Digimon Survive has been a long anticipated new title in the franchise, one that faced several delays during its development. Now, the game is finally available, and fans have been talking about it across social media. One thing that has been a hang-up for potential buyers is the fact that there are no critic reviews available, as of this writing. This is because review codes were sent out late, and Digimon Survive takes 40+ hours to beat.

However, many fans have still been diving into it, exploring its Visual novel elements, RTS gameplay, and karma system. The 48-hour wait time for website Metacritic has lifted, and many user reviews for Digimon Survive have been pouring in.

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It should be noted that Steam still has the most reviews for Digimon Survive to date, with over 600 reviews pouring in. Some of these have players who've put in 20/30+ hours since its release, and its reviews are mostly positive on the platform. However, the early user reviews on Metacritic, post 48-hour hold, is another story.

digimon survive steam

The Metacritic reviews are far less favorable, with as of this writing, the PC version have an aggregate score of 4.1, the PS4 at 4.1, the Switch at 5.2, and the Xbox One at 2.1. It should be noted that, generally speaking, user reviews are much more volatile in terms of aggegrate scores because anyone can submit a review. Oftentimes, even, these are full of spam reviews that only hurt the game. It doesn't seem Digimon Survive is being review bombed, as the effort isn't near concentrated enough for that specific term, but there are a variety of first impressions here.

Some reviews, for example, take aim at the Visual Novel element of the entry, wishing the game didn't take this route. Others have submitted more apt criticism of its Visual Novel elements, while others praise its particular approach. There's a lot of back and forth, but in most cases, it does seem that there are more negative user reviews of Digimon Survive on Metacritic than there are positive.

digimon survive pc metacritic
digimon survive ps4 metacritic
digimon survive switch metacritic
digimon survive xbox one metacritic

For those still on the fence, it's worth noting that perhaps these would not be the best reviews to go by. Again, Steam has more obvious data such as time played that can be taken into consideration, and many critics are currently playing through Digimon Survive for reviews. Because of the length of the game and the seemingly knee-jerk reaction here (given the 48 hours here), it's hard to say how much any of these reviews have experienced of the game. On-the-fence fans should perhaps wait on critic reviews, as its overall reception is hard to tell from this and this alone.

Digimon Survive is available now for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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