t say definitively what might happen down the road, anything could happen, but [Dishonored] is resting for now."


While Dishonored 3 will likely be a long ways off from now, most fans should share a collective sigh of relief knowing that there's simply going to be a much bigger breathing space between the second and third entry. Of course, with this being the case, Arkane will understandably be turning its attention toward other projects, with Ricardo Bare having also stated that the developer will continue to keep creating games with "coherent, deep world building and environmental storytelling."

"We’re always going to craft spaces that you feel like you’re visiting, whether it’s Dunwall or Talos 1. It’s just as important a character as the player or the people you meet. Then it’s improvisational gameplay – giving players a bunch of cool abilities and tools, then saying, ‘You figure it out, you be creative, you own the experience’. And, typically, we stick to first-person, though that’s not a hard rule and we might try other things from time to time.”

There's no doubt that some Dishonored fans will be disappointed to learn that the series will be taking a break, especially with Arkane being given the ability to have the third installment feature new characters as protagonists other than Corvo and Emily. Interestingly enough, the studio's next release will likely feature "more online sharing or multiplayer" elements, which is definitely a departure from Dishonored's single player-driven design.

Dishonored 2 and Dishonored: Death of the Outsider are available now for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Source: VG24/7