Table of contents

Digimon Survive's 7th Part follows the group as they advance into the enemy base in search of a way home, and the trials and tribulations they face in the process.

Digimon Survive Part 7 begins with Arukenimon reporting to the cloaked figure seen at the beginning of Part 4, who makes it clear that further failures will not be tolerated, and the "Maiden" must be captured.

RELATED: Digimon Survive Walkthrough: Prologue

The School - Opening


Takuma wakes up groggy, and Minoru asks him to try remembering what they're planning to do today.


Moral +1

The western base.

Harmony +1

The enemy base.

Wrathful +1

Minoru calls it the "Day of the Final Battle," and the game moves into Free Action.

The School - Free Action

This Free Action period gives players 7 moves to work with.

Free Battle

The Free Battle at the School Area allows players to encounter Gotsumon, Dokugumon, Gazimon, Fangmon, Betamon, and Tuskmon. The Free Battle at the Forest Area allows players to encounter Birdramon, Meramon, Fangmon, Diatrymon, Dokugumon, and Numemon.

Old School


Agumon can be spoken to at the Old School to trigger a conversation about keeping the "idea of [him] in your mind" alive. This causes Takuma to consider what aspect of Agumon stands out to him the most.


Moral +1

Partner and protector.

Harmony +1

A simple, kind friend.

Wrathful +1

Afterward, he gives Takuma a Perfect Enlightenment Slab.



Miu can be found in the Corridor with Syakomon. She's concerned her brother might get himself into trouble by being reckless during the upcoming march on the enemy base. She'd like Takuma to speak to Kaito about it for her.

Talk to him.

Miu Affinity Up!

Not talk to him.

No Effect.

Keep an eye on him.

No Effect.


Minoru and Falcomon are in the Classroom, where Minoru and Falcomon will thank Takuma and Agumon for helping them work things out during Part 6.

Classic Minoru move!

No Effect.

Don't mention it.

No Effect.

You're welcome.

Minoru Affinity Up!

Music Room

Digimon Survive_Walkthrough_Part 7_Haru Miyuki Music Room

Haru and Miyuki are in the Music Room like normal, Where Haru will suggest staying behind with Miyuki for the sake of her safety.

We gotta get home.

Moral +1

It's dangerous to stay!

Harmony +1

What does she want?

Wrathful +1

Ultimately, regardless of the choice made Haru and Miyuki will end up agreeing to come with the group. Haru gives Takuma 5 Great Growth Stones after this, which can be used to give a Digimon a ton of extra experience instantly.


Digimon Survive_Walkthrough_Part 7_Aoi Cafeteria

Aoi and Labramon are found in the Cafeteria. Aoi is understandably nervous about the upcoming battle, so Takuma tries to boost her confidence.

No time to worry.

No Effect.

I'll handle it.

Aoi Affinity Up!

We'll be fine.

No Effect.


Saki is found here, wondering about the true motives of Arukenimon and the other enemy Digimon.

Are you stressed?

No Effect.

Might be some reason.

No Effect.


Saki Affinity Up!

Woods by School

Kaito can be found here with Dracmon, seeming really fired up about storming the enemy base. He suggests Takuma try training if he doesn't feel ready yet.

Don't put that on me.

No Effect.

I can't believe it.

No Effect.

I won't let you down.

Kaito Affinity Up!

Woods by Shrine

Falcomon can be found in the Woods by the Shrine, where he'll give Takuma the Gale Storm equippable skill if spoken to. This costs a move. He also asks Takuma to keep an eye on Minoru for him, since he tends to bottle up his fears.

Minoru will be fine.

Moral +1

Got it.

Harmony +1

I need his help.

Wrathful +1


Check the grass patch at the Shrine to meet a Tentomon. Takuma can recruit it to the team if the right choice is made here.

Stay back!

No Effect.

It's dangerous here.

No Effect.

Come with us?

Tentomon joins the team.

Recruiting Tentomon doesn't take an action, and he can be a very handy addition to the team with a bit of time spent leveling him up.

RELATED: Digimon Survive: How To Keep Everyone Alive

Spider Lily Forest - The Professor

Digimon Survive_Walkthrough_Part 7_Professor Forest

When there are only 3 moves left, the game will force players to go and speak to the Professor at the Spider Lily Forest. He's headed to the Shrine to look for useful information about Kemonogami. This encounter doesn't spend a move.

Old School - 2

Miu and Syakomon move here after Takuma encounters the Professor. Speaking to Miu reveals that she and Syakomon saw some kind of creature nearby, eating nuts. She then receives one of those garbled texts and the scene ends.

Classroom - 2

Digimon Survive_Walkthrough_Part 7_Minoru and Kaito

After the Professor encounter in the Spider Lily Forest Minoru will be joined by Kaito and Dracmon in the Classroom. Speaking to either of them will trigger a conversation where Kaito and Minoru team up to make Takuma feel bad about not being ready to leave yet.

