Digimon World: Next Order is an RPG (otherwise known as a role playing game) that belongs to the Digimon franchise, and boasts the ability to explore with two Digimon at a time, instead of just one. A player will recruit Digimon all throughout the world and face off against powerful enemies.

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Players are soon going to find out that there are ways to raise their stats in the game, which can make their Digimon stronger, beefier, and so on and so forth. There are some things that they want to get done first things first, if they want to efficiently max out their stats.

6 Go Max Out The Life Type Tree

Digimon World - Digimon

One of the first things a player will want to do in order to raise their stats even more is to maximize the Life Type tree. This is so that, in a nutshell, they will have more time to train their Digimon in order to achieve higher stats.

What the Life Type tree does, in a nutshell, is that it extends the life span of all the player's Digimon. While each Digimon will eventually have to reincarnate, they will still have a much longer life span per cycle, which means that a player will be able to crank their stats up really high by the end of their life span.

5 The Gym Does Increase Stats, But It Is Slow

Digimon World - Character

Time is of the essence in Digimon World: Next Order - a player only has a limited amount of time before their Digimon reincarnate and basically reset all their progress back to zero. As such, it would be a good idea to only train with strategies that quickly raise stats.

As it turns out, fighting at the gym to raise stats is not exactly the best idea. Sure, it can give a player a few nice bonuses in their stats along the way, but it's slow to do so - players will not be able to have their stats boosted by any significant amount before their Digimon has to reincarnate again.

4 Fighting Similar Level Digimon Is Actually Pretty Efficient

Digimon World - Supreme Cannon

It may be tempting for a player to dive straight into tougher battles and start trying to kill off powerful enemies. While it can help to greatly increase their stats, that is only if a player is able to kill the enemy - this, in turn, is going to be unlikely if they are using a weaker Digimon, and it will be easier for their Digimon to be wiped out than anything else.

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It is actually pretty efficient to dive into battles against enemies that are a similar level to a player's Digimon. While a player will get slightly less of a stat boost, that is not too much of an issue, especially because battles will be much more manageable for a player to fight and win.

3 Make Sure To Use Veggies To Increase Efficiency

Digimon World - Wings

Players have figured out that a great way to boost stats is to feed their Digimon something called Veggies. These Veggies may not seem like much at first, but once a player takes a closer look, they will quickly learn that they are a great way to boost stats.

In a nutshell, the different types of Veggies that a player can get in Digimon World: Next Orderwill boost the efficiency of certain types of training (for instance, one type of Veggie could make training in the gym boost more stats). If a player wants to get training, they will want to harvest as many Veggies as they can.

2 The Evolving Type Tree Gives Bigger Stat Boosts

Digimon World - Fighting

Similarly to the Life Type tree in Digimon World: Next Order, a player will want to remember to fully upgrade their Evolving Type tree if they want to get their stats raised quicker than before. This is because the Life Type tree primarily focuses around stats and stat boosts for a player's Digimon.

As a player goes on through the game, the cap for their Digimon's stats will be boosted the more the Evolving Type tree is upgraded. Additionally, they will also gain more stat boosts by evolving and reincarnating, making this a very good idea for a player looking to get stats quickly.

1 Growth Spurt Bonuses Should Not Be Wasted

Digimon World - Running

Sometimes, while going through the game, a player will be able to get a Growth Spurt Bonus. These sometimes happen in Digimon World: Next Order, and if a player did not realize what they were used for it would be really easy to end up wasting them.

The Growth Spurt Bonuses are going to be really useful when it comes to training Digimon. A player will be able to get an extra 50% of their experience whenever they are fighting in a battle with their Digimon, which makes them become stronger at a much quicker pace than they normally would have.

Digimon World Next Order is available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, and Microsoft Windows.

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