The post-apocalyptic world of Digimon Survive is populated with several Digimon who are ready to follow a player on a journey of exploration. Since the game's release, players have been on a mission to recruit as many Digimon as possible to give them the best chances of winning in this tactical role-playing game. There are over 100 different Digimon in Digimon Survive for players to choose from, each equipped with its unique Digivolutions. These Digivolutions differ in levels of power and skill, so some Digimon are more powerful than others.

With these Digivolutions, base-level Digimon whose attributes might not be so valued can suddenly become coveted. Some of these Digimon specialize in specific skills and are masters of their craft, while others are more well-rounded. Strategy is an integral component of the game, as stacking the most powerful Digimon on paper is not enough to guarantee combat victories. Several fans have reported their frustration at losing games despite having very powerful Digimon. As a Digimon Survive player, knowing what Digimon to apply in specific combat situations could be the difference between a glorious win and a painful loss in a battle against other Digimon.

RELATED: Every Digimon Available in Digimon Survive


archangel digimon with a purple blade.

Omegamon: Omegamon is a Mega Level Digimon of the Warrior, Holy Knight, and Holy Warrior types. It is the strongest Digimon in terms of raw power in the game, equipped with the ability to wreak havoc and destroy everything in its path. Omegamon is also the only Digimon available in the game with the Super Ultimate Form, making it almost godlike and placing it head and shoulders above every other Digimon in Digimon Survive. Players can choose to employ Omegamon as a brute force weapon and feature it as the star of their battle deck or to keep it as a trump card when in trouble. Either way, having Omegamon in a deck raises a player's chances of winning a duel by several figures.

MagnaAngemon: Another Mega Level Digimon, MagnaAngemon is of the Holy Dragon type. Players can wait till Digimon Survive's third chapter to unlock MagnaAngemon or slowly evolve it from Patamon. Digivolving a base character to reach its Ultimate form is hard work, but MagnaAngemon is one of the few Digimon that makes the grinding effort worth it due to its status as one of the most powerful Perfect Digimon in the game.


megaseadramon digimon survive

Mega Seadramon: Mega Seadramon is an Ultimate Level Digimon of the Sea Animal type. Most popular in the game's events for getting defeated by Lopmon's Digivolution, Wendigomon, Mega Seadramon is a slightly weaker version of Metal Seadramon. It is a Perfect level Blue/Water card in the game with HP stats of 1870.

Holy Angemon: Holy Angemon is an Ultimate Level Digimon of the Angel, High Angel, and Archangel types. It has a more powerful evolution in Seraphimon, which is in the S-Tier. Holy Angemon is a Green/Nature card with powerful and highly effective attacks, making it a popular choice among Digimon Survive players.

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Digimon Survive_Floramon Evolution Digivolution Vegiemon

Vegiemon: Of the Champion Level, Vegiemon is of the Vegetation, Insectivorous Plant, Carnivorous Vegetation, and Carnivorous Plant types, equipped with the Virus attribute. Vegiemon has balanced attacking and defensive stats, although it is slightly more defensively capable.

Tyrannomon: Players love using dinosaurs in every game they can get it. Tyrannomon is popular because it is a Champion Level Digimon of the Dinosaur type. The Tyrannomon is a deadly weapon offensively, and players use it for quick, effective strikes at the enemy.



Togemon: Also of the Champion Level, Togemon is a Vegetation type Digimon. With very balanced offensive and defensive stats, Togemon is a sturdy choice for players to equip their decks while they search for better Digimon.

Ikkakumon: Another Champion Level Digimon of the Sea Animal and Sea Beast types, Ikkakumon is just as sturdy as Togemon, with slightly more offensive capabilities. It can Digivolve to Zudomon, a powerful two-legged Sea Beast, presenting a good investment choice for players.


Digimon Survive Agumon

Agumon: Rookies are usually swapped out as quickly as possible for better Digimon, but Agumon is the pick of the Rookie Level bunch. Of the Reptile type, Agumon also possesses the Vaccine and Virus attributes.

Dracmon: Another of the Rookie Level Digimon, Dracmon is of the Undead type. It is one of the fastest Digimon among rookies. While its power stats do not make for notable writing, its Mega form Beelzemon is powerful enough to make players grind through the Digivolutions of Dracmon.

Digimon Survive is available on PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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