I'm actually nervous.

No Effect.

Just looking around.

No Effect.

How's everyone doing?

No Effect.

Gym - 2

Digimon Survive_Walkthrough_Part 7_Saki Nuts

After speaking to the Professor, Aoi and Saki can be found together in the Gym. Some nuts have gone missing, and after joking about Takuma stealing them Saki gives him one of the leftover bags.

RELATED: Digimon Survive Walkthrough: Part 5

The Story Continues

Digimon Survive_Walkthrough_Part 7_Shrine

Takuma heads to meet up with the others for breakfast, and they gather outside to set off for the enemy base. Takuma notices the Professor hasn't arrived and heads over to the Inner Shrine to look for him. Eventually, Takuma finds him in a lower floor of the Inner Shrine, humming a familiar tune.

Takuma takes this opportunity to ask the Professor about one of three topics.

That tune he hummed.

Moral +1


Harmony +1


Wrathful +1

The player is able to continue asking the Professor questions until all three have been asked, increasing all three karma stats by 1. Takuma then shows the Professor the photo of Haru and Miyuki. The Professor says that the photo is of him as a child, and his sister. How curious.

Unfortunately, the Professor is still having trouble with his memories of the past, so Takuma tries to come up with a way to calm him down.

Let's go back there.

Moral +1

Please relax a little.

Harmony +1

Let's talk with Haru.

Wrathful +1

After this, the group heads to the Waterway to begin their journey to the enemy base.

Digimon Survive_Walkthrough_Part 7_Arukenimon Ambush

Unfortunately, Arukenimon arrives to ambush the group in the Waterway, but she seems troubled by something, which Takuma can use as an opportunity to act.

Find a way to escape.

Moral +1

Ask for cooperation.

Harmony +1

Let's Fight!

Wrathful +1

Unfortunately, Arukenimon isn't in the mood to negotiate and a battle quickly begins.

Waterway - Arukenimon Fight

Digimon Survive_Walkthrough_Part 7_Arukenimon Ambush 2

This battle is against Arukenimon and her remaining minions, which are mostly Dokugumon. The map is the same as the one used in earlier Waterway fights, with Arukenimon hiding out in the top left corner. Deploy vaccine attribute Digimon to take advantage of the weakness of every enemy in the map, especially if the Digimon deployed can use fire attacks.

The chest in the bottom left, most easily accessed by flying, contains a Sonic Void. The chest ahead of the starting area contains a Nightmare.

Clear out as many Dokugumon as possible before advancing on Arukenimon, but try to keep the group together when advancing on Arukenimon as she is surprisingly strong this time. Mid-fight it will be revealed that her true target is Miyuki, who the Professor and Haru are trying to protect. Arukenimon has incredibly high attack stats due to a pair of Vexing Potency Crystals she has equipped, and her only weakness is light element attacks. If Crowmon has been unlocked as an evolution for Falcomon, its attacks will be excellent for damaging Arukenimon.

RELATED: Digimon Survive: Where to Find Every Percieved Memory

Rescuing Miyuki

Digimon Survive_Walkthrough_Part 7_Arukenimon Renamon VS

Unfortunately, Arukenimon manages to grab Miyuki and run after the fight, and Haru rushes off to find them on his own. The group follows Arukenimon with caution at the Professor's insistence, in case Arukenimon was able to lay traps during her escape. The camera will be useful for checking for traps along the way.

Check with the camera at each visited location to identify that dozens of Digimon have been killed along the path, possibly by Arukenimon or a new, unknown threat.

After gaining access to the Residential Ruins a Free Battle opens up too, allowing players to encounter Deltamon, Diatrymon, Gotsumon, Dokugumon, Biyomon, and Meramon.

Head to the Residential Ruins to meet the likely suspect of all this death, Renamon. Renamon has cut a bloody path through Arukenimon's minions to rescue Miyuki.

Help Renamon.

Moral +1

Distract Arukenimon.

Harmony +1

Ignore Renamon.

Wrathful +1

Regardless of the choice made, the group ends up having to fight Arukenimon.

Residential Ruins - Arukenimon Battle

Digimon Survive_Walkthrough_Part 7_Arukenimon Clean Dressing

This fight takes place in the familiar map from Part 6's various battles, with Arukenimon waiting at the far end to engage the party. Grab the chest on the right-hand path to acquire a Clean Dressing, and advance as a group towards Arukenimon. Kabuterimon and Kuwagamon will make another appearance once the group gets a little closer to Arukenimon, but they're no trickier than before if players bring fire elemental attacks to fight them with.

Arukenimon is also around the same strength as in her last fight, so players should use the same tactics as before to quickly take her down. Renamon is strong and provides extra damage during the fight.

