Digimon fans have been waiting to play Digimon Survive for years, and unfortunately, the wait has been a long one. Digimon Survive has suffered through a rough development cycle, with the game pushed back multiple times and changing hands between various developers. After years of waiting, Digimon Survive is finally out and available for the masses, but the game's release has proven to be controversial.

Digimon Survive is currently being review bombed on Metacritic, with the PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One versions of the game all being slammed with 0/10 review scores. The main point of contention seems to be from Digimon fans who were unaware that Digimon Survive is mostly a visual novel game as opposed to a traditional turn-based RPG or strategy game. These fans aren't impressed with how much the game revolves around its cutscenes and dialogue.

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Digimon Survive has tactical RPG elements blended with its visual novel setup. The developers have been upfront that the game is primarily a visual novel experience, though, but it seems some fans feel tricked and thought the game would be different. In any case, those who enjoy Digimon Survive have helped rally the game's Metacritic scores and bring them up from the overwhelmingly negative levels they were at, so now the scores are 7.4 on Switch, 6.9 on PS4, 6.7 on PC, and 5.9 on Xbox One.

Digimon Survive Reviews

digimon survive metacritic score

Digimon Survive user reviews are about all that anyone has to go off of at this point in time. There are not many critic reviews for Digimon Survive yet, so it's possible these review bombing efforts will have a greater impact on the game's sales than these things normally do. However, all that remains to be seen. It's possible the Digimon Survive review bombing will mean nothing when it comes to the game's bottom line, so fans just have to wait and see what happens.

It will be interesting to see if the reaction to Digimon Survive influences the next Digimon video game project. It's possible the next Digimon game will move away from the visual novel aspects entirely to offer a more action-packed gaming experience, but it's also possible that fans will get a sequel to Digimon Survive instead.

Another possibility is Bandai Namco revisiting a classic Digimon game that would potentially be less divisive. There have been rumors over the years of a Digimon World remake or remaster, though nothing official to that effect has actually been announced at the time of this writing.

Digimon Survive is available now for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

MORE: Every Digimon Available in Digimon Survive

Source: Metacritic