Digimon World Next Order is, at its core, a virtual pet RPG, and the training system used to strengthen a player's Digimon partners makes this abundantly clear. While also maintaining their Digimon's hunger and bathroom needs, players will need to ensure their Digimon's training routines are up to snuff if they want to take on some of the toughest challenges the Digital World has to offer.

Digimon World Next Order offers players quite a few different methods to enhance their Digimon's stats and promote their growth from the smallest fresh Digimon to the mightiest mega Digimon. With the city's gym, battles in the open world, and various diet choices that can all influence a Digimon's stat growth, players will need to know the best ways to amp up their Digimon's power if they want to succeed, and that's where this guide comes in.

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The Gym

Digimon World Next Order is Coming to Nintendo Switch

An easy way to have total control over a Digimon's stat growth while raising them is to take them to the gym, which offers various training programs and can earn many different types of boost based on how the player performs during the minigame. In the gym training menu players can position each Digimon on one of the stats, and both Digimon can train the same stat together if desired. The Digimon will gain a large amount of the selected stat and also small amounts of the stats adjacent to the selected stat.

Once the Digimon's stats to train have been chosen a bar will appear with the selector rapidly cycling across it. Stopping the selector on one of the symbols will earn a 1.25x bonus to all stat gains from this training session, and there will be more symbols (thus making it easier to hit a symbol) based on the number of bonus criteria the session meets. Eating the right training foods and training at the right time of day can all add extra symbols to the bar.

After recruiting Kabuterimon and Kuwagamon to the city, they'll appear in the Gym, during the day and night respectively, and offer free vegetables that boost training effectiveness. These can be incredibly useful for speeding up training, and making the Gym all the more effective and efficient. It's also possible to upgrade the training machines at the Gym once <DIGIMON NAME> has joined the city, which is expensive but also makes the machines vastly more powerful. Of course, the downside to training at the gym is that each session spends a set amount of time and increases a Digimon's Fatigue. Fatigue getting too high can cause a Digimon to become sick, so it's ideal to keep it below half to minimize the risk.


Digimon World Next Order_Battle

A fantastic way to raise lots of stats in very little time is by battling Digimon out in the field. The main difficulty here is finding the best targets to raise stats quickly and efficiently. As partner Digimon grow stronger they'll need more powerful opponents to get meaningful boosts from combat, which means venturing further out into the Open World and thus carrying more supplies. Getting the Tent from Greymon is essential for longer training trips, allowing players to cook up better food and heal more efficiently in the field. Portable Toilets and an Autopilot to quick-travel back to the City are also essential for long trips.


Interacting with your Digimon in Digimon World Next Order

Another important element of training Digimon and raising their stats is making sure that they're well-fed since good food will raise stats on its own and/or provide bonuses to training stat increases. While early on this is difficult, players will eventually be able to recruit some Digimon to open a restaurant in the city. These meals are a tad pricy but can improve stats without spending any time, while also satisfying your Digimon's hunger, making them a perfect addition to a good training routine if there are enough bits to spare.

Digimon Survive is available now for PS4 and PS5, and on February 22 2023 for PC and Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Comparing Digimon Survive and Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth