Digimon World Next Order heavily encourages and rewards exploration, both directly in the form of items and crafting materials, and indirectly by uncovering new quests and activities. These can range from quests that will bring new Digimon into the city, to smaller quests that reward items and/or bits.

Related: Digimon World Next Order: Training Guide

One such smaller quest in Digimon World Next Order can be found by heading for the Tower Road in the Desert area, where a group of meteormon can be found. One of them is standing a short way away from the others, and is called Meteormon 0. Speak to him first, and he'll explain the basics of the puzzle. Essentially, one of the Meteormon is actually a disguised Gotsumon, and players will need to speak to each of the Meteormon and ask them for information to figure out which is the Gotsumon. Complicating this slightly is that one of the group will always lie, and players need to identify the liar as well.

How To Solve This Puzzle

Digimon World Next Order_Meteormon Puzzle 2

Solving this puzzle initially seems a lot harder than it actually is, but luckily the Meteormon drop a few hints that make this far easier. Here's all the information they give in one place, for easier puzzle solving:

Meteormon 1

I'm not a Gotsumon

Meteormon 2

The One Facing East isn't a Gotsumon, Okay?

Meteormon 3

The One Opposite me Isn't a Gotsumon.

Meteormon 4

The One Next To Me Is Lying.

Meteormon 5

The Gotsumon Ends Every Sentence With "Okay?"

So, the one that stands out here is Meteormon 4, who says "The One Next To Me Is Lying." If it's telling the truth, then the liar must be Meteormon 5, and if it's lying then it is the liar. This means that the Liar can only be Meteormon 4 or Meteormon 5, so we can trust the statements from everybody else.

Meteormon 2 says the one Facing East isn't a Gotsumon, and Meteormon 1 says it isn't a Gotsumon. Since Meteormon 1 and Meteormon 3 are both facing East, this means neither of them can be the Gotsumon, meaning the only options are 2, 4, and 5. We also know that either 4 or 5 is lying. Since only one of those two gave information that could be used to identify the Gotsumon, the best option would be to assume that 4 is lying, since that's the only way we'd have enough information to also identify the Gotsumon.

The Answers

Digimon World Next Order_Meteormon Puzzle 3

With the information discussed above, it becomes clear that 4 is lying and 2 is the Gotsumon. Report this to Meteormon 0 to solve the puzzle and earn a Lapsapraecepice, which can be used to instantly Digivolve any champion Digimon into Meteormon. If players answer incorrectly they can try again the next in-game day.

Digimon World Next Order is available now for PS4 and coming to Nintendo Switch and PC on February 22, 2023.

More: Digimon World Next Order: Which Starter Eggs to Pick