In the aftermath the group is able to get Miyuki away from Arukenimon, and Takuma takes the opportunity to attempt interrogating her.

The Boundary.

Moral +1

The Maiden.

Harmony +1

How to get back home.

Wrathful +1

Arukenimon lets sip a single piece of information before the hooded figure she reports to arrives. Revealing himself to be Piedmon, he executes Arukenimon for her failure before dragging Miyuki away through a portal. Renamon refuses to stick with the group as they continue their attempt to rescue Miyuki, vanishing into the distance to attempt their own rescue.

RELATED: Digimon Survive: How New Game + Works

Exploration - The Factory

The group arrives at the Factory soon enough and split up to search for an entrance, beginning the exploration phase.

Free Battle

The Factory Free Battle allows players to encounter Monzaemon, Etemon, Megidramon, Gigadramon, Magnaangemon, Angewomon, Triceramon, and Zudomon.

Factory Exterior

Digimon Survive_Walkthrough_Part 7_Factory Minoru

Minoru is at the Factory Exterior, where he suggests using the Camera to search the area. This reveals three Mature Enlightenment Slabs, and gives players the opportunity to boost their affinity with Minoru.

You noticed, Agumon?

No effect.

I knew what we'd find.

No Effect.

Thank you too, Minoru.

Minoru Affinity Up!


Digimon Survive_Walkthrough_Part 7_Factory Saki 1

Saki can be found at the Factory, where Floramon notes she's handling the situation better than she used to.

She's less selfish?

No Effect.

She grew up?

No Effect.

She's kinder now?

Saki Affinity Up!

Factory 1F

Digimon Survive_Walkthrough_Part 7_Factory Miu 1

Miu and Syakomon are here. Miu is managing things well despite her fear, which Syakomon notes.

I'm proud of you.

Miu Affinity Up!

That's great, Miu!

No Effect.

Look out! A snake!

No Effect.

Factory 2F

Aoi and Labramon are here, and speaking to Aoi will reveal she is anxious about what's happening with Haru and Miyuki.

Traces of Miyuki.

No Effect.

Traces of Renamon.

Aoi Affinity Up!

Traces of Piedmon.

No Effect.

Factory 2F South

Kaito and Dracmon are here, discussing the new threat that Piedmon poses to the group.

Hasn't changed a bit.

Kaito Affinity Up!

Has changed.

No Effect.

Still has a way to go.

No Effect.

Factory Exterior - The Professor

Digimon Survive_Walkthrough_Part 7_Factory Professor 1

After triggering three events, the Professor is found here. He theorizes that Miyuki's role as a "Maiden" right be similar to the role of Shrine Maidens in the past.

Hear the gods?

Moral +1

Serve the gods?

Harmony +1

Sing to the gods?

Wrathful +1

This causes many of the Professor's memories to come flooding back, and he explains more about Miyuki and the Minase family. Haru arrives, angrily declaring that he will be the one to save Miyuki, and then leaves as quickly as he appeared. The Professor takes some time to rest.

RELATED: Digimon Survive: How To Get Every Route

Free Battle 2

After triggering the event with the Professor at the Factory Exterior, the Free Battle changes to feature Tuskmon, Triceramon, Birdramon, Garudamon, Deltamon, and Gigadramon.

Factory - 2

Digimon Survive_Walkthrough_Part 7_Factory Saki 2

Saki is still here, and checking in with her will have her comment that the group might find a way home soon, but mentions that Takuma might have to wait awhile after they get back before they'll see her again.

That's too bad.

No Effect.

What do you mean?

No Effect.

Whenever is fine.

Saki Affinity Up!

Factory 1F - 2

Digimon Survive_Walkthrough_Part 7_Factory Miu 2

Miu and Syakomon are still here, and speaking to Miu will have her ask Takuma to keep an eye on her brother in the coming battle.

This isn't the time.

No Effect.

Leave it to me!

Miu Affinity Up!

Let's both watch him.

No Effect.

Factory 2F - 2

Aoi and Labramon are still here. Check-in with Aoi, and she'll reveal a strange mark she found on the wall.

Keep it up!

Aoi Affinity Up!

Did I embarrass you?

No Effect.

You're doing great.

No Effect.

Factory 2F South - 2

Kaito and Dracmon are here. Chat with him, and he'll ask what Takuma thinks of him and Miu.

You don't trust her.

No Effect.

She's very important.

No Effect.

You're overprotective.

Kaito Affinity Up!

Factory Exterior - Professor 2

Digimon Survive_Walkthrough_Part 7_Factory Garurumon 1

After three more events have been triggered the Professor will reappear at the Factory Exterior. He has located a hidden passage behind debris outside the factory. The Professor muses about the song he and Miyuki know, but is interrupted by the sound of Haru from somewhere inside. Garurumon is blocking the way to Miyuki, and Haru is quick to suggest he take revenge on the Professor, since he is the source of Garurumon's ire.

