Digimon Survive features an excellent story filled with references and callbacks to the Digimon anime and games, and there are tons of cool hidden details for players to find. This guide will cover some of the coolest things players can do in the game.

RELATED: Digimon Survive: Every Agumon Evolution (& How to Get Them)

Digimon Survive is a visual novel/turn-based strategy game developed by Hyde and published by Bandai Namco. It follows a group of children as they are hurled into a strange new world inhabited by monsters, in a darker take on the plot of Digimon Adventure. Meeting their fated partners, they must struggle to survive in a strange new world and, perhaps, find a way home.

6 Speed Up Combat

Digimon Survive Battle certain parts obscured

Combat in Digimon Surviverequires good positioning and use of movement and can often feel very sluggish. It is possible to speed up combat by holding down the button used to select menu options (X on PS5, A on Nintendo Switch, and Xbox), causing everything to move quickly until the button is released. It is also possible to adjust the speed of combat in the options menu, allowing players to set the speed to their preferred speed permanently.

5 Change the Difficulty Mid-Game

Digimon Survive Free Battle

The game's difficulty is usually fine at normal, but players wishing to adjust it down (or up to hard) can do so before a fight by pushing the button indicated in the bottom right of the screen on the "Start Bat." screen. This is often handy for players who feel the game isn't offering enough of a challenge on normal or when facing some of the more difficult maps found towards the end of the game on the various routes.

4 Jump Right to the Save Screen Instantly

Digimon Survive - talking to Takuma

Players can take advantage of the game's save menu shortcut to quickly save before key decisions during any visual novel sections. This is done by pushing the Y button on Nintendo Switch, the Square button on PS4 and PS5, the X button on Xbox One (and Series X/S), and the V key on PC.

This is especially handy when trying to unlock evolutions for the other characters by allowing players to quickly reload before a decision to find the option which boosts affinity. It can also be handy when approaching key decisions that impact the story, allowing players to quick-save and explore both options a little before committing.

3 Evolve free Digimon to the Mega Level Permanently


Free Digimon don't revert to their previous forms between fights or need to spend SP to evolve into more powerful forms mid-fight. This makes them very useful during battles where they can be deployed, acting as powerful units in their own right and also filling holes in party roles if no partner Digimon are available to fill those roles.

Some notable megas in terms of effectiveness are Spinomon (as the only Agumon Evolution that the player's Agumon can't get), Seraphimon (for his excellent movement and long-range special attacks), and free Digimon versions of Boultboutmon and Beelzemon to allow for fielding both at once (since they act as excellent attackers with good survivability).

2 Recruit Two Secret Partner Digimon (Spoilers for all Routes)


In addition to the main cast, there are two additional chosen and their partners who can be recruited on certain routes. Each of them is a powerful Digimon in their own right, and they make fantastic additions to the team.

Gabumon can be recruited on the Truthful and Moral routes, where he joins the team after reconciling with his partner, the Professor. He is an all-rounder with excellent stats and the ability to evolve into Garurumon, Weregarurumon, and Metalgarurumon, granting him excellent physical and special attacks.

Meanwhile, Renamon is recruited on all routes after part 10, acting as a powerful special attack-focused all-rounder with access to the evolutions Kyubimon, Taomon, and Sakuyamon. Sakuyamon's signature attack has tremendous AOE and the light element, making it quite effective against many of the foes faced in the final chapters of the game.

1 Unlock the Power of Five tremendously powerful Digimon from the Series History (Truthful Route Spoilers)

digimon survive baihumon

One of the game's best bonuses for players of new game plus is the Truthful Route, which sheds light on the history of the world the kids found themselves in while giving the player the opportunity to save everyone's lives. Alongside this, players are charged with facing off against the four Sovereign Digimon and proving themselves worthy of their power. Each of these tricky boss fights allows players to unlock one of the four Sovereign Digimon as an evolution for one of the partner Digimon and wield that power themselves.

Finally, the route allows players to face off against the oft-forgotten fifth Sovereign Digimon, Fanglongmon, in a corrupted "ruin mode." Successfully beating it allows Agumon to gain its power and evolve into Fanglongmon in its true form. Fanglongmon is incredibly strong and performs excellently in the game's optional combat challenge, "Mugen Recollection."

Digimon Survive was released on the 29th of July 2022 for PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Digimon Survive: Complete Guide and Walkthrough