Digimon World: Next Order is one of the many games that belongs to the Digimon franchise. It is an RPG (otherwise known as a roleplaying game) where players will be able to roam a huge, vast world full of powerful Digimon they will be able to collect and fight with.

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Something that players will quickly figure out is that the tamer skills - the skills that players will be able to unlock for themselves that carries to all Digimon - will be especially important in the long run. There are some skills that are better and more helpful than others, and it is best to know which is which.

6 Second Order - Attacking Twice

Digimon World - Digimon

The Second Order skill is something that a player wants to unlock as soon as possible, and it is not very hard to see why. In the game Digimon World: Next Order, the Second Order skill will unlock the second skill slot for attacking - this, in turn, will enable the use of another Attack command in a battle.

This is a must-have skill to get as soon as a player can do so. Having another Attack command will make a player greatly increase the amount of damage they deal within a battle, so a player should get Second Order as soon as they can.

5 Skill Observation - More Experience Per Battle

Digimon World - Wings

Skill Observation takes two roles in the game, and both of these roles are essential for a player to use while going through the game. Firstly, the actual skill itself will boost the amount of experience that a player will get during battle, which will speed up how quickly their Digimon can unlock new attacks.

Additionally, a player will have to unlock Skill Observation first things first if they want to unlock another equally powerful skill, known as Skill Research. As such, there are two reasons why a player should unlock this skill as soon as possible.

4 Long-Life Digivolution - Increases Lifespan Of Each Digimon

Digimon World - Supreme Cannon

Something that players may not like about Digimon World: Next Order is that each of their Digimon has a certain lifespan. When that lifespan is up, they will reincarnate and a player will basically be forced right back to the beginning in terms of farming stats for them.

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That is why Long-Life Digivolution is going to be an important skill for a player to unlock. It does exactly what it says on the tin - it allows a player to have more of a life span with their Digimon, thus allowing them to keep them as strong as possible for a longer period of time.

3 Fighting Spirit - Sometimes Lets Special Moves Cost Less

Digimon World - Main Character

Fighting Spirit is another skill that a player will want to unlock relatively early in the game, and it is not hard to see why. While it does require quite a few skills beforehand before it can be unlocked, Fighting Spirit is not something to skip out on.

Occasionally, it gives the player a chance to have the Order Point amount halved when casting a special move. This means that a player could deal more damage in a quicker period of time, due to the fact that they do not have to wait for their Order Points to fully fill up again.

2 Health Runner - Healing While Walking

Digimon World - Fighting

A player's Digimon is going to be taking a lot of hits when it comes to battles in Digimon World: Next Order. That is why taking every chance possible to heal their Digimon is going to be very important - as such, the Health Runner skill will be very good for a player to unlock whenever they can (preferably sooner than later, of course).

The Health Runner is a simple skill, but it is still quite effective. In a nutshell, the more a player wanders around while they are not in a battle, the more their Digimon slowly heal; while it cannot fully replace the healing benefits that food and drinks give, it can still help save a player in a pinch if they are really out of options when it comes to healing.

1 High Defense - Full Damage Mitigation

Digimon World - Running

High Defense has been agreed upon by many players of the game Digimon World: Next Order to be one of - if not the best skill in the game for their trainer. It is not hard to see why, either; it is a skill that is focused around mitigating damage from an enemy attack.

In a nutshell, High Damage will end up completely mitigating the damage from an enemy attack if activated properly. However, properly blocking against the enemy attack will be entirely on the player - if they mess up and get hit, their Digimon will still take the brunt of the damage; despite that, though, High Damage is one of the best skills in the game for good reason.

Digimon World Next Order is available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, and Microsoft Windows.

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