Digimon World Next Order is heavily inspired by the first Digimon World and the original Digimon V-Pets in many respects, with the game offering players a number of different Digi Eggs to hatch and raise at the beginning of the game. Since players get two digimon, and thus two eggs, the number of options might be a little overwhelming for new players. This guide will explain each egg, what can be found within, and suggest some good starting options.

Digimon World Next Order allows players a great deal of freedom in how their Digimon develop their skills and stats, allowing players to create a dynamic duo to suit their playstyle. Certain Digimon are naturally better suited to certain roles due to their evolution requirements, so this guide will take that into account when making suggestions and providing advice. For the sake of simplicity, the eggs in this guide will be named after the in-training stage Digimon they produce.

RELATED: Digimon World Next Order is Coming To Nintendo Switch

The Koromon Egg

Digimon World_Next Order_Koromon Egg

This Egg is an excellent all-rounder pick that hatches into Botamon and then quickly becomes Koromon. Koromon can then evolve into five different Digimon depending on stat development and other key factors, which can be viewed from the menu since all rookie requirements are revealed automatically.

Koromon can become Agumon, Toyagumon, Agumon (Black), Veemon, and Shoutmon. The majority of these digimon perform well as damage dealers with tanky builds and can evolve further into some excellent champions such as Greymon, Birdramon, Tyrannomon, Meramon, and Exveemon. Shoutmon can be unlocked by recruiting him to join the city, and recruiting Omnishoutmon makes him a possible evolution for Shoutmon.

Tsunomon Egg

Digimon World_Next Order_Tsunomon Egg

This egg is another excellent all-rounder that hatches into Punimon, who then quickly becomes Tsunomon. From here, it can digivolve further into Gabumon, Gaomon, Psychemon, Gabumon (Black), and Gumdramon.

These guys are excellent attackers that can eventually become digimon like Garurumon, Stingmon, Gaogamon, and Leomon. Gumdramon can become Arresterdramon, but both Arresterdramon and Gumdramon itself must be unlocked by recruiting NPC versions of them to join the city before evolution becomes possible.

Tokomon Egg

Digimon World_Next Order_Tokomon Egg

This egg hatches into Poyomon who soon becomes Tokomon. This egg is an excellent source of Digimon who will end up with high wisdom stats and MP, making them excellent for unleashing powerful attack and support skills. There are also a few strength-focused options here, which can be helpful.

Tokomon can become Patamon, Biyomon, Tsukaimon, Hackmon, and Lucemon. Hackmon must be unlocked by recruiting him to the city first, and Lucemon has obscenely high stat requirements that make him difficult on a first attempt, but this egg still provides access to some very powerful options at rookie and champion level. Some notable options are Angemon, Devimon, Birdramon, Growlmon (Orange), and Veedramon.

Nyaromon Egg

Digimon World_Next Order_Nyaromon Egg

This Digi Egg is another Wisdom, speed, and MP-focused set of Digimon, initially hatching into Snowbotamon before digivolving into Nyaromon. From here it offers access to Salamon, Snowagumon, Renamon, Biyomon, and Lucemon. As mentioned before Lucemon is difficult early in the game, but the remaining options are excellent, with champion forms including Kyubimon, Kabuterimon, Sorcerimon, Gatomon, and Birdramon. This is a good mix of speedy attackers and high wisdom skill specialists, making for a very well-rounded set of Digimon.

Motimon Egg

Digimon World_Next Order_Motimon Egg

This Digiegg is another well-balanced Digi Egg, with a slight lean toward the speed, HP, and stamina stats. It initially hatches into Pabumon, who becomes Motimon, and can then digivolve into Tentomon, Wormmon, Gotsumon, Hackmon, and Hagurumon.

From here champion forms such as Kabuterimon, Kuwagamon, Ogremon, Bombernanimon, Monochromon, Stingmon, and Guardromon can be reached. These are mostly Digimon with good defensive and HP stats, with a few speedy options too, making any of them a safe bet for the early game.

Gigimon Egg

Digimon World_Next Order_Gigimon Egg

This Digiegg has a good mix of attackers with high strength, along with HP and Stamina-focused Digimon. Starting as Jyarimon who evolves into Gigimon, it can digivolve further into Guilmon, Goblimon, Hagurumon, Solarmon, Gotsumon, or Shoutmon.

From there, players can expect to see champions like Growlmon, Tyrannomon, Ogremon, Birdramon, Guardromon (Gold), and Monochromon. There are strong attackers and sturdy defenders aplenty among these options, with players further into the game being able to grab Shoutmon and then Omnishoutmon too.

Gummymon Egg

Digimon World_Next Order_Gummymon Egg

Zerimon hatches from this egg initially, before Digivolving into Gummymon. This egg is another well-rounded assortment of Digimon, though they typically have a leaning toward stamina, HP, and MP. Gummymon can become Terriermon, Toyagumon, Clearagumon, Hagurumon, and Gaomon.

From these rookies champions like Gargomon, Ikkakumon, Guardromon, Gaogamon, Angemon, Ogremon, and Tankmon can be expected, providing a good mix of defensive and offensive options.

Kokomon Egg

Digimon World_Next Order_Kokomon Egg

Conomon hatches from this egg before digivolving into Kokomon. This cute little blob is a mixed bag of options with plenty of potential, with the ability to digivolve into Lopmon, Demidevimon, Shamamon, Toyagumon (Black), and Wormmon. These guys have a variety of different required stats, meaning the Kokomon egg can lead to a wide range of solid rookie and champion forms.

Among the champion options here are Greymon (Blue), Kyubimon (Silver), Turuiemon, Wizardmon, Sorcerimon, and Devimon. This offers a solid assortment of Digimon which put emphasis on different stats.

Bukamon Egg

Digimon World_Next Order_Bukamon Egg

Pichimon hatches from this egg, before becoming Bukamon. Another good all-rounder egg with several water-themed Digimon options, Bukamon can become Gomamon, Veemon, Snowgoblimon, Clearagumon, and Gumdramon. These can become some fantastic champion digimon such as Ikkakumon, Exveemon, Veedramon, Kyubimon (Silver), and Seadramon.

Tanemon Egg

Digimon World_Next Order_Tanemon Egg

The plant-themed egg hatches into Yuramon and then quickly becomes Tanemon. Tanemon can then become any of Palmon, Renamon, Aruraumon, Goblimon, and Demidevimon. These tend towards MP and Wisdom stats for the most part and can develop further into Togemon, Kyubimon, Devimon, Blackgatomon, Veggiemon, Stingmon, and Sorcerimon. These are mostly speedy MP focused Digimon, with a few strength/stamina specialists available too, so this can be a great general-purpose Digi Egg.

New players can't really go wrong with any of the options, but the Koromon and Tsunomon eggs work well together, and players wanting tankier early Digimon should consider the Motimon or Gummymon eggs.

Digimon World: Next Order is available now for PS4, and is coming soon to Nintendo Switch and PC.