In Dinkum, players can build thriving towns, raise farm animals, hunt for food, and grow different kinds of produce. Using more complex materials like cement becomes necessary to advance levels for these tasks.

The only thing needed to make cement in Dinkum, as far as materials go, are stones. However, getting stones and turning them into cement requires the proper license, a pickaxe, and a stone grinder.

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How to Get A Pickaxe and Stone Grinder

Dinkum Buying Stone Grinder

To get a pickaxe, apply for a Mining License from Fletch. Players will need to earn Permit Points by completing Milestones.

Milestones can be completed by interacting with things around the island. It costs 250 Permit Points for the Mining License. After obtaining a license, players can buy a pickaxe from John. A pickaxe costs 1200 Dinks.

A stone grinder can also be bought from John for 10,000 Dinks, but before players can buy the stone grinder, the Shop Deed has to be purchased from Fletch. Doing this makes John, the shop owner, a permanent resident on the island. To build the Shop, the correct materials will need to be placed in the construction zone. The shop requires the following:

Players will need a wood saw and tin bars to get these. The wood saw can be purchased from John while he is a visitor, and tin bars are made using a crude furnace (a craft-able item) and tin ore.

After collecting everything, the Shop will be built, and John will live on the island. Players can then purchase the needed tools and equipment for the required amount of Dinks. Dinks are earned by selling items, meat, produce, or other materials found around the island to John. Players are also able to earn Dinks by completing requests from island residents.

How to Make Cement

Dinkum Mining Rocks

Cement is made by inserting stones into the stone grinder. Before that, players need to mine the rocks around the island to get stones using the pickaxe. The steps to mine rocks are below:

  • Stand in front of the targeted rock
  • Select the Pickaxe from the item list
  • Right-click to swing the pickaxe
  • Keep using the pickaxe until the rock breaks
  • Left-click to pick up the broken stones

Once players have the stones, place the stone grinder on the ground. Insert the stones one at a time, and the cement is made in less than a minute. Cement can be sold or used for crafting in Dinkum.

Dinkum is available for Early Access on PC.

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