Minor spoilers ahead for Digimon Survive's Karma SystemCritic reviews are not out yet for Digimon Survive, but early impressions by those who have picked it up seem top-notch. It's perhaps more of a visual novel than some expected, but its turn-based tactical combat is also a nice element. How Digimon Survive is ultimately received is still in the air, but it's definitely off to a good start, with the game even trending online as fans celebrated its release.

Digimon Survive has several mechanics that tie closely together: the chapter structure, the karma system, the choices tied to those, and the digivolution path of its Digimon. However, there is one simplification of this path that undermines some of these elements.

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Digimon Survive's Karma System Is Too Obvious


Digimon Survive's Karma system deeply influences the direction of the game; there are three categories: Moral, Harmony, and Wrathful. The first is a focus on being just and doing the right thing, the second is about being at one with friends and Digimon, and the other is focused on achieving the objective through direct action. Some choices are not tied to these elements, but they clearly impact the chapter structure. The game deviates around chapter 8 through the ending, with each ending corresponding with one of the corresponding karma paths. Furthermore, choosing the Moral path results in more Vaccine-type Digimon, Harmony with Data type Digimon, and Wrathful with Virus type Digimon.

Yet, immediately from the onset, the Karma system is too easy to see through. When players are faced with three choices in Digimon Survive, the left one is always Moral, the top one is always Wrathful, and the right one is always Harmony. This breaks immersion because these choices could be more varied and focused on reacting to the events and the context, instead of just picking a side in these moments. Once a player realizes this, it becomes too easy to break Digimon Survive down into a Moral playthrough, a Harmony playthrough, and a Wrathful playthrough. If these choices moved around and less direct, it would make the choices feel more natural instead of checking off a box for a playthrough style, but that's what it boils down to.

Of course, as it stands right now, the direct impact of the many choices themselves in Digimon Survive has yet to be revealed. Its dark, dark story is no doubt enticing for fans, but this takes away from that immersion in Digimon Survive's setting.

Digimon Survive is available now for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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