Ask Agumon for help.

Moral +1

Jump in front.

Harmony +1

Try a surprise attack.

Wrathful +1

Garurumon hesitates, but Haru's goading leads him to attack Haru instead, before turning his attention to the party.

RELATED: Digimon Survive: How To Get Every Digimon

Garurumon Battle

Digimon Survive_Walkthrough_Part 7_Factory Garurumon Battle

With the party gathered the battle with Garurumon begins. The path to Garurumon is strewn with Gazimon, who shouldn't pose much of a threat at this point, but players wanting to get everything from this map will need to bring a flying unit. Head right from the start and up onto the scaffolding to grab an Acceleration Charge+ from the chest, which is a buff that raises the movement of a Digimon by two squares.

Fly across the broken bridge on the right side of the map to reach the chests on the far right, which contain a Grand Rock and an Unsealing Light Crystal.

Kabuterimon and Kuwagamon will show themselves once a Digimon heads for those two chests, but they're no trickier than they were in the last fight. Garurumon, on the other hand, is a tough mobility Digimon whose Attack Charge continues to make him a little troublesome, along with his speed-boosting Fox Fire attack. His weakness to water should be exploited wherever possible.

Battle Aftermath

With Garurumon bested, the group will try to talk him down.

Believe in destiny.

Moral +1

He's on your side.

Harmony +1

We need a truce.

Wrathful +1

Garurumon doesn't quite agree yet but does acknowledge that the party beat him and stand down for now. The group leaves the unconscious Haru with Garurumon for now, and set off to rescue Miyuki.

The Sacrifice - Piedmon Battle

Digimon Survive_Walkthrough_Part 7_Factory Sacrifice

Arriving at the Altar, the group finds Piedmon preparing to sacrifice Miyuki to The Master. This quickly turns into the Chapter's final battle. The goal is simply to defeat Piedmon, but taking some time to navigate around the map and open all the chests is very much worthwhile.

Players should send a couple of Digimon to head behind the starting point and up the stairs on the left to take down the two Meramon and crack open the chest. Water element attacks are ideal for this, so sending Shellmon or Mermaimon up here can be good. The chest contains an Anti-Confusion Crystal.

Sending some Digimon to climb over to the right-hand side of the map and grab the chest there is also a valuable excursion, though Skullgreymon will head in that direction and can prove challenging. Skullgreymon is a powerful all-rounder whose Oblivion Bird attack can inflict sleep and reduce defenses, along with having access to Aura for easy AOE healing. It's greatest weaknesses are Light and Water elemental attacks.

The chest in the lower-right section of the map contains a Perfect Enlightenment Slab. Opening it causes a Kiwimon and Ikakumon to appear as an ambush. Kiwimon is weak to fire and Ikkakumon is weak to earth. Use a Virus Digimon to take out Kiwimon and a Data Digimon to handle Ikkakumon. An Anti-Freeze Crystal is guarded by Guardromon in the upper right section of the map.

By this point players will be drawing close to Piedmon, and starting to attack them will trigger a cutscene. The fog is encroaching on Miyuki's position and time is running short, and the Professor's rescue attempt is thwarted by Piedmon. Garurumon, to everyone's surprise, comes to his rescue, and the Professor asks his "Fated Kemonogami" for help one last time.

Digimon Survive_Walkthrough_Part 7_Weregarurumon

Evolving to ultimate, Weregarurumon joins the fight as an allied unit, supplying extra damage and acting as a powerful physical combatant. Piedmon is a virus Digimon who resists all elements except Light and can heal himself with X-Heal. His Trump Sword always hits from behind the target, and he randomly reduces his target's stats whenever he attacks. Hit him with Light Elemental attacks from vaccine Digimon to burn through his health faster, and take advantage of stat reducing and stat boosting moves to take him out as quickly as possible.

The Aftermath

Digimon Survive_Walkthrough_Part 7_Rescue Attempt

Despite the victory, the encroaching mists have reached Miyuki and it seems all is lost. Takuma dives for the Altar in a last ditch effort to save her, and vanishes with her. Garurumon leaves the group again for now, and the scene switches to Takuma in a strange, otherworldly, space. A voice from below speaks cryptically, but Takuma is pulled out of harm's way by a familiar voice.

In a familiar classroom, Agumon, Takuma, and Miyuki are reunited. Miyuki reveals her silence all this time was due to half her soul being stolen by The Master, and that The Master would have taken all of it were it not for Haru's protection. Miyuki sings her song, and everyone vanishes into a brilliant light as the Part ends.

Digimon Survive is available now for PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Digimon Survive Complete Guide & Walkthrough