Dinkum requires players to do lots of foraging and building to get their islands up and running. Some items are easier to find than others, and palm wood is something players will have to venture for.

The island players are sent to in Dinkum is mainly uninhabited, outside of wildlife. This means a vast amount of unexplored land with different endemic life and plant species is waiting to be seen. While things like gum and lime trees are nearby from the beginning, palm trees are located further inland, so players must load up on supplies and enter the jungle.

RELATED: Dinkum: How to Fish

Find the Tropics

Dinkum Map Tropics

Palm trees are found in the Tropics. When viewing the map, some areas are different colors and labeled by region or climate. Players start in the Bushlands, but there are many others such as Plains, Deserts, Tropics, and more. Thankfully, to make things easier, players can stamp areas on the map to make them stand out.

The tropics are a bright green area home to a lively wildlife community in Dinkum. The journey to the Tropics could be dangerous, so prepare for any predators and bodies of water to cross. A full health and stamina bar goes a long way.

Purchase An Axe

The first thing to do before trekking across the island after locating the destination is to buy an axe from the Shop. There is a slight chance of some pieces of palm wood just being spread out around the trees, but it isn't guaranteed. To ensure players can get the wood, an axe is necessary.

Getting an axe will require the following:

  • Logging License
  • 1000 Dinks

Licenses can be purchased with Permit Points from Fletch in the Base Tent. Players can earn Permit Points by completing Milestones such as foraging, picking up seashells, or mining. Dinks can be made in the Shop by selling John any materials, insects, fish, meat, etc., found on the island. It might be beneficial to purchase more than one axe to avoid having to return all the way to the Shop when the first one breaks.

Cut Down Palm Trees

Dinkum Palm Tree

Once players enter the Tropics, they will see palm trees in abundance. To cut down the palm trees, simply stand in front of the tree wanted and start hacking away.

Cutting down trees takes a lot of stamina. Players can replenish this by eating fruits or meats found on the island, and once they are full, stamina will slowly keep increasing.

After a few swings, the tree will fall and award the player with 2-3 logs of palm wood at a time.

Dinkum is available in Early Access on PC.

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