
  • Digimon Survive showed the potential for the series to take new directions in its gameplay and storytelling.
  • Despite similarities with Pokemon, Digimon's unique features allow for darker and riskier storytelling.
  • Future Digimon games can learn from Survive's creativity by continuing to experiment with new styles and themes.

Digimon Survive was a new direction for Digimon to take, and it could indicate an effective path for the series future. While not the most successful game to come out of the franchise, Digimon Survive is far and away one of the most distinctive titles in Digimon's library. In its wake, Digimon has several directions that it can go, especially in the realm of video games. Digimon Survive on its own showed how versatile the series has the potential to be. Digimon Survive can offer several hints towards that kind of game the series could come out with next.

Despite the old rivalry between Digimon and Pokemon, the two franchises have a lot of details that set them apart. The main similarity between the two is that both involve collecting monsters that can fight and have a name ending in "mon". Aside from that, there is a world of differences. The games' typing systems are dramatically different, as is the way that they handle evolution. Outside of general turn-based RPG skills, there are not a lot of tactics that directly translate from one series to the other. Despite how big the debate was for a while, Pokemon and Digimon are two entirely different franchises.

Digimon World: Next Order is Perfect for the Switch

The Switch release for 2016’s Digimon World: Next Order has the opportunity to showcase the game's features in a way new to even seasoned fans.

Digimon Survive Has Several Lessons For Future Installments

Digimon Survive Mixed RPG Combat With Visual Novel Aesthetics

It goes without saying that Digimon Survive's visual novel gameplay set it apart from past titles. While the game is still an RPG in terms of its battle system, its storytelling unfolds in the visual novel portion, making it a fusion of the genres. While RPGs are the standard for Digimon games, the visual novel element was a new twist that gave the game a more unique identity. After that first attempt, another Digimon game could further refine the format. Another attempt at a Digimon visual novel could be a chance for the writers to tell an even more gripping story.

Digimon Survive Took Major Risks With its Dark Story

In addition to the new gameplay style, Digimon Survive showed that Digimon can take risks Pokemon cannot. While Pokemon has shown the ability to edge into darker territory at times, it couldn't go anywhere near what Digimon Survive offers. Digimon Survive is an intense game that spends a lot of time in straight-up horror territory. While future Digimon games don't have to go quite that dark again, there is now more than enough evidence that the games can get dark and scary if they need to. As long as the stories are written well, this range could be a useful tool in Digimon's arsenal.

Another attempt at a Digimon visual novel could be a chance for the writers to tell an even more gripping story.

The Next Digimon Game Can learn a Lot From Digimon Survive's Creativity

The next Digimon game doesn't even need to necessarily follow Digimon Survive in tone. As an iconic series about collecting monsters, Digimon has had its place in the public consciousness for decades. As long as the games continue to be quality offerings, that is unlikely to change. Even without the Digimon Survive's darkness, exploring more mature themes and experimenting with new styles of storytelling are both ideas that could prove lucrative for future Digimon titles. By focusing on the areas where they can further set themselves apart from the competition, Digimon's upcoming titles can have a greater impact for the franchise.

Digimon may not be quite as big a name as it once was, but the series still has a lot to offer. Hopefully, the legacy of Digimon Survive will be how much the franchise can innovate and create new, interesting adventures. Between Digimon Survive and the Digimon Cyber Story titles, the series has been showing off its flexibility and willingness to explore new ground, and that's something that could be a major boon for the franchise. After Digimon Survival, Digimon should embrace the new storytelling possibilities that lay before it.

digimon survive
Digimon Survive

Digimon Survive is an ambitious title that meshes together the genres of Visual Novels and Strategy games into one package. The end result is a great storyline-driven adventure that should appeal to fans of the series while also offering a good experience for strategy game fans.