Digimon World: Next Order is the latest game in the popular Digimon franchise. In it, players take control of their character and recruit as many Digimon as they can, training their Digimon to be as strong as possible. In doing so, players may find themselves doing a lot of grinding.

Several spots in the game's world can be good for a player to train their Digimon quickly and efficiently. Time is of the essence in this game, especially when it comes to training and improving. Here are some of the best places that players need to know about when it comes to getting experience for their Digimon.

6 Psychemon - Server Desert (StepStep/Tower Road)

Digimon World - Digimon

This is a good spot for newer players with weaker Digimon to train at the beginning of the game. The Psychemon that wander around StepStep and Tower Road in the Server Desert are a good way for players to get stronger quickly. They still give gains to stats, despite being on the weaker side.

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Additionally, it's very easy for a player to get a Psychemon alone and away from other enemies in battle in this area. This means they can put their full attention on the Psychemon without worrying about other enemies. They are common, quick to kill, and give decent stats.

5 Seadramon - MOD Cape (Inlet Cape)

Digimon World - Main Character

Digimon World: Next Order players have quickly figured out that Seadramon in the Inlet Cape are easy to take down, raising their Digimon's stats quickly and efficiently. Most players figure this out early on, making this a good early grinding spot.

Seadramon are a little bit beefier than average enemies, but in terms of damage they are pretty weak. The only problem is that there is only one Seadramon within the room at a time, so grinding here can get a bit repetitive. This enemy can be good for players to face off against early on to train their weaker units.

4 WarGrowlmon - Faulty Ex Machina (East Coast/Control Island)

Digimon World - Character

For a player who is near the East Coast or Control Island at Faulty Ex Machine, the WarGrowlmon is a great choice of enemy to grind out to strengthen their Digimon. It's dangerous, but the reward is worth the risk.

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The WarGrowlmon's stats are a bit of a hassle for players to deal with, but it more than makes up for it with the amount of experience that the player's Digimon will gain by winning in a fight. It is best to note that the WarGrowlmon has some decent damage to deal, so watch out for that

3 Saberdramon - MOD Cape (MOD Ship 2.0)

Digimon World - Supreme Cannon

The Saberdramon is nearby the MOD Ship 2.0 at the MOD Cape. Surprisingly, it is a great enemy that a player will want to grind out if they want to get experience quickly. However, it does come with a downside. The player will have to beat a particular Digimon in the story before they can unlock the area that the Saberdramon are in.

It is more than worthwhile to do so, though. The Saberdramon is weaker than most other enemies a player can fight, but still gives a huge amount of stats to the player's Digimon for defeating it. If a player is struggling to get stronger, they can fight a few of these for a quick improvement.

2 WereGarurumon - Bony Resort (Night Church)

Digimon World - Wings

At the Night Church in the Bony Resort, a player can wander around until they find the WereGarurumon. This enemy is a bit difficult for a player to face off against. It is meant to be for a more experienced player to get the last bit of stats needed for their Digimon before facing off against a big boss.

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The WereGarurumon is not exactly game breaking when it comes to the stats that it gives during battle, but it is still good enough for a player to farm them a few times, especially later in the game. The stats that the WereGarurumon gives a player can potentially be enough to cap them off at a decent level before they go off to take on stronger threats.

1 Dimensional Dungeon Boss - Dimensional District (Floatia)

Digimon World - Running

Many players have agreed that, when it comes to late game battles, the Dimensional Dungeon bosses are the best course of action to grind out some more stats and strengthen their Digimon. These can be found in the Dimensional District around Floatia. Each stat that the Dimensional Dungeon bosses give per win will be a massive boost to a player's Digimon.

As long as a player takes their time to make sure they do not get killed in battle against the Dimensional Dungeon bosses, everything will work great. The only problem is that these bosses take a while to kill off, so be prepared for a battle that might drag on for some time.

Digimon World Next Order is available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, and Microsoft Windows.

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