Disgaea 6 finally brings Disgaea back to modern consoles, and with it comes a brand new adventure. When a God of Destruction threatens the lives of zombie Zed and his sister Bieko, they embark on a journey to put a stop to this nonsense once and for all. Luckily, Zed possesses the power of Super Reincarnation, allowing him to utilize unique battle tactics in the new installment.

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However, while old and new mechanics blend in a new Disgaea experience, Disgaea 6 still does punish players (albeit hilariously) for some rookie mistakes. For players who want to avoid ruined playthroughs, they might want to avoid some common Disgaea 6 mishaps.

10 Random Super Reincarnations

Ignoring Super Reincarnation - Disgaea 6 Mistakes Players Make

Super Reincarnations become the new key feature in Disgaea 6, effectively streamlining the Reincarnation System for all characters. Zed, in particular, has an Evility that gives him a 1-percent damage boost whenever he Super Reincarnates (for a maximum of +200%). Other characters also Super Reincarnate with trademark skills and a random Common Evility they never had before. 

But instead of spamming Super Reincarnate outright, players can lessen the grind through careful planning. Given the inheritance nature of Super Reincarnations, it helps to time their frequency at certain levels. Super Reincarnations should ideally happen at around Lv800 and Lv1500 to maximize potential stat growth. 

9 Hesitating With High-Speed, Auto-Repeat

Ignoring Auto Battle - Disgaea 6 Mistakes Players Make

Masochists would want to manually grind to the game's Lv 99,999,999 cap just for the bragging rights. To avoid wasting time, players should capitalize on Disgaea 6's new Auto-Repeat Mode to ease on the grind and farm levels much faster. On top of that, the new High-Speed Modes can boost the rate of time needed for each combat playthrough. 

This process does transform Disgaea 6 into a partial idle game, but the point in the fun is in character growth itself. The longer parties stay in Auto-Repeat, the more EXP and other bonuses they rake in.

8 Neglecting Demon Intelligence, Auto-Battle

Ignoring Demon Intelligence - Disgaea 6 Mistakes Players Make

Demon Intelligence is another key feature that sets Disgaea 6 apart from its contemporaries as it adds a new layer of strategy to the game. This new grid system lets players plot out actions characters take throughout combat, effectively automating the party's response to certain events.

Instead of manually thinking about what each character does, players can use Demon Intelligence to test combat algorithms. This process eases the mental strain on repetitive combat and rather tests whether a character's growth strategy will last them in any combat situation. Even the process of programming a character's actions is an intuitively-fun element on its own.

7 Being Nice With Karma

Ignoring Karma - Disgaea 6 Mistakes Players Make

With Karma, characters in Disgaea 6 have the means to improve their stats in ways that regular leveling can't. Karma can increase counter opportunities, overall damage output, and even base stats in general. To earn Karma, players need characters to complete D-Merits, or special tasks. These range from awesome things such as dealing massive damage to more mundane things like spamming the Juice Bar.

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Instead of "just letting it be," players should abuse easy ways to earn Karma as much as possible. For instance, just using the Juice Bar 255 times will earn them around 10-million Karma - something they can pull off in around five minutes or so. And remember, just transferring 1 EXP to an ally counts as one Juice Bar use. Not to mention, this D-Merit resets whenever a character Super Reincarnates!

6 Ignoring Evilities

Ignoring Evilities - Disgaea 6 Mistakes Players Make

Evilities remain a landmark feature in Disgaea 6, effectively taking the role of unlockable passives that vary in rarity. Most characters possess Common Evilities, while main characters have unique Evilities. Instead of settling for these differences, players can actually spam Evilities acquisition to create the best set of traits for their characters. 

Through Super Reincarnation, a character gets another random Evility they never had in their previous playthrough. This detail alone means all characters can get all common Evilities throughout their incarnations. Other characters can also create Scrolls to copy their Evilities and pass them onto others. That way, Super Reincarnating a character with a ton of Scroll-acquired Evilities will unlock even more unacquired Evilities.

5 Benching Characters

Benching Characters - Disgaea 6 Mistakes Players Make

It's easy to stick to a "main party" when playing an RPG with multiple characters. Disgaea 6 avoids this party benching problem through systems that make use of party members, such as the Item Research Squad and Auto-Repeat. And the game also essentially avoids the unnecessary grind as it just lets players transfer EXP from one character to the next. 

The Juice Bar effectively serves the purpose of a transfer system. When activated, players can transfer a myriad of things such as EXP, Mana, and even Extracts from character to character. Idle characters can then use the extra EXP to level up, the extra Mana to perform other tasks, and the extra Extracts to boost their stats - all without leaving to fight!

4 Forgetting The Item World

Ignoring the Item World - Disgaea 6 Mistakes Players Make

The Item World returns as a staple within Disgaea 6, offering yet another means of grinding for players. Items contain literal worlds that players can traverse, offering levels that increase in difficulty over time. When players clear the Item World of an item, they boost their inherent stats. Players who want to grind through the game's more extreme levels can benefit from items boosted via the Item World.

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Disgaea 6 in particular has special events and monsters that exist only within the Item World. For instance, Mystery Rooms contain Item Worlders that sell powerful items, and even Innocents that grant new effects to the Item World's origin item upon defeat.

3 Skipping The Item Research Squad

Ignoring the Item Research Squad - Disgaea 6 Mistakes Players Make

While the Item World does boast an awesome way to grind and improve items at the same time, players don't necessarily have to do this manually. Disgaea 6 has the Item Research Squad feature which extends its auto-battle system within the confines of the Item World. Players now have the privilege of sending three allies to do battle in the Item World. Through Squad Shop upgrades, players can boost this number up to nine allies.

This helps through grind-fests, as the Item Research Squad will try to go through one Item World floor per battle the player does. The stronger the Research Squad members are, the likelier they are to succeed through levels. And the more players grind, the more floors the Research Squad will traverse.

2 Neglecting The Dark Assembly

Ignoring the Dark Assembly - Disgaea 6 Mistakes Players Make

As with other Disgaea games, the Dark Assembly allows the player to request for specific perks and hope the Dark Assembly members vote in their favor. These requests range from changing appearances, getting more EXP for the day, or boosting the fast-forward feature. Requests cost Mana, which can put-off some players. But getting their way in the Dark Assembly can grant a ton of benefits for players.

And even if the Dark Assembly rejects the player's proposal, they can force their way to an agreement by defeating its members anyway. In Disgaea 6, aside from using the Dark Assembly for Super Reincarnation, players should consider hogging maximum benefits prior to crucial battles.

1 Avoiding The Cheat Shop

Ignoring the Cheat Shop - Disgaea 6 Mistakes Players Make

No one wants a cheater - but typical for an RPG set in the depths of hell itself, Disgaea 6 finally acknowledges that, indeed, shortcuts can help players maximize their experience. In fact, the game even has a dedicated Cheat Shop so players can tailor-fit their experience for their needs. Avoiding the Cheat Shop might make the leveling experience more "worthwhile," but it makes reaching Disgaea 6's touted ridiculous level caps absurdly harder.

Thanks to the Cheat Shop, players can allocate points to adjust how much they earn in terms of Mana and Money, Class Proficiency, EXP and Special Skill EXP, and even Weapon Mastery. Grinders will appreciate these perks as they can set up massive earnings in time with large boss battles